Conservative mayoral candidate promises ‘bold ambition’ for North Yorkshire

Keane Duncan believes he has a “bold ambition” for North Yorkshire.

The 29-year-old candidate for Mayor of York and North Yorkshire is tasked with securing the position for the Conservative Party on May 2.

Mr Duncan, who is also executive councillor for highways on North Yorkshire Council, told the Stray Ferret that he believes he has the most political experience for the role.

He added that he felt the mayor was an opportunity to do politics differently.

“I’m standing to shake things up and do things differently. I think we have probably been let down by politics being the same old status quo.

“This is now an opportunity for us to wrestle control from Westminster and to secure our fair share of investment that we deserve.

“It’s a big opportunity and we have one chance to get this right. I’m standing up for all generations, my generation and the next generation.”

Keane Duncan, with Prime Minister RIshi Sunak in Ripon earlier this month.

Keane Duncan, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Ripon earlier this month.

Mr Duncan has set his stall out and made bold pledges during his campaign. They include free car-parking in towns and cities and purchasing the Grand Hotel in Scarborough for regeneration.

The promise to regenerate the hotel is probably the most radical of his plans. Mr Duncan says he has “staked his political fortunes” on the pledge, but believes it is what Scarborough needs from the mayoral role.

He said:

“I have got bold ambition for North Yorkshire. I have got big plans for our county and I think it is right that we are bold and ambitious for the county.

“Scarborough is the third largest settlement in the county and it is the most deprived town. No one can doubt that it deserves investment.

“But this is just one example of my big plans for the county. It is radical and some people think I’m slightly mad, but I think it will be key for transforming Scarborough.”

When pressed on how much the plan would cost, Mr Duncan said he did not want to “compromise discussions” with Britannia, the company which owns the Grand Hotel.

However, he promised to seek negotiations with the firm within the “first few weeks”, if elected mayor.

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Meanwhile, as the senior councillor for highways in North Yorkshire, Mr Duncan is well versed in the trials and tribulations of the transport brief.

Mr Duncan says that part of his plan for mayor would be to invest in road repairs and key infrastructure such as the A64, York Outer Ring Road and A59 Kex Gill.

He also says he is prepared to look at a bus franchising model in North Yorkshire, if there is a “robust financial case”. 

Among his other pledges include full digital connectivity and no mayoral tax for each year that he is in office, if elected mayor.

Not taking it for granted

The race to become the first elected mayor in North Yorkshire is just 10 days away.

When asked if he confident of winning the election, Mr Duncan said he is not taking anything for granted.

He said:

“I have never taken any election for granted. I’m certainly not taking this election for granted. I do not think the outcome is guaranteed.

“I am working very hard, I’m getting out there into every single corner of North Yorkshire. I have embarked on a 100-day, 1,000-stop tour of the county, listening to people in every single community.

“My message is that nowhere is going to be overlooked or forgotten if I’m elected. That message is resonating strongly.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The candidates are:

Call for retailers to get involved with Harrogate fashion show

Retailers have been called on to get involved with this year’s Harrogate fashion show.

Harrogate Business Improvement District is once again organising the event with the Stray Ferret as media partner for the second year.

The celebration of fashion will again feature a pop-up catwalk on the piazza outside the Victoria Shopping Centre on May 18.

The catwalk will feature new categories alongside favourites from last year, including wedding dresses, activewear, the summer season and clothing.

Now, Harrogate BID is set to host a meeting on April 24 at 4pm at Starling Cafe to help inform retailers on how they can get involved with the event.

Then, on Wednesday May 1, the team have organised an ‘Open Office’ day to allow those who cannot make the initial meeting to learn more about how they can take part.

The BID is also looking for models and influencers to join to help show off the Harrogate fashion offer and spread the word about the event.

Bethany Allen, business and marketing executive at Harrogate BID, said: 

“We’re really excited to be hosting the Harrogate Celebration of Fashion for a second year running after a really successful event last year.

“The event truly champions Harrogate’s retail offer but also celebrates the hospitality and professional services sector as we saw from last year’s event, with the likes of Nicholls Tyreman and Howdens Insurance taking to the stage.

“It’s a really great event to be part of with a great community feel.”

If you would like to attend the meeting on April 24, register here or contact the BID team on

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The businessman tasked with winning Labour the North Yorkshire mayoral election

David Skaith is tasked with winning York and North Yorkshire’s mayoral election for Labour in under two weeks’ time.

