Ripon man jailed for stabbing and biting police during ‘horrifying’ scenes

A man has been jailed for nearly five years for stabbing a young soldier in a “horrifying” attack in Ripon and biting police officers following his arrest.

Kyle Harpin, 34, went ballistic after a woman rejected his advances in a bar in the city centre and turned her attention to the victim instead, Leeds Crown Court heard.

Aggrieved by this rejection, Harpin crept up on the victim outside in the street and pulled out a 19-inch blade from the waistband of his trousers, said prosecutor Ben Campbell.

He pressed the knife against the victim’s throat, causing a cut to the front of his neck.

The victim walked away but Harpin, who was drunk, followed him down the street. He then stabbed the young man in the side of his stomach, causing a four-centimetre puncture wound.

The victim thought he had been punched but later realised he had been stabbed after noticing blood trickling from a wound to the side of his body, said Mr Campbell.

He was taken to Harrogate District Hospital and was discharged the following day after scans revealed no serious or life-threatening injuries.

Ripon night out

Mr Campbell said the victim had been out with friends for a night out in Ripon. By the end of the night, at about 4am on October 16 last year, he got talking to, and then kissed, the woman whom Harpin had tried to chat up in the bar earlier in the evening.

Unbeknown to the victim, Harpin was watching them while concealing a knife inside his waistband. Mr Campbell said:

“(Harpin) approached (the victim) from behind and put the knife to his throat.”

When the victim tried to walk away, Harpin plunged the knife into his side and then jogged off.

Leeds Crown Court. Picture: the Stray Ferret.

Harpin was was jailed for four years at Leeds Crown Court.

The victim, who was also drunk, said it felt “like a punch to the left side of his ribs” but then “looked down and could see he was bleeding”.

His friends took him to his army camp nearby where he was treated in the guard room before being taken to hospital where medical staff applied steri strips to his neck and a puncture dressing to the torso wound.

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Harpin, of Priest Lane, Ripon, was arrested and became “agitated and aggressive” with officers as they escorted him to custody, repeatedly banging his head against the police van and swearing at them.

He was taken to Harrogate hospital due to his repeated butting of the police vehicle. His handcuffs were removed to allow staff to check his blood pressure, but Harpin then threatened to punch the officers, before lunging at one of them and grabbing an officer by the throat in a chokehold. Mr Campbell added:

“He then shouted repeatedly that he was going to bite the nose from her face.”

He then tried to headbutt another officer before biting him on the hand. Harpin was arrested again and continued to hurl abuse at officers, including racial slurs. Mr Campbell said:

“He was making other threats that he would rape the wives of a police officer.”

Police found the knife, which was encased in a black sheath, in an alleyway in Ripon.

Charged with attempted murder

Harpin was initially charged with attempted murder of the stab victim but denied this and ultimately offered a plea to an alternative charge of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. This plea was accepted by the prosecution and the attempted-murder charge was dropped.

He was also charged with carrying a blade, threatening a person with a knife, two counts of assaulting a police officer and racially aggravated threatening behaviour towards one of the constables. He admitted the offences and appeared for sentence via video link yesterday.

The court heard he had 23 previous convictions for over 30 offences dating back 20 years including theft, assaulting and resisting police officers, public disorder and battery.

Defence barrister Robert Mochrie said Harpin had drug and alcohol issues in the past and been diagnosed with mental health problems following a troubled upbringing, but conceded that the incident in Ripon was a “horrifying scene”.

Judge Tom Bayliss KC said although Harpin was “no stranger to trouble with the police”, his latest offences were “of a different order” to those he had committed in the past. He added:

“Because what you have now demonstrated is that you are perfectly prepared to go out at night on the streets of Ripon armed with a knife and to threaten people with it and to use it to inflict injury or serious injury.”

He said the young soldier “must have been terrified” when Harpin drew out the blade and noted that Harpin had “already threatened others with it”. Mr Bayliss said:

“It’s purely good fortune that he did not suffer more serious injuries.”

He said he was “quite satisfied” Harpin posed a risk of harm to the public and therefore found him to be a dangerous offender in the eyes of the law.

Harpin, who clutched Rosary beads during his court appearance from a custody suite, was jailed for four years and nine months and was told he would only become eligible for parole two-thirds the way through that sentence, and only then if the parole board deemed him fit to be released.

