No.3: Leisure centre revolution in Harrogate and Knaresborough

In this article, which is part of a series on the 12 stories in the Harrogate district that shaped 2023, we’re looking at the council’s £47.9 million investment into local leisure centres.

The Harrogate district has undergone something of a council leisure centre revolution in recent years – with Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon all boasting multi-million pound developments.

The process has certainly not been plain sailing. From sink holes and temporary gyms to delays, North Yorkshire Council’s fitness projects have rarely been out of the Stray Ferret news.

But by the end of the year it was hard to dispute the view of Mark Tweedie, the managing director of Brimhams Active, which runs leisure facilities on behalf of the council, that the district’s facilities were the envy of North Yorkshire.

In a further twist, however, the new North Yorkshire Council has now said it is to scrap Brimhams and bring all of the county’s leisure services back in-house.

Harrogate Leisure and Wellness Centre

The former Harrogate Hydro, now known as the Harrogate Leisure and Wellness Centre, opened in September following an almost 18-month transformation.

The £13.5 million refurbishment included a 400-square metre fitness centre, a new sauna and steam room, improved reception area and café, as well as an overhaul of the existing gym, spin, leisure and swimming facilities.

The Brimhams Active-run site boasts three swimming pools: a 25-metre lane pool, a diving pool and a children’s pool.

People can also attend fitness classes, including an immersive spin class, pilates and yoga.

The opening was well-received. When the Stray Ferret reported on it, one person’s comment on social media summed up how many felt:

“It’s amazing, we are so lucky to have theses facilities in Harrogate.”

In May, North Yorkshire Council said the cost of the scheme had increased from a budgeted £11.9 million.

Knaresborough Leisure and Wellness Centre

The long-awaited Knaresborough Leisure and Wellness Centre opened its doors in December.

Work began on the site, which is next to the former Knaresborough Pool, in April 2022 after plans were approved the month before.

It was originally expected to open in summer, however, the opening date was repeatedly delayed until this month.

The transformed centre now offers a six-lane 25-metre pool, a leisure pool and slide, and a 60-station fitness suite.

Like the Harrogate site, there is also a sauna and steam room, a café, a group cycling studio and a studio for fitness classes.

The outdoor children’s play area is still in the works but is expected to open in January.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for arts, culture and housing, Cllr Simon Myers, told the Stray Ferret ahead of its opening:

“You come over the brow of the hill in Knaresborough and see the leisure centre building – it is such an attractive building.

“It sits so well in its space, it’s full of light and the facilities are fantastic.

“This is what local authorities can achieve. It’s a real asset to Knaresborough.”

Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre, Ripon

The Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre, in Ripon, has not only faced the most bumps – or holes – in the road, but also the biggest expenditure of the three.

Although the site officially reopened in March last year, Ripon residents are yet to see the full transformation.

The old part of the site is locked in a sinkhole groundhog day of never-ending work on a “void” beneath the building, which remains closed.

Following the discovery of the void, which is believed to have been there for several years, the now defunct Harrogate Borough Council submitted a planning application to install a temporary gym in the centre’s car park in July 2022.

This was to enable the closure of the existing gym on the upper floor of the 28-year-old building, which was found to require £3.5 million worth of ground stabilisation works.

The temporary structure was supposed to open that autumn – just months after the application was submitted – however, the installation was continually delayed.

It was not until April this year that the £300,000 building, which houses the temporary gym, was installed.

The stabilisation work, which began in June, brought the cost to £18 million — £8 million over budget.

However, that too has not come without challenges.

North Yorkshire Council said in October its movement checks revealed multiple cracks up to 10mm long.

It said the cracks have affected the “weather tightness of the building and the operation of doors and windows” but added specialists had said there were no safety concerns.

The council said at the time the estimated completion date and costs were “under review”.

Works at the site.

‘Stop throwing good money after bad’

Councillor Andrew Williams, a member of the Conservative and Independents group at the council and leader of Ripon City Council, said last year it was time to stop “throwing good money after bad” and to “look for a suitable location for a new leisure centre to be built on sound land”.

In response to the discovery of the cracks, Cllr Williams said:

“The building is under very close monitoring to ensure that there is no movement as the works progress, if there is movement then the position will have to be reviewed in the light of that information.