The York-based businessman joined the party in 2015 after becoming “fed up” with the way the country was going politically.

Born and raised in Harrogate, Mr Skaith studied at York St John University and later set up his men’s clothing brand, Winstons of York, in the city. He has run the business for eight years.

After an unsuccessful campaign to win a seat on Labour-run City of York Council in 2023, he is now tasked with making the first Mayor of York and North Yorkshire a Labour one.

In an interview with the Stray Ferret, he says he sees the role as one that is more business-orientated, rather than political.

He said:

“I wanted to stand because I see it as different to a traditional political role, such as an MP or a councillor.

“It lends itself to someone who has come from a business background. It’s a job that is about representing York and North Yorkshire, showing leadership and bringing organisations together.”

Mr Skaith meets Lilla Bathurst, Ripon BID manager, on a visit to Ripon.

Mr Skaith meets Lilla Bathurst, Ripon BID manager, on a visit to Ripon.

Mr Skaith, who is also chair of the York High Street Forum, has focussed many of his pledges on helping people and businesses.

Inspired by a similar scheme in neighbouring West Yorkshire, he has promised to introduce a cost of living support fund to help those who are struggling financially.

He has also announced that his term as mayor would also include a high street fund which will be designed to support businesses financially and strategically.

“That [the high street fund] is going to bring in support and investment to support our high streets across the region.

“I know growing up in Harrogate that Harrogate town centre is not maybe where it was a few years ago. A lot of town centres and high streets are the same, even in York as well.”

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Mr Skaith says he is confident going into the election May 2.

He points to the resurgence of Labour in the national polls, plus the fact that the party has mayors in West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.

Mr Skaith says he has spoken to and met with current Labour mayors Tracy Brabin in West Yorkshire and Andy Burnham in Greater Manchester during his campaign.

He said:

“They all see York and North Yorkshire as a real key area for the north because it is really going to join up the rest of Yorkshire with the south and west and link that east west connection.”

‘I want to be Mayor of York and North Yorkshire and nothing else’

With under two weeks to go until voters go to the polls, Mr Skaith says his team will continue canvassing across the county — including in Harrogate, which traditionally has backed Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.

When asked why he felt confident going into polling day, he said that he hoped that voters would see him as someone who is passionate about the area.

“This is not something that I’m doing for glory and a title, it’s something I’m doing because I’m completely dedicated to it and passionate about it.

“I’m completely fed up with how the country has gone in the last 14 years and I think that passion is coming through. I’m not just another politician, I have some real world experience of having a business and a family and I think that resonates with people. It’s not just another career politician who is coming in for a pay day and onto the next step.

“I don’t want that. I want to be Mayor of York and North Yorkshire and nothing else.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The full list of candidates are:

We will feature an interview with Conservative candidate, Keane Duncan, on Monday.

Bilton independent candidate leans on business experience in mayor campaign

Bilton resident Paul Haslam believes his extensive business experience stands him in good stead to be Mayor of York and North Yorkshire.

The Bilton and Nidd Gorge councillor was the last of six candidates to throw their hat into the ring to be the inaugural mayor.

Standing as an independent, Mr Haslam has centred his campaign around the economy and emphasised his business experience as his credentials.

Born in Lancashire before moving to Harrogate in 2006, he spent his career working for various businesses in retail management including New Look and Poundstretcher.

Mr Haslam set up his own consultancy firm, which specialises in areas such as change management, the circular economy and mergers and acquisitions. His clients have included Adidas and national supermarkets.

He was also chief executive of Leyland SDM, a London-based decorators’ merchants, which he helped to sell to Grafton Group in February 2018.

During an interview with the Stray Ferret, Mr Haslam pointed to this as an example of the experience he feels the mayor needs.

He said:

“One key things about this role is bringing private finance into York and North Yorkshire. The other thing that you have got to look at is what business clusters you are bringing in.”

Paul Haslam

Paul Haslam

Mr Haslam said the mayor needs to be able to help grow the economy and attract businesses to the county.

One area of business that has been of interest to him is food security. He said as mayor he would promote farms, food production and sectors such as agri-tech.

The topic has been included in his online manifesto, which includes pledges on affordable housing, tourism and adult education and skills.