As a dangerous offender, Harpin was also ordered to serve an extended three-year period on prison licence.



Harrogate police officer sexually assaulted woman while on duty, trial hears

A Harrogate police officer sexually assaulted a woman at a cemetery in Harrogate while he was on duty, it’s alleged.

Christopher Hudson, 32, assaulted the woman in a car park at Stonefall Cemetery on Wetherby Road, the prosecution told a jury at Leeds Crown Court.

Prosecuting barrister Gerald Hendron said Hudson, who was serving as a police constable based at Harrogate Police Station at the time of the alleged incident, stroked the woman on the back of the neck and ear and “pulled her…towards him”.

He then kissed her, but she repeatedly told him “No”. 

Mr Hendron added:

“She started to panic but he continued.

“He took hold of her hand and moved it on (an intimate part of his body).

“The defendant had his hand (near an intimate part of her body) and touched her there.”

She later told friends about what happened and how “shocked and confused” she had been during and after the incident.

Mr Hendron said:

“She feared she would not be believed.”

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She sought help from a counsellor about stress which was brought on by the alleged incident in February 2021. 

Hudson, of Hollin Terrace, Huddersfield, was arrested in March of that year when he denied sexually assaulting the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

He denies one count of sexual assault.

The trial continues. 

Harrogate police officer found guilty of sex assault

A Harrogate police officer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman at a property in North Yorkshire.

Joseph McCabe, 27, had only been married six weeks when the incident occurred in 2021.

The victim, who was not in a relationship with McCabe, “froze in fear” after the officer “stroked” her on the arm arm and then badgered her for sex, York Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecutor Richard Blackburn said when the victim rejected McCabe’s advances, he grabbed or “yanked” her hair and dragged her off a bed, before demanding she had sex with him.

He said that McCabe, a devout Roman Catholic who had drunk about seven pints that night, placed his hand on the woman’s inner thigh and on her back and then lifted her onto a bed, before lying next to her and staring at her. Mr Blackburn said:

“He took hold of her arm and began to stroke it.”

When the woman asked him what he was doing, McCabe made no reply.

Mr Blackburn said the woman was scared and made it clear she didn’t want to have sex.

About 30 minutes later, McCabe started shouting, “Get into…bed now”, added Mr Blackburn.

She again spurned his advances.

McCabe, who had been in his policing job since early 2020, later apologised for his behaviour, telling the woman he had “reverted back to being my teenage self” and had made an “ill-judged, romantic” advance. However, he denied his actions were sexual in nature.

The woman, who can’t be named for legal reasons, later reported the incident to police.

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McCabe, of Kingsley Park Road, Harrogate, was brought in for questioning and gave police a prepared statement claiming he was drunk at the time. He admitted lifting the woman and putting her down on a bed but denied his behaviour was sexual.

He said he thought that “matters were developing” between them during the incident in the early hours of the morning, and that he had “stupidly” tried to kiss the woman. Mr Blackburn added:

“He said she made it clear that was not what she wanted and he then apologised.”

McCabe, who was suspended by North Yorkshire Police pending the outcome of the trial, denied pulling the woman’s hair and demanding that she get into bed with him, and said he fell asleep after she made it clear she didn’t want sex.

He was charged with one count of sexual assault but denied the offence. At the trial, which resumed today after the prosecution opening in October last year, McCabe, wearing a smart suit, took to the stand to state his case.

‘Wholeheartedly’ denied allegation

He said he “wholeheartedly” denied the allegation and had done nothing more than try to kiss the woman.

The victim said McCabe picked her up and placed her on a bed and that “nothing was said, which I found quite creepy”. She added:

“He laid on the bed next to me and then he took hold of my hand and (his hand) went up my arm in a stroking motion.”

She said McCabe was moving his hand towards an intimate part of her body, but no contact was made. She said:

“At first I was a bit shocked and couldn’t work out what he was doing.

“I said, ‘What do you think are you doing?’ I perceived that he was trying to have sex with me.”

She said she pointed to the Crucifix that McCabe was wearing and said:

“Aren’t you meant to be religious? What are you doing?”