“The situation is far from ideal and I hope that it will prove possible to complete these works because the bottom line is that Ripon needs a functioning leisure centre.”

The new building, which includes the swimming pool, sauna and steam room, has remained open throughout.

However, it looks like members will be using the temporary gym and attending group classes at Hugh Ripley Hall in the city centre well into 2024…

Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre

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Tory council leader Carl Les receives OBE

Carl Les, the leader of North Yorkshire Council, has been awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List.

The Conservative politician was made leader of the former North Yorkshire County Council in 2015 and has represented the Catterick area for more than 20 years.

He led local government reorganisation in North Yorkshire this year, which saw eight former councils – including Harrogate Borough Council – become one unitary authority on April 1.

Cllr Les said:

“Like many endeavours you can only achieve the best for people and businesses in local government through team effort.

“Whilst I am delighted, though humbled, to receive such an award I see it as a reflection of the teams I have had the privilege to lead.

“I am every bit as honoured to have worked with such committed and hardworking elected members and officers at the former county council and the new unitary, North Yorkshire Council.”

North Yorkshire Council is now the largest council in England by geography and third largest by population.

It is also the first council in England to pursue unitary status and devolution at the same time.

Cllr Les added:

“Through our collective efforts and strong partnership working across York and North Yorkshire we have achieved the unprecedented, landing single council status alongside a devolution deal.

“Together these are a game-changer for our region. Presenting us with the best possible opportunity to protect the most valued and essential public services for our residents, while unleashing the local powers and funds which will drive economic growth and deliver better job opportunities for people and businesses here.”

He had also been a member of the North Yorkshire Police authority for 15 years and now chairs the police, fire and crime panel.

Outside of his work as a councillor, Cllr Les is also a volunteer director and currently interim chairman of Wensleydale Railway plc.

He managed his family business, which was in the tourism sector, before selling it and retiring in 2014.

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No.7: A bumpy year for road safety

In this article, which is part of a series on the 12 stories in the Harrogate district that shaped 2023, we’re looking at road safety.

The issue of road safety came under the Stray Ferret’s spotlight a lot this year.

With several fatal and serious crashes, campaigns for 20mph speed limit zones and “landmark” road safety packages, it has been a year of ups and downs on our highways.

20mph speed limits

Pannal Ash and Oatlands

A collision that left two school students with serious injuries prompted a group of Harrogate parents to bolster plans to implement 20mph speed zones around parts of the town.

The incident, which happened in February, left two 15-year-old Rossett School pupils requiring several operations and hospital treatment for months after.

Following the collision, the group, who were already campaigning for such change, amped up their efforts.

They set up a petition, which called for a ‘safe streets zone’, consisting of a blanket 20mph speed limit across the Rossett, Pannal Ash, Oatlands, Woodlands and Hookstone areas.

It attracted more than 900 signatures and caught the attention of 13 education leader and local councillors, who joined forces with the group and urged North Yorkshire Council to take action.

The petition was delivered to the council in May.

Hazel Peacock, who spearheaded the campaign and delivered the petition on behalf of the group, told the Stray Ferret on the day:

“We’re just delighted we’ve got this number of signatures. It shows the support for the proposal of this change, which could bring such positive benefits from a road safety perspective.

“Once you have that, it will change people’s attitudes in regard to comfort around walking, cycling and mobility users.”

The road safety group.

Woodfield Road

The council also recommended a separate 20mph speed limit plan for Woodfield Road in the Bilton area of Harrogate.

The project, funded through the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s AJ1 project road safety fund, will see the introduction of traffic calming measures, including speed cushions and a 20mph speed limit.

Cllr Paul Haslam, a Conservative who represents Bilton and Nidd Gorge, told the Stray Ferret in November the measures were being taken “for the safety of children” ahead of the former Woodfield Road Community Primary School re-opening.

The school, which closed at the end of last year, is due to reopen as a secondary school for 80 autistic children in September 2024.

No further updates have been revealed since publication.

‘Landmark’ package unveiled

Following calls for change, North Yorkshire Council unveiled plans for the county’s largest ever “landmark” 20mph zone in September.