He has also identified public transport as an area that he feels needs to be tackled.

One of the policies he has proposed is a single ticket for travel across North Yorkshire. As chair of Transport for the North’s scrutiny committee, he says he has pushed for such a ticket for five years:

“We have got to have this frictionless way of getting through.

“One of the other things is because we have different operators doing different things, compared to London it can make it up to four times more expensive to get the same distance here than it does in London because you’re changing operators.

“You can bring the cost of the tickets down by just having one ticket that goes right through.”

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Mr Haslam has also been a keen proponent of introducing new railway stations in areas such as Claro Road. He says the station would be a similar size to Hornbeam Park and would help to ease car journeys during rush hour.

Mr Haslam admits the scheme would be expensive, but believes it would be good value for money.

He said:

“It’s not just about putting a train station there, you’ve got to look at what it is going to do to Skipton Road for example.

“A lot of the people that live around Claro Road, whether it’s the Kingsley side or the Woodfield and Bilton side, actually work in Leeds every day. We have to accept that every day there is a mass exodus south out of Harrogate down to Leeds where people work.

“If you could get on the train there, you could go straight to work in Leeds.”

‘A step change’

Last month, Mr Haslam resigned the Conservative whip to stand for mayor.

As part of his campaign literature, he says that as an independent mayor he would be “free from party shackles”.

However, he faces the prospect of campaigning against established parties on the election trail.

When pressed on why specifically he decided to stand for mayor, he said he felt the role offered an opportunity for “a step change” in North Yorkshire:

“There are five other very capable candidates going for this role, but what I want to make sure is that all the things that I think are important get out there and see the light of day.

“Even if I’m not the one who implements those ideas at the end of the day, those ideas are out there.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The full list of candidates is:

Green party candidate pledges not to ‘overpromise’ in mayoral campaign

The Green Party’s Kevin Foster says he does not see himself as a politician, more of an “ordinary person done good”.

Mr Foster’s background includes serving in the British Army reserves for 30 years before moving into politics.

He successfully stood for election on RIchmondshire District Council in 2019, before being elected to the newly created North Yorkshire Council three years later in Hipswell and Colburn division.

Since then, he has gone onto become the council’s armed forces champion as well as the Green Party leader on North Yorkshire Council.

Much of Mr Foster’s campaign has focussed on the “circular economy”, which is defined as reusing products, labour and materials in order to get the best value from them.

He points to the potential for green technology and artificial intelligence in the county as an example of how the economy could work.

“Why can’t we be a leader in those technologies and bring them in?”

He has also campaigned for better public transport and for more funding from government as part of its devolution deal.

Kevin Foster.

Kevin Foster.

Mr Foster said the £18 million a year which currently makes up the mayoral budget would need to be “10 times more” in order for the mayor to make a difference in the county.

When asked how he would intend to get more money from government, he said his political career has been spent working with opposition parties.

“Being a minority party and the only one in Richmond, I learned very quickly how you have got to work in a team.

“I hear from people that politics is broken, well lets have someone else in there to make a difference.

“I have worked with Conservatives in Richmondshire District Council. I still work with the Conservatives and I work with other parties.I do not make a judgement on party, I make a judgement on that idea.”

Mr Foster added that he was not whipped by his party, so would be able to work with opposition leaders on the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.

‘Not going to overpromise’

As part of his campaign, Mr Foster has also stopped short of announcing any marquee policies and pledges.

So far, he has committed to setting up a mayoral innovation fund and a poverty support fund.

The Stray Ferret asked Mr Foster whether he would use the powers to franchise bus services afforded to the mayor as part of his transport plans.

In response, he said he was not going to “overpromise and under deliver”.

Mr Foster said that part of the mayor’s remit will be to hammer out proposals with the combined authority’s staff, including interim head of paid service James Farrar.

He said:

“People make these promises, but when they go into that room and start the discussions they are going to be surprised because it is not that easy.

“The last person who made big promises and went running in somewhere was Liz Truss. That did not work out well.”

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Heading into polling day, does Mr Foster feel confident that he can secure the mayoral position for the Green Party?

He points to the fact that North Yorkshire Council currently has four Green councillors and that national parties have adopted green policies over the years.

