Stray Views: Harrogate Town FC should get a new stadium

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

A new stadium for Harrogate Town?

It is excellent news about Harrogate Town having £3.5m to improve their ground on Wetherby Road. Isn’t this just throwing good money into a bad issue. The ground cannot expand, has no parking and few facilities for visiting fans. 

The solution is not good money after bad it is about thinking much more strategically. Why don’t Harrogate Town talk to Harrogate Borough Council and instead of leasing land on Wetherby Road ask to look at leasing Council Land on Leeds Road between Harrogate and Pannal to build themselves a stadium to be proud of and fit for purpose and would be amazing if more success comes their way. 

There could be on site parking and not just using Residential streets around the ground as a car park. There is nowhere for coaches to park for visiting fans. The site is sustainable being served by a very regular bus service, the 36, and also being close to Pannal Station. It would be a win, win for everyone.

Then to add to those wins the council could give the Harrogate Town site to the hospital for car parking for their staff, again removing hospital parking from many, many roads and making it safer for staff especially on night shifts.

I would be happy to meet with the football club to discuss this and to hear other peoples views.

Cllr Pat Marsh, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Harrogate Borough Council

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36 route should include railway station

It would be useful if the 36 included the railway station in its peregrinations in Leeds even if there is a double stop at the bus station, otherwise there is an off putting hike in between.

As a postscript, back in the pre-Beeching days the 36 used to visit the Ripon Railway station between stops at the bus station. Just goes to show not much is new.

Trevor Dale, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Harrogate potholes ‘worse than Cairo’

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Harrogate’