It proposed extensive reduced speed limit zones across the Pannal Ash and Oatlands areas of the town, which included Arthurs Avenue, Oatlands Drive, Yew Tree Lane and Cromwell Road.

It covered seven Harrogate schools in line with the parents’ wishes.

These were Harrogate Grammar School, Rossett Acre Primary School, Rossett School, Ashville College, St Aidan’s Church of England High School, Oatlands Junior School and Oatlands Infants School.

Cllr Keane Duncan, the Conservative executive member for highways and transport, said at the time:

“This is the most significant 20mph zone the council has ever introduced.

“Our plan will see 20mph limits introduced outside seven more schools and on nearby residential streets, meaning thousands of children can enjoy safer journeys every day.

“This landmark proposal is testament to the collective determination of schools, families and councillors to respond to public concerns and deliver ambitious action. It sets a positive example and leads the way for communities across North Yorkshire.”

Cllr Keane Duncan.

Headteacher called for Otley Road to be included

After the package was announced, Neil Renton, headteacher at Harrogate Grammar School (HGS), called for a section of Otley Road to also be included in the 20mph zone.

Arthurs Avenue and surrounding side roads were set to be included in the reduced speed limit zone to protect HGS pupils, however Mr Renton said the zone should be extended to include the busy B6162 Otley Road where pupils enter the school.

He said this is a key route in-and-out of town and currently has a limit of 30mph.

The call came after council officers published a report ahead of a Harrogate and Knaresborough area constituency meeting, during which Mr Renton’s concerns were expressed, which stated the “volume of traffic” on the road would mean it would not be possible to implement the 20mph speed limit.

Plans rejected

Despite hopes of change from teachers, councillors and campaigners, North Yorkshire Council rejected plans to include some of the main roads in the 20mph zone.

Following a December meeting, it appeared Leeds Road, Wetherby Road, Otley Road, Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, York Place and Leadhall Lane would not be included in the plan.

A report due before Cllr Duncan said the main roads were either identified as “strategic distributor” or “main distributor” roads, adding:

“Practically given the recognised role in the strategic network and their function to carry high volumes of traffic between primary destinations it is not considered appropriate to implement physical traffic calming features and an associated speed reduction to 20mph.”

Meanwhile, the council said Leadhall Lane  “does not have identified destination points such as schools, shops or sports centre” and a 20mph limit would be “difficult to achieve”.

A map of the 20mph areas in Pannal and Oatlands. Picture: NYC.

A map of the 20mph areas in Pannal and Oatlands. Picture: North Yorkshire Council.

‘Incredibly disappointed’

Christopher Harrison, headteacher at Oatlands Infant School, said he was “incredibly disappointed” with the news.

He hoped the council would reconsider and reduce the speed limit on Hookstone Road to 20mph from 30mph, adding:

“As headteacher of Oatlands Infant School, I am incredibly disappointed by the decision to keep Hookstone Road at 30mph.

“We have a healthy, active school community who love to walk, cycle and scooter to school alongside Hookstone Road on a daily basis.

“We worry that the current speed limit of 30mph is not safe enough for our children, and that a reduction to 20mph would enable more families to travel to school in safety. We hope that North Yorkshire Council reconsider this decision with our youngest, most vulnerable members of our community in mind.”

But Mr Harrison was not alone in his concern, as campaigner Hazel Peacock also urged the council to reconsider. She said:

“For the safety and well-being of the 9,000 school children and the wider community in Oatlands and Pannal Ash we urge North Yorkshire Council to reconsider the inclusion of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Leadhall Lane, part of Leeds Rd (A61), Otley Rd (B6162), Wetherby Road (A661) and York Place (A6040) as 20mph in the Harrogate (south and west) 20mph Speed Limit review to be considered by Cllr Keane Duncan, North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for highways and transportation and mayoral candidate, on Monday 18th December.

“Without the inclusion of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive, Otley Road and part of Wetherby Road specifically only five of the nine schools in the zone will be fully covered with 20mph roads immediately surrounding them; leaving St John Fishers Catholic High School and Willow Tree Primary School on 30mph roads and a combination of 30mph and 20mph in the case of Harrogate Grammar School and Oatlands Infant School.”