“If we do not keep voting for what we believe in, we do not change anything.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The deadline to register to vote is 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

The full list of candidates are:

The Masham businesswoman aiming to be North Yorkshire’s first mayor

Felciity Cunliffe-Lister has not been in the political arena for long — but she feels she is the strongest candidate to become the first Mayor of York and North Yorkshire.

The co-owner of the Swinton Estate in Masham is the Liberal Democrat candidate on polling day on May 2.

However, despite being the official party candidate, she believes the role should be decided on who has the best business skillset.

She told the Stray Ferret that her two decades experience of running Swinton coupled with her years as a commercial property lawyer in London put her in a good position for the role.

Ms Cunliffe-Lister said:

“The reason why I’m doing it personally is because I think you need somebody with the right skillset to do it.

“I think you need somebody with a really strong proven track record in business. I don’t think you should be appointing someone with a strong political career.”

Ms Cunliffe-Lister worked in property law in London during her 20s. One of the major projects she was involved with was London Eye.

She moved to Masham with husband Mark following the family buy-back of Swinton Park.  The couple converted the castle into a hotel and opened it in 2001.

Felicity Cunliffe-Lister

The Swinton estate as a whole now has a £6 million turnover and employs 150 people.

It’s this that Ms Cunliffe-Lister points to when pressed on what qualifies her to to run for mayor:

“I know how to run an organisation and I know how to be a leader. I know how to give people a clear vision. But I also have the experience of knowing what it is like to run a business and I understand what the challenges are.”

Manifesto pledges

But the role does come with an element of politics.

Ms Cunliffe-Lister, who is also North Yorkshire councillor for Mashams and Fountains division, launched her manifesto at the start of April.

Her pledges included a campaign for better services on the Harrogate to York line, a single ticket integrated bus services and converting empty premises above shops into flats.

She also pledged support for a new rail station at Flaxby Parkway, which has its roots in the long running debate over whether it should have hosted a new 3,000-home settlement in the Harrogate district.

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When asked if she had any specific priorities for Harrogate, she pointed to the town’s convention centre which she said has had a “shadow of doubt” hanging over it.

North Yorkshire Council revealed in March it had abandoned plans for a £57 million refurbishment of the ageing events and exhibitions venue, citing complexities and cost.

Ms Cunliffe-Lister said the centre was still viable and there were “easy wins” which could help it to be operated successfully:

“I would like to see the Harrogate Convention Centre up and running successfully without this shadow of doubt hanging over it any longer. 

“There are some really easy wins there. It’s just not been run commercially and it could easily do so. I would like to enable that to happen for it to be able to function properly. I think it is viable as a site.”

Aside from specific pledges, Ms Cunliffe-Lister also ruled out levying a mayoral precept on council tax and said she would consider appointing a deputy to oversee the police and fire service functions.

When asked whether she was confident going into election day, she said she felt she was the candidate with the strongest skillset:

“If you consider the skills of the person, and I do strongly believe that you need to elect a mayor based on that point alone, in my view I’ve got the best set of skills to do that. 

“I think in mayoral elections, people do not necessarily vote according to the party that they normally support. I think it’s down to the personality of the candidate.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The deadline to register to vote is 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

The candidates are:

Drivers face delays as four-week Pannal gasworks start

Drivers face delays in Pannal after four weeks of gasworks got underway.

Northern Gas Networks is carrying out utility repairs and maintenance work on the A61 Leeds Road near to the traffic lights at the junction with Follifoot Road.

Temporary traffic lights are in place in both directions on the A61 and on Station Road and Follifoot Road.

The work has caused delays for motorists during rush hour, with queues backing up to Fulwith Mill Lane in Harrogate.

Northern Gas Networks said the work is due to end on May 13.

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‘We don’t want more of the same’, says Pateley Bridge mayoral candidate

In the first of a series of interviews with candidates to be the first Mayor of York and North Yorkshire, the Stray Ferret speaks to Keith Tordoff who is standing as an independent.

Keith Tordoff is no stranger to the election scene.

The Pateley Bridge businessman stood for North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner twice and has now put his name forward again for Mayor of York and North Yorkshire.

Initially standing for the Yorkshire Party, Mr Tordoff will once again be contesting the election on May 2 as an independent.

The Stray Ferret met him in Tordoff Gallery, his film poster venture on Pateley Bridge High Street which he operates alongside wife Gloria, to discuss his latest election campaign.

The 67-year-old is keen to stress that the mayor should be independent and that he has the credentials for the role.