“I turned away from him at that point because I didn’t want him to think I was interested in him.”

However, she then “felt my (hair) bun get pulled and I was ragged to the floor”.

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She said she was “shouting and swearing” and telling him “don’t touch me”. She added:

“I remember shaking a lot and I didn’t know what to do.

“I just froze in fear. I was in shock.”

She said that during the “horrible” incident, McCabe had “terrified” her and at one stage she feared she might be raped.

Mr Blackburn said the victim “couldn’t get over what happened” and that McCabe had placed her on the bed as a “prelude to something else”.

McCabe’s barrister Kevin Baumber read out character testimonies from friends of McCabe, one of whom was his sports coach.

One of McCabe’s gym friends described him as a “hard-working, kind-natured individual” who took “great pride” in his work.

His sports coach and best friend said McCabe was a “fun guy but has always been serious and sensible, someone I would go to in a crisis”.

He said McCabe had always been “respectful” towards women “for as long as I’ve known (him)”.

Evidence ‘not credible’

But district judge Tan Ikram shot down McCabe’s claims that the victim had been lying or “reimagining” the events.

He said although McCabe was otherwise a “man of good character” and that there was “nothing to suggest you have done anything like this (before)”, there was “always a first time”.

Mr Ikram pointed to inconsistencies in McCabe’s own evidence, including his claim that if the victim had consented to a kiss he had no idea “where it could have ended up”. Nr Ikram added:

“That to me just did not seem credible.

“You have a woman in a bed and have no idea where it would end up? Your evidence today has not been credible.

“You can give no credible explanation as to why (the victim) would make up such a serious allegation. She was telling the truth about what happened that night, I’m sure of that.

“On the other hand, (you) were cautious in your answers (having had) plenty of time to think about it. You have elaborated to try to make innocent sense of what you did.

“I’m sure that your intentions throughout were sexual.”

The judge said he believed the victim’s account that there were “several incidents that night beyond the original attempt to kiss her”.

He told McCabe:

“She never consented and you knew she didn’t and you certainly knew in relation to the encounters where you dragged her by the hair and demanded that she get into your bed, and for those reasons I find you guilty of the offence.”

McCabe sobbed uncontrollably as the judge delivered his verdict.

Sentence was adjourned to March 31.

Harrogate cannabis gardener jailed after £250,000 farm found

A Vietnamese cannabis gardener has been jailed after police found him ensconced in a huge drug factory surrounded by hundreds of marijuana plants worth nearly a quarter of a million pounds.

Manh Nguyen, 18, was arrested at the house in West Lea Avenue, Harrogate, where he had been tending 460 plants inside a sophisticated cannabis factory equipped with irrigation and temperature systems, York Crown Court heard.

Nguyen, of no fixed address, was charged with being concerned in the production of a Class B drug but denied the allegation, claiming he had been trafficked to the UK to work as a cannabis gardener and was a victim of modern slavery.

The teenager was due to face trial today but entered a last-minute guilty plea to the charge, notwithstanding the fact the authorities had found he had been trafficked and was working effectively as a modern slave. 

The Crown proceeded straight to sentence knowing that any jail sentence would be negated by the amount of time Nguyen had spent on remand.

Prosecutor Brooke Morrison said police discovered the bumper cannabis harvest on August 11 last year after raiding the property in Harrogate. 

She added:

“They found inside a total of 460 cannabis plants spread across the rooms of the house.

“The defendant was the only person present at the property. The cannabis grow is estimated to be worth up to £210,000.

“There was a significant amount of equipment recovered including an irrigation system and temperature controls.

“(Nguyen) was found sleeping on a mattress in the front room. It is essentially accepted that he was a gardener given instructions over the phone to water the plants on a daily basis.

“He was seen by neighbours outside the property but only as far as the front of the garden.”

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She said it was “clear that (Nguyen) was performing a limited role” in the drug enterprise and that he didn’t see a penny of the profits. 

Ms Morrison added:

“Clearly, he was a vulnerable young adult and there has been a finding by the (authorities) that he has been trafficked.”

Defence barrister Harry Crowson said Nguyen had come to the UK after being trafficked from Vietnam. He quickly found himself being in debt to his criminal bosses and “taking instructions for a period of time”.