Next steps

The authority recommended the scheme, which is estimated to cost £200,000, proceed to consultation on traffic regulation orders for the areas proposed to be reduced to 20mph.

The recommendation was approved following an environmental meeting on Monday, December 18.

The council said in its decision:

“Approval given to allow officers to proceed; with the necessary consultations and Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process to seek to implement a 20mph speed limit, together with associated traffic calming measures as identified in the residential roads as outlined in Appendix A of the report and with signing and lining reviews of Hookstone Road, Hookstone Drive and Wetherby Road.”

It said officers are to provide the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee progress updates in Spring 2024.

The authority added:

“The recommendation aligns with several of the Council’s priorities linked with Highway Safety, Place and Environment and Health and Well Being.

“By introducing a reduced speed limit from 30mph to 20mph in these areas it is hoped that a safer and healthier environment will encourage enhanced active travel opportunities for all ages of the community, this may be walking, wheeling, accessibility to the bus or cycling.

“The introduction of such measures is subject to satisfactory consultation and the completion of the formal Traffic Regulation Order advertising process.”

A bad year for fatal collisions

The Harrogate district has seen several fatal crashes throughout this year, with one road becoming a common denominator in the incidents.

Four out of six fatal collisions happened on the A61, which runs between Ripon and Harrogate, two of which occurred within just eight days of each other.

A 59-year-old motorcyclist was killed on the road on August 29. Officers believe that the motorcyclist was travelling with a group of unknown motorcycles immediately before the collision and he was at the rear of the group.

Just a few days later, three members of a Ukrainian family were killed in a three-vehicle crash that involved a double decker bus on Sunday, September 3. A teenage girl was left orphaned.

Following the collisions, residents of South Stainley called for a speed limit reduction from 60mph to 50mph in October.

Rebecca Brewins, who lives alongside the road and lost her parents in a crash at South Stainley 11 years ago, led the campaign.

She and other residents met Skipton and Ripon MP Julian Smith, who subsequently urged North Yorkshire Council to act.

Richard Flinton, the council’s chief executive, indicated at the time the authority considered taking action.

In a letter to Mr Smith, seen by the Stray Ferret, Mr Flinton wrote:

“The reports for the recent fatal collisions are currently being drafted, but I am able to advise that the road environment was not considered to have been a factor in the cause of either fatal collision

“Therefore, the recommendations are limited to small scale localised improvements, such as the cleaning of road signs and refreshing of white lines.

“Nevertheless, in recognition of community concerns, North Yorkshire Council is currently carrying out a series of speed surveys along the A61, with a view to reducing the speed limit from 60mph to 50mph.

“Whilst mean speeds are unlikely to be excessive, the intention here is to set the expectations of the motorist, of the lack of overtaking opportunities, bends and other hazards associated with a high speed rural road.”

Police at the scene of the triple fatality on Sep 3 2023

Mr Flinton added the council was expected to consult on introducing a traffic regulation order to reduce the speed limit from the national default speed limit of 60mph.

He also said engineers will undertake “a full route analysis of the A61” to identify what else can be done to make the road safer.

Despite hopes of action being taken, another person was killed on the fated road just weeks later.

90-year-old Lucjan Wilk was hit by a car on the road, near Killinghall, after getting off the 36 bus.

His daughter, Paulina, whom he lived with, contacted the Stray Ferret to voice her concerns following her father’s death.

She urged North Yorkshire Council to reduce the speed limit on the “horrendous road”.

As well as suggesting a 30mph speed limit – instead of the current 40mph – Paulina also insisted the council should install proper lighting and introduce other traffic-calming measures, such as speed-indicator display signs.

It appears the requested measures are yet to come to fruition.

Lucjan Wilk was killed on the A61 near Killinghall.

Fatal collisions also happened on Brimham Rocks Road, near Pateley Bridge, North Park Road in Harrogate and the B6265 near Boroughbridge.

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No.8: High street comings and goings in the Harrogate district

In this article, which is part of a series on the 12 stories in the Harrogate district that shaped 2023, we look at businesses and brands that came and went on our local high streets.

The Harrogate district has seen a range of national and independent retailers come and go on the high street this year.