Mr Tordoff spent 20 years as a police officer in Leeds, working on cases such as that of Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire ripper. He later went into business and founded the Oldest Sweet Shop in the World in Pateley Bridge, which he sold in March 2021.

He boasts that he has not been on holiday abroad for 25 years as North Yorkshire is a “fantastic place to live”.

But, despite the extensive experience, Mr Tordoff is standing as an independent as opposed to joining any of the established political parties.

“I am an independent, which I think is very important because I think it is a role that should be independent.

“They [the political parties] are always going to try and get what they want for their particular area. Whereas, if I was elected, I can act to work with them but I can also act to work with all the people from both communities which is what it should be about.”

For him, the election is the last opportunity for an independent to get into power.

“This is the last ditch opportunity for people in York and North Yorkshire to have somebody elected who will deliver for them.”

‘These are not flights of fancy’

Mr Tordoff is full of ideas, though some have led to disagreements and raised eyebrows.

He points to his manifesto and priorities, where he pledges to make public transport free for under-18s to get to school and college, introduce a single ticket for frictionless travel and unlock brownfield land for 2,000 homes.

“These are not flights of fancy, these are deliverable.”

Keith Tordoff.

Keith Tordoff on Pateley High Street

He also feels the mayor should only have one office in York in order to save money, rather than the proposed two offices in York and Northallerton.

But perhaps his most attention grabbing policy pledge has been to give 2,000 households three free chickens.

Mr Tordoff claimed the move would help to save 100 tonnes of food waste each month and improve the health of poorer households.

He announced the policy in June last year, when he was standing as the Yorkshire Party’s mayoral candidate. But the controversy it generated led to him resigning from the party and becoming an independent.

Mr Tordoff told the Stray Ferret that he “100%” stood by the pledge and described it as “deliverable”.

He said:

“Some people pooh poohed it. But bear in mind, everybody was talking about and is still talking about it.

“It was nearly a year ago that I said that and it clearly resonated with people.”

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Despite being up against established political parties, Mr Tordoff remains confident people will vote for something different this time:

“I am hoping the public are disillusioned and there is a realisation that if we vote for these people again then we are going to get more of the same.”

The York and North Yorkshire mayor will be chosen by residents of the region in an election on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The deadline to register to vote is 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

The full list of candidates are:

Harrogate’s Archie Gray wins EFL Championship Young Player of the Season

Harrogate’s Archie Gray has won EFL Championship Young Player of the Season at the EFL awards.

The former St John Fisher’s Catholic High School pupil and Leeds United midfielder made his debut in the club’s opening game against Cardiff City at Elland Road in August.

Since then, Gray, 18, has been a regular name on the team sheet for United this season playing at both right back and central midfield. He has made 46 appearances for the club across all competitions this season.

In January, he signed a new contract with the Whites until 2028.

The youngster picked up the award at the EFL Awards 2024, which was held at a ceremony in London.

On winning the award, Gray said:

“I’m honoured to win this award, having heard the previous names that have won it. I’ve just got to stay humble and keep on working hard because I’ve come a long way. I’ve gained a lot of experience and learned a lot of new things along the way.

“I trusted my ability but I’ve been lucky with the teammates and manager that I’ve got. Since I’ve come in when I was 15, my teammates have all been really helpful with me. Especially this season, Joe Rodon and Ethan Ampadu when I’ve been moving to right-back and teaching me a lot of things and analysing things with me after the game.”

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Gray completed his GCSEs at St John Fisher Catholic High School in Harrogate in 2022.

He signed his first professional contract with Leeds United in March last year.

He is the great-nephew of Leeds legend, and Kirkby Overblow resident, Eddie Gray.

Voters head to the polls for Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone by-election

Voters head to the polls this morning as a by-election is held in Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division on North Yorkshire Council.

Five candidates will contest the seat, which became available after former councillor Pat Marsh resigned in February after she posted anti-semitic comments on social media.

Voting will take place from 7am to 10pm with the election count taking place in the evening after the close of polling.

Polling stations will be open in St Aelred’s Church Hall, Woodlands Methodist Church and Oatlands Community Centre.

The candidates are:

Voters attending a polling station will need to bring photo ID to be able to vote.

This could include a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence, full or provisional; a UK passport or a passport issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man, or any of the Channel Islands; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or blue badge.

Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

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