He said that at one stage Nguyen escaped from his criminal bosses and was given social housing, but the criminal gang found him and “brought him back to this same life”.

He said Nguyen’s captors had given him instructions to keep the front garden tidy by cutting the grass, but only gave him a pair of scissors with which to do so.

Mr Crowson said neighbours saw Nguyen performing the pathetic task “either under instruction to keep the grass tidy or because he was in the property with nothing else to occupy his time”.

Mr Crowson added:

“He is very young and came to this country for a better life.”

He said that Nguyen had been on custodial remand since August last year and had already served the equivalent of a one-year-jail sentence.

Used as a ‘modern slave’

Judge Sean Morris, the Recorder of York, addressed Nguyen through a Vietnamese interpreter and told the teenager: 

“It’s quite clear you have been used or (you were) what is termed these days a modern slave.

“You were living on a mattress (and) there is nothing to suggest you (made) any money whatsoever from this criminality.

“It’s a common story that people are hoodwinked into thinking they can get work and they are abused in this way.”

He said that had Nguyen played a “leading role…in this cannabis factory”, he would have given him “as long a sentence as I possibly could”, but that wasn’t the case.

Nguyen received an eight-month jail sentence, but he had already served the equivalent period on remand.

However, the judge warned him: 

“Whether you are released from custody will be a matter for the Home Office.”

The court heard that the authorities were looking into Nguyen’s possible deportation.

Man jailed for racial harassment and carrying weapon in Harrogate

A notorious Harrogate criminal has been jailed yet again, this time for racially aggravated threatening behaviour and carrying a Stanley knife in the town centre.

Graham McMillan, 38, was found shirtless and drinking beer in the middle of the road after police were called out to reports of an incident at Chico’s takeaway in Commercial Street.

York Crown Court heard that McMillan was swearing and shouting racial slurs, even when police warned him about his behaviour.

Prosecutor Brooke Morrison said that when officers searched McMillan, they found a Stanley knife in his jeans pocket.

He was arrested and charged with racially aggravated harassment or threatening behaviour and carrying a bladed article.

He appeared for sentence today via a video link from Wealstun Prison as he was already in custody serving a 42-week prison sentence imposed in September last year for carrying a hammer and swearing at people in the town centre.

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That offence occurred on August 28, just four days after McMillan was arrested for the new offences.

Ms Morrison said the racially aggravated incident occurred on August 24 – the same day that McMillan had been given a two-month suspended prison sentence for possessing heroin and cocaine.

Police were initially called out to the Asda supermarket on Bower Road following reports that McMillan had tried to steal a crate of beer.

This incident did not result in any criminal charges, but later that same day, just before midnight, police received a further report that McMillan was at Chico’s takeaway and was refusing to leave.

Ms Morrison said:

“When police arrived, they found him in the middle of the street, topless, drinking from a bottle of beer.”

She said McMillan was “swearing abuse” and shouting out deeply offensive racial slurs aimed at staff at the takeaway.

When police warned him about his behaviour, McMillan drunkenly replied: 

“I don’t give a fxxx – do me for racism.”

McMillan – formerly of Harlow Moor Drive, Harrogate, but currently of no fixed address – had 31 previous convictions for 56 offences including threatening and racially aggravated behaviour, carrying a blade, possessing an offensive weapon in public and “many” road-traffic matters and breaches of court orders. 

Defence barrister Jennifer Coldham said McMillan had mental-health issues. He intended to return to Harrogate upon his release from the inevitable jail sentence.

Judge Simon Hickey said it was clear that McMillan committed offences “under the influence of drink and drugs”.

McMillan was handed a six-month jail sentence, of which he will serve half behind bars before being released on prison licence.

Harrogate burglar jailed after ‘audacious’ raid of £10k worth of clothes

A prolific Harrogate burglar has been jailed for two years after stealing £10,000 of clothes from a warehouse in two audacious break-ins on the same night.

Aaron Herbert, 49, and an unnamed man drove from Harrogate to the commercial warehouse in York in a stolen VW Golf, York Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Michael Cahill said CCTV footage showed Herbert and the driver getting out of the vehicle and being joined by two other people including a woman outside the warehouse in an industrial compound on Malton Road, Stockton-on-the-Forest.