A cinema in Ripon folded, Harrogate got its first world supermarket, and A-ha’s sound technician even opened a local bar.

And let’s not forget the Rooftop which opened to the public for a grand total of 48 hours…

Today, we’re looking back some standout moments on the district’s high streets.

Came – The Inn Collection Group opened three sites in the Harrogate district

Harrogate, Ripon and Knaresborough were all in the spotlight following the opening of a new Inn Collection hotel in each area.

The Inn Collection Group, which bought the former Dower House in Knaresborough along with the George Hotel in Harrogate and the Ripon Spa Hotel, markets its venues as ‘inns with rooms’.

All three sites got fresh new looks following multi-million pound makeovers.

The new Ripon Inn, which opened in October, has 58 bedrooms and two bars. The group’s managing director told the Stray Ferret the bill for the site was “close to eight figures”.

The Knaresborough Inn opened its doors in August. It no longer has a spa and gym but boasts 56 rooms compared to a previous 38.

Finally, The Harrogate Inn closed in January for refurbishments. It has a new entrance, a new bar and restaurant, 96 rooms and two new outdoor patio features.

The Knaresborough Inn.

Came – Jollyes pet store opens in Harrogate

A national pet chain, Jollyes, opened on Hookstone Park in September.

The store sells a wide range of pet foods, toys and bedding. It also offers a pet grooming service.

The Harrogate store is one of 95 sites in the UK and the company plans to open another 10 by the middle of 2024.

Went – national retailer Paperchase folds

Paperchase, which had a store on James Street in Harrogate, closed after the company went into administration in February.

As part of the closing down sale, the company sold off cards, gifts and stationery for up to 70% off – with cards going for as little as 10p.

Tesco bought the rights to the brand, entitling it to sell Paperchase items in its supermarkets, but did not buy the stores.

The move affected 106 Paperchase shops and more than 800 staff nationally.

Came – soft furnishing brand Sophie Allport came to James Street

Sophie Allport, an interior furnishing brand based in Lincolnshire, took over the former Phase Eight store in Harrogate.

The Harrogate branch, which opened in November, is the first outside its home county, with other stores in Stamford and Bourne.

It sells a range of homeware, including bedding and crockery, as well as home furnishings, accessories and gifts.

Composite image of, on the right, Sophie Allport, founder of the interior furnishings company that bears her name, and on the left, some of her autumn and Halloween-inspired designs.

Founder Sophie Allport.

Went – The Rooftop’s two-day tenure in Harrogate

Our next restaurant possibly holds the title for being the most rapid open and closure in recent Harrogate history.

Mexican restaurant, The Rooftop, confirmed it had closed after just two days of trading in August.

Owner Mason Elyas told the Stray Ferret he had been involved in a dispute with business partners and planned to take legal action at the time. However, another restaurant has not yet opened.

Mr Elyas said he had lost £20,000 on the venture but, despite this, hoped to open another restaurant in Harrogate once this issue was resolved.

The restaurant, which was on Cheltenham Crescent, was the third restaurant to open and close in just over a year, following the closure of both Samson’s and HG1.

Came – Harrogate’s first world food supermarket opens

All Nations Supermarket, on Skipton Road, opened in September.

It stocks a wide variety of Asian, African, Middle Eastern and European foods and ingredients – the first of its kind in the town.

The store also has a butchers counter selling fresh meat and stocks halal foods too.

The opening created a real buzz on the Stray Ferret’s social media, with more than 1,000 people reacting to a post about the new venture.

All Nations Supermarket also sells Tik Tok-viral Buldak products, as well as a range of Asian spices, Middle Eastern desserts and even fresh fruit and vegetables.

Went – Curzon closed Ripon cinema

Ripon’s only cinema, Curzon, closed its doors in July this year.

The company said the venue faced “specific challenges” and site was “not suited to the long-term direction we have taken”.

Sterne Properties Ltd, which owns the North Street premises, announced in June it hoped to retain one of the cinema screens to become a volunteer-led community project.

It hopes to have the building back open to the public next year, however, no further developments have been announced yet.


Came – Amy Winehouse’s sound engineer opens record shop and bar in Harrogate

Dave Swallows, who has worked with the likes of Amy Winehouse, Erasure, James and A-ha, opened a vinyl coffee house and bar in May.

AAA (pronounced triple-A) on Cold Bath Road sells clothing and vinyl records, as well as serves coffee, food and alcohol.

Mr Swallows, who is originally from Southend-on-Sea but has lived in Harrogate for 16 years, told the Stray Ferret:

“Last July, I was touring with A-ha, playing Rio de Janeiro and the Hollywood Bowl, and then just two days later I was back here, being handed the keys to this place.”

Maybe one day A-ha will decide to Take On the town for one night only…

Went – Joules closed Harrogate store in second blow to James Street

Paperchase was not the only major retailer to closed its doors in Harrogate this year – as Joules saw the same fate.

The closure, which happened in May, came after the company fell into administration in 2022.

However, Next rescued it by paying £34 million for the business, plus £7 million for the head office.

The closing notice did not state a reason for the decision, but added the nearest Joules store is now Ilkley.

Mint Velvet later took on the former Joules site.

Came – Knaresborough banking hub opened to town

Knaresborough’s first banking hub, Cash Access UK, opened its doors in November.

It is a not-for-profit company set up by 10 major high-street banking providers to protect the public’s access to cash.

The hub, on Bowling Green Yard, offers customers of all major banks and building societies the chance to carry out regular cash transactions, from Monday to Friday.

It also provides a community banker service whereby customers can talk to their own bank about more complicated issues.

Community bankers from Natwest, Halifax, Santander, HSBC and Barclays work on rotation at the hub.

Knaresborough Town crier at the opening of the new banking hub.

Knaresborough Town crier at the opening of the new banking hub.

Went – Ripon said goodbye to M&Co after 44 years of trading

Retailer M&Co went into administration for the second time last December and subsequently closed its doors in Ripon in April.

The website, brand and intellectual property were bought by Yours Clothing — but the shops were not.

This meant all 170 stores, including Ripon which had been open since 1979, had to close.

Around 1,900 employees were affected nationally.

Came – new bar and restaurant 1858 opened in Knaresborough

1858, Knaresborough’s newest bar and restaurant, opened in the former NatWest site in August.

The venue offers lunch and evening meals, Sunday roasts and drinks.

Kim Lancaster, who runs the venue, said the experience is more like “elegant fine-dining” than a “Wetherspoons quick in-and-out” type experience.

Its name derives from the year in which the building was constructed.

Went – Leon closed in Harrogate after nine month tenure

Fast food chain Leon closed its doors in Harrogate in April.

The drive-through’s closure came just nine months after it opened on Wetherby Road.

Starbucks looks set to open in the former Leon site.

It began advertising for staff in earlier this month after North Yorkshire Council approved plans to change the signage outside.

Came – Mandarin Stone opened Harrogate store

National retailer Mandarin Stone opened its doors in Harrogate in November.

The company, which sells a wide range natural stone, porcelain and decorative tiles, took over the former Lynx Menswear unit on West Park.

The Harrogate showroom is the 15th of its kind and the most northerly Mandarin Stone site.

Director Carl Ryan said the company’s “knowledge, passion and enthusiasm” for the industry set it apart in the market.

The Mandarin Stone team.

Went – Harrogate Tea Rooms closed after 13 years

The Harrogate Tea Rooms, in Westminster Arcade, closed with immediate effect in October.

Owners Carrie and Tony Wilkinson announced the news on social media and said the day-to-day running costs were not translating into profit.

They added they would, however, continue making scones for delivery.

Their post said:

“We are as sad and shocked as some of you will be.

“Our tenancy with the new landlord was up for renewal, but with increased rent, energy and food costs, lower than ever footfall, our out-of-the-way location and possibly the ever increasing amount of new coffee shops near us, it has forced our decision to unfortunately not be able to move forward with the business.

The Harrogate Tea Rooms was featured in The Harrogate Crime Series by Malcolm Hollingdrake.

Mr and Ms Wilkinson said DCI Cyril Bennett, one of the main characters, will live “in our hearts and memories”, and “will forever be drinking tea from a China cup”.

Read more:


Police called after window smashed at Harrogate home

Police were called after a downstairs toilet window of a Harrogate home was smashed during the early hours of this morning (Wednesday, December 27).