One of the men used bolt croppers to cut the lock of the warehouse doors to break in. 

Mr Cahill added:

“A short time later, the two who arrived on foot left, leaving (Herbert) and the driver in the warehouse,

“CCTV showed the defendant and his accomplice going in and out of the warehouse…with stock from the warehouse, particularly coats.”

The burglars got back in the car and drove off after bagging £5,000 of loot in the raid, which occurred at about 11pm on December 11 last year. Herbert, who was a disqualified driver, was at the wheel. 

Shortly afterwards, in the early hours of the following morning, Herbert drove back to the warehouse and was again with another man. 

Mr Cahill said:

“The men made numerous trips in and out of the warehouse, stealing various items of clothing.”

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CCTV showed Herbert coming out of the warehouse with a bundle of coats – one of which he was wearing. 

Mr Cahill said that about £5,000 of clothes were stolen in this second raid, and £10,000 in total.

Herbert then drove the Volkswagen away from the loading-bay doors to make way for his 

accomplice to drive out in a “mini” vehicle which he had stolen from inside the warehouse. 

They then carefully closed the warehouse doors to make it look “as if nothing had happened”.

Herbert drove off in the VW and his accomplice drove away in the stolen warehouse vehicle. 

However, it didn’t take police long to coming knocking at Herbert’s door as he was immediately identified from CCTV footage. 

The two stolen vehicles were both found in Harrogate’s Fairfax Avenue.

‘Audacious’ raid

Herbert, of Deane Place, Harrogate, was arrested on December 15 and charged with two counts of burglary, taking a vehicle without consent and driving while disqualified and without insurance. 

He admitted the offences and appeared for sentence today.

Mr Cahill said Herbert had taken the VW car after a sneak-in burglary at a named woman’s home in Harrogate in which her car keys were stolen.

Herbert’s 22-year criminal career comprised 27 previous convictions for 85 offences including burglary and 24 theft and kindred offences. 

Defence barrister Harry Crowson said that Herbert, a long-standing heroin addict, had spent most of his time in prison in recent years. 

Judge Simon Hickey described the burglaries as “audacious”.

He told Herbert: 

“You were seen emptying the warehouse of a significant amount of clothes (which represents) a significant economic loss.”

He said the burglaries involved “significant planning” and that Herbert was now at risk of becoming “institutionalised”.

Herbert will serve half of the two-year jail sentence behind bars before being released on prison licence. He was also given a two-year driving ban.

Harrogate businessman spared jail for sexually assaulting woman in street

A Harrogate businessman who sexually assaulted a woman in the street has been spared prison.

Paul Harper, 41, touched or “groped” the young woman on an intimate part of her body while the victim was walking hand in hand with her boyfriend in Harrogate town centre, York Crown Court heard.

Harper, a married father-of-three, denied the offence but a jury found him guilty following a trial.

He appeared for sentence yesterday for his inexplicable and “predatory” act which occurred at night, in a crowded street “in the middle of Harrogate”, in August 2021.

The court heard that Harper, of Hollins Lane, Hampsthwaite, “brazenly” walked off after the bizarre act, leaving the Harrogate woman “aghast, shocked and distressed”.

Prosecutor Michael Morley read out a statement from the victim, who described the dramatic effect the incident had had upon her.

She said she found the experience “shocking” and described Harper’s behaviour as “outrageous, disgraceful and predatory”.

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She couldn’t understand what she had done “which had attracted this man’s attention” and said she had been treated like an “object”. It made her feel “less secure” in a town where she had previously felt safe. Mr Morley said:

“She regarded Harrogate as a fairly safe town and never felt there were problems there, but she feels less safe in her home town now…and upset that her parents saw the state she was in (when she returned home).”

The victim said her “outrage and bewilderment” had been compounded by the fact that incidents such as this in Harrogate and elsewhere appeared to be “commonplace” now, or “just one of those things girls have to deal with”.

She had undergone therapy since the incident to deal with feelings of “anxiety and sadness”.

Defence barrister Helen Chapman said Harper’s business and his employees would suffer if he were sent to jail. He was a man “of some means” and his family were dependent upon him.

Community order

Judge Simon Hickey told the disgraced businessman:

“In a crowded street in the middle of Harrogate, you decided to (sexually assault) a young woman…then you brazenly walked off, leaving that woman aghast, shocked and distressed that she could go out in a public street and still be molested.

“You said at trial, ‘I’m not some seedy guy who goes around imposing myself on young (women)’. I’m afraid that’s precisely what you are and that’s why you decided you could grope a woman when she was simply holding her boyfriend’s hands.”

The judge said he had noted the “significant” effect the attack had had on the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

However, he said he wasn’t going to lock Harper up, “although many women may feel that that’s exactly what should happen to you”.

Mr Hickey said he could veer away from a jail sentence because of the effect this would have on Harper’s family.

Instead, Harper was given a two-year community order and placed on the sex-offenders’ register for five years. He was also given a 10-year restraining order banning him from contacting the victim.

In addition, he was ordered to complete up to 43 days of a sex-offenders’ group work programme, 80 hours’ unpaid work and a 55-day rehabilitation course. He was also made to pay £3,135 prosecution costs.

Ex-Harrogate guest house owner ordered to repay £140,000 for role in cannabis racket

An elderly Harrogate guest house owner who played the role of “facilitator” in a half-a-million-pound cannabis racket has been ordered to repay over £140,000 to the public purse.

Yoko Banks, 72, rented out three properties to a London-based Albanian drug gang, which set up large-scale cannabis factories harvesting “industrial” amounts of the highly potent skunk variety in some of Harrogate’s most desirable and affluent residential streets.

Banks, who was constantly in touch with the drug conspirators during their operation but played no active part in the cultivation process, was jailed for three-and-a-half years in August 2021 after she admitted three counts of being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

Her six co-conspirators Andi Kokaj, 23, Visar Sellaj, 33, Kujtim Brahaj, 50, Indrit Brahaj, 27, Bledar Elezaj, 36, and 31-year-old Erblin Elezaj, were jailed for a combined 22 years for various offences including drug supply and cannabis production.

Today, the disgraced former guest-house owner appeared for the final confiscation hearing at Leeds Crown Court under the Proceeds of Crime Act following a protracted case due in large part to Banks’s own “complex web” of properties and assets and what the prosecution described as her reluctance to co-operate with the financial investigation. 

Cannabis farms

Prosecutor Martin Bosomworth said that it was agreed by both the prosecution and defence that Banks had benefited from the drug racket to the tune of £142,330. 

He said it was agreed by both parties that the amount available to her was £565,347 – essentially half a million in assets or properties.

Judge Rachim Singh ordered Banks, of Scargill Road, to pay back the full benefit amount of £142,330 and gave her three months to pay on pain of 12 months in prison.

It comes just two months after one of Banks’s co-conspirators, Andi Kokaj, was made to pay back just £1 at the same court. The nominal fee was ordered due to the Albanian national’s apparent lack of means, his relatively “minor” role in the audacious drug plot and his limited financial gain.

Mr Bosomworth said the gang had converted three of Banks’ properties on Alexandra Road, Woodlands Road and Somerset Road near Harrogate town centre into cannabis farms with potential yields of up to £456,000. 

They made an estimated £345,000 from the highly sophisticated enterprise in which they dug a trench outside one of the properties to install high-speed broadband so they could keep a check on the premises on internet-enabled security cameras. 

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Their hugely lucrative plot finally unravelled when police were called to a five-bedroom villa owned by Banks in September 2020 after reports of a “disturbance” in the street involving what appeared to be two rival gangs vying for the cannabis farm.

The gang were able to watch the police drug raid live on the internet after rigging up a superfast broadband connection linked to cameras at the property, where officers found a crossbow at the front door.

‘Complicated accounts’

Last year, Banks failed in her bid to have her conviction quashed after earlier admitting her guilt. 

At a previous adjourned confiscation hearing, Mr Bosomworth said that Banks owned a string of “highly marketable” properties in some of Harrogate’s most desirable areas.

He added, however, that her “complicated accounts and property empire” were proving to be a major sticking point in the ongoing financial investigation.

Leeds Crown Court. Picture: the Stray Ferret.

Leeds Crown Court. Picture: the Stray Ferret.

On that occasion, Banks – who was due to be released from New Hall women’s prison on New Year’s Eve, halfway through her jail sentence – claimed she had no money because it had been frozen in her bank account. 

Mr Bosomworth said that Sellaj, the gang’s ringleader, had made £438,000 from the cannabis-cultivation enterprise and that he had £76,000 in the bank which he could pay back into public coffers.

At a contested financial confiscation hearing in May last year, it was found that Indrit Brahaj had jointly benefited from the criminal enterprise to the tune of £133,328. In his case, a confiscation order of £24,082 was made.

Kujtim Brahaj was found to have benefited to the tune of £1,194. The judge made a nominal confiscation order of £1 in his case due to limited financial means. 

Banks, who had previous convictions for health-and-safety offences through her work, was due to be paid at least £12,000 a month in rent for allowing the gang to use the three properties and was also receiving “high” deposits, said Mr Bosomworth.

Ringleader Sellaj’s financial confiscation proceedings have been adjourned for a full-day hearing on a date to be fixed. This will determine the amount of cash available to him and how much he must pay back.

Ripon and Knaresborough men spared jail after TikTok fight

Two men who staged a fight in a layby for TikTok viewers have been spared prison despite one of them brandishing a machete in front of onlookers.

William Fuller-McMillan and Rivers Wilson, both 22 and from Ripon and Knaresborough respectively, were armed with weapons when they turned up for the pre-arranged fight near Ripon racecourse, York Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Lewis Kerr said it appeared the fight had been arranged between Wilson and another named man following an “issue” with a young woman.

The fight was set for a layby on Boroughbridge Road, Ripon, on December 17, 2021, when people turned up in several cars “armed with weapons” in the dark hours to witness the shocking scenes.

Mr Kerr said videos of the fight were circulated on the internet as it was happening, and witnesses called police.

Onlookers who witnessed the “prolonged” dust-up said it was initially a “fair fight, one-on-one”, between Wilson and his rival, with punches being thrown by each man.

But then Wilson “took the upper hand, kicking (the other man) several times” and there was kneeing during the fight, along with “grappling and grabbing”, causing injuries ostensibly to both men.

The court heard that at some points during the skirmishing, someone drove a dark Mercedes at people at the scene.

Mr Kerr said that by the time the fight ended, Wilson appeared to be holding a baseball bat, although he was never charged with this.

Fuller-McMillan then brandished a machete and threatened another man with the weapon.

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Mr Kerr said although the knife wasn’t actually used, there was the “potential for serious disorder”.

He said the entire incident was a “staged fight on TikTok”.

Wilson, of Princess Close, Ripon, was arrested and initially charged with affray. He denied the allegation and was due to face trial on Tuesday, January 3, but admitted an alternative charge under the Public Order Act before a jury was sworn in.

Fuller-McMillan, of Stockwell Drive, Knaresborough, admitted using a bladed article to threaten. The two men appeared for sentence on Wednesday.

Previous convictions

The court heard Fuller-McMillan had a previous conviction for threatening to damage property. He was convicted of that offence in June last year and received a community order.

Wilson had four previous convictions for 12 offences, the last of which in 2019 resulted in a 22-month jail sentence in February 2020.

Barrister Patrick Palmer, for Wilson, said his client earned good money in construction and had stayed out of trouble since the incident in Ripon.

Nicholas Hammond, for Fuller-McMillan, said his client had moved away from Ripon following the incident and had since set up home with his partner and worked full time as a joiner.

He said Fuller-McMillan was at the scene to support his friend Wilson and his actions were down to a “lack of maturity”.

Judge Simon Hickey described the staged fight in Ripon as a “disgraceful incident”.

He told the defendants:

“In the darkness, you all decided you were going to have a fight. You all attended in several motor cars armed with weapons.

“Any member of the public going past would have been very upset and perturbed by what then occurred.”

Fuller-McMillan was given a 22-month prison sentence, but this was suspended for 18 months because of his “impressive” character references and the fact that he had stayed out of trouble since the incident. As part of the order, he must complete 150 hours’ unpaid work.

The judge told Wilson that although he had been involved in a “nasty piece of violence”, he was “impressed that you and your co-accused are both working and keeping out of trouble”.

Wilson was fined £500 for the public-order offence and ordered to pay a statutory surcharge. Both men were ordered to pay £185 prosecution costs.







Harrogate solicitor jailed after breaching restraining order

A solicitor who rammed his car into his wife’s home in Harrogate and subjected her to “mental torture” has been jailed for breaching a restraining order designed to protect her.

Richard Wade-Smith, 66, was spared jail in September after he admitted harassment causing fear of violence, damaging property and drink-driving.

That followed an unrelenting harassment campaign against his now-former partner which culminated in the incident on Boxing Day 2021 when Wade-Smith, who was drunk, rammed his Nissan Qashqai into his wife’s home in Slingsby Walk. 

On that occasion, Wade-Smith received a three-year community order with a rehabilitation programme and restraining order banning from contacting the victim or going anywhere near her property. 

It was hoped that a non-custodial sentence would enable him to “rebuild his life”, but within four days of it being imposed, he went to his wife’s house and knocked on the door.

Restraining order breach

Barrister Kelly Sherif, who was prosecuting at the initial sentence hearing, said it was about 8.15am on September 19 when Wade-Smith’s wife heard a knock at her door. Wade-Smith walked off but about two hours later he returned, knocked on her door again and called her name.

The named victim went to the door, but Wade-Smith, a former “high-powered” lawyer, walked off again.

A neighbour called police and Wade-Smith was arrested. He was charged with two counts of breaching a restraining order and remanded in custody. 

He admitted the offences and was due to be sentenced in October, but Judge Sean Morris adjourned the case to look into the possibility of new hostel accommodation as an alternative to jail.

York Crown Court

York Crown Court.

Wade-Smith, of no fixed address, appeared for sentence at York Crown Court today.

The court heard that under the terms of the restraining order, Wade-Smith was supposed to go straight to Harrogate Borough Council’s offices to seek emergency accommodation following his release from custody in September.

However, Brooke Morrison, prosecuting at today’s adjourned sentence hearing, said there had been a delay in releasing him from custody which meant that when he was freed, the council offices had closed for the day and there was no room for him at any hostels in Harrogate.

He had slept rough on his first night of freedom and failed to get in touch with the council the following day, which meant that his request for hostel accommodation was turned down.

The lawyer slept in an expensive hotel for “one or two nights”, but then got drunk and ended up sleeping on the street.

He claimed that while sleeping rough he had been robbed of his credit cards and woke up in hospital. 

He said that with “nowhere else to go”, he headed for his former marital home. 

Too drunk to get out of car

Wade-Smith, who had worked for various law firms in Yorkshire and latterly ran his own legal service from Wedderburn House, was nearly twice the drink-drive limit when he rammed his car into his wife’s home on Boxing Day.

His wife was woken by a terrible “smashing” noise which she initially thought was an “explosion”. 

Wade-Smith was so drunk that police had to help him out of the car, which was damaged along with the front of the semi-detached home. 

The incident followed months of marital discord in which Wade-Smith falsely accused her of being unfaithful and forced her to flee the house.

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Wade-Smith, a Cambridge law graduate, had been in a relationship with the victim for about 22 years, but in 2021 his behaviour changed after he started drinking again.

He would “disturb (his wife’s) sleep”, waking her in the middle of the night and demanding she “answer questions” of a personal nature, said the prosecution.

In November last year, she started receiving nasty messages on a “daily basis” from Wade-Smith. On one occasion inside the house, he told her: 

“If you don’t go now, I’ll kick you down the stairs.”

Wade-Smith was said to have been suffering from psychosis and “hypermania” after becoming bipolar in middle age. 

Defence barrister Ayman Khokar said that Wade-Smith “wasn’t in his senses” when he went back to the victim’s home and breached the order.

‘Re-triggered trauma’

Judge Morris, the Recorder of York, told Wade-Smith it was his “own fault” that he was now facing a jail sentence. 

He said although it was true that he had only knocked on his wife’s door, it had “re-triggered the whole trauma of the past and that is why it has caused this (victim) very serious distress”.

He added: 

“She is in a bad way because of you, and it is a form of mental torture.”

Wade-Smith was given a 10-month jail sentence, but he will only serve half of that, less the time he had already spent on remand, before being released on prison licence. 

The judge ordered that the restraining order would remain in place indefinitely.