North Yorkshire Police said the incident, which happened at a house on Harewood Road in the Jennyfields area, took place been 1.30am and 6am.

It was reported to police at about 6am. A force spokesperson said:

“No entry was gained to the property and nothing was reported stolen.”

Police officers and the crime scene investigation unit were still at the scene just before midday today.

The spokesperson said no arrests have been made in connection with the case.

Read more:


The Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal 2023: How a police officer became a dementia educator

This year’s Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal is to raise money for a minibus for Dementia Forward in the Harrogate district. 

The appeal is kindly sponsored by Vida Healthcare.

Please give generously to support local people and their families living with dementia. Let’s not forget who needs our help this Christmas.

Today, we learnt about dementia awareness education.

“I just really wanted to know what to do if I came across someone with dementia.”

Fiona Andrews previously worked for the British Transport Police and wanted to direct her efforts to help the community.

During a meeting in 2014, other officers mentioned a lady had got off a train and was confused. She had no ticket and did not know where she was or why she was there. Looking back it was clear the lady had dementia, Fiona said, but 9 years ago this awareness wasn’t the same.

“The conversation came up about what to do about people that come into the train station and clearly have dementia.

“I hadn’t really thought of it before that, but I wanted to be able to confirm these people would be safe when they’re taken off our hands.

“Then, the penny dropped: it’s not about us getting rid of these people, it’s about making others aware of dementia.”

Fiona began learning about dementia and working with various charities to not only educate herself and her colleagues on the disease, but eventually wider community groups.

One of the charities she worked with was Dementia Forward. She added:

“Without a shadow of a doubt Dementia Forward were the best charity out there.

“As soon as I retired, I begged Dementia Forward for a job. Even though it was a small charity back then, I could see just how much of an impact the work was having.

“I offered to sweep floors if it meant I got a job there!”

Dementia Forward’s Young Onset group.

Fiona was offered a full-time role as dementia awareness educator at Dementia Forward in 2017.

Now, various groups approach Fiona and the charity to gain a better understanding of the disease and the support they can put in place.

Fiona will advise them on what dementia is, what the signs are and what families, friends and carers can do to help.

“I will go anywhere and talk to absolutely anyone – I tailored all my education to the environment or group.

“For example, a church group will want to know how to adapt the space accordingly, but I’d speak to people differently in a Tesco or primary school than in the church group.”

Fiona gives people practical information that makes people aware of the changes that dementia can cause, like losing the ability to speak or a decline in mobility, and aims to keep anxieties as low as possible.

She believes a change in attitude is the first step in understanding this awful condition.

“My own father died from Alzheimer’s and, even though I had the experience of it, we still really struggled.

“I try to teach people in a way that I would receive well.”

Members of Dementia Forward’s Hub Club.

Fiona wants people to know that dementia comes in so many forms and isn’t just about memory loss. It’s a disease that affects everything: motivation, compulsion, mobility and social interaction.

As people living with dementia change over time, other people around them need to fit around these changes.

She also holds regular awareness sessions for long-term and new carers. The sessions provide an added layer of support and make them aware of what could come following the diagnosis.

“Sometimes people just want to see they’re not alone. It can be a very lonely disease.

“I’m here to take a bit of stigma away from dementia, to give people a voice and fill the gap between the needs of healthcare and social care.

“A big part of my awareness training is to let people who feel they’re not getting help know that we’re here.”

Fiona and the Dementia Forward team help hundreds of families across the Harrogate district.

But they need YOUR help to continue the vital support on offer and, without it, run the risk of losing the minibus service. We’re still a long way off our £30,000 target and are urging you to please donate whatever you can.

The minibus service allows people to access the support on offer at Dementia Forward. However, Dementia Forward’s current bus is old and tired and urgently needs to be replaced. The charity would seriously struggle to afford a new one, which is why they need your help to keep this vital service going. Without it, many people living with dementia wouldn’t be able to access the help and support they need.

Every donation to our campaign will go directly to Dementia Forward, helping us hit our £30,000 target to buy the charity a new minibus and bettering the lives of those living with dementia and the people around them.

Please give generously to those who need our help this Christmas. Click here to donate – you never know when you, your family or your friend may be in need of Dementia Forward’s help too.

Thank you.

For those that need urgent help or have a dementia-related enquiry, call 03300578592 to speak to a helpline adviser.

Ripon coffee shop Messy Buns closes

Messy Buns, on Duck Hill in Ripon, closed its doors on Tuesday.

The café, which opened in 2017, served cakes, coffee and sweet treats.

Owner Lydia Peters posted a tearful video on Facebook to announce the news yesterday.

She said her electricity bill tripled at the start of 2023 and, with the increasing cost of food and ingredients, the business was no longer viable to run.

“I can’t just keep getting more and more into debt because that’s where I am now.

“The reality is they [supplier] are probably going to cut my electricity off any day now.”

Ms Peters told the Stray Ferret “less and less people” came into the café every week, but hopes her video would make people realise “how hard it is to run a business”.

Read more:

However, she urged people to continue supporting other Ripon businesses:

“I feel lucky to have lasted as long as we have because you see incredible businesses close.

“Please keep supporting business owners in Ripon, because otherwise they’ll go.”

Ms Peters will continue to offer cake-making and catering services despite the closing the café. She told the Stray Ferret:

“I feel quite overwhelmed but I just want to say thank you to everyone that has supported my for the last seven years.”

‘Disgruntled’ patient stages protest outside Ripon dental practice

A patient refused to move his van from the entrance of Ripon dental practice this morning.

The Stray Ferret contacted Bridge House Dental Practice on Bondgate Green and was told by an employee, who wished to remain anonymous, the man “sat in his van and refused to leave”.

They said the man, who arrived at around 10am, became “disgruntled” but “not aggressive”, adding:

“He was telling people how rubbish and how bad our service is when they walked in.”

North Yorkshire Police told the Stray Ferret the force was called to “reports of a confrontation” at around 11am. It added:

“Police officers attended and spoke to a man, who agreed to leave the area.”

The employee said the man left the scene two hours later at midday.

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Met Office issues Christmas Eve wind warning for Harrogate district

The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning across the Harrogate district for Christmas Eve.

The forecast shows Masham and Pateley Bridge will see the worst of it, with gusts up to 53mph, while Harrogate will see 51mph winds in the early hours of the morning.

Knaresborough, Ripon and Boroughbridge could see up to 50mph.

The warning, which is active from 8am to 10pm, covers the Midlands, the north of England and Scotland.

It comes just days after Storm Pia brought 60mph winds to the district.

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Harrogate restaurant and hotel under new ownership

A Harrogate hotel and restaurant is under new ownership.

The Studley Hotel and The Orchid Restaurant, on Swan Road, have been acquired by local restauranteurs — but their names have not been revealed.

A spokesperson for the Orchid said the new owners, who wished to remain anonymous, have “extensive refurbishment” plans for both venues and want “to make the interiors of the restaurant as good as the food”.

Both sites will remain open during the refurbishments, the spokesperson added.

They also said the restaurant, which serves Asian food, will remain “unchanged” to ensure it keeps its loyal customer base.

Neil Mendoza, the general manager of the Orchid who has been involved with the restaurant since he was 13, said:

“This is a very exciting time for the Orchid.

“I am thrilled that it has been purchased by a family with over four decades of experience as restauranteurs, who share a passion and deep respect for Far-Eastern cuisine.

“Having been a part of the Orchid since my early teenage years, I have built lasting relationships with our valued guests. In the new year, we will commence our refurbishment, redesigning the interiors to celebrate the essence of Far-Eastern and Pan-Asian cuisine, complementing the standard of our exceptional dishes.”

The four-star Studley Hotel will also undergo a makeover, with work expected to finish in spring 2024.

The family behind the acquisition added:

“We feel incredibly fortunate to have acquired this fabulous restaurant and hotel.

“While there are countless Chinese, Thai, and Asian restaurants, the Orchid stands out due to our brigade of chefs, lead by Head Chef, Jim, who has been with the Orchid for 10 years.

“Each of our chefs specialise in different cuisines from diverse regions of the Far East. This is a genuine Pan-Asian culinary adventure prepared by true specialists.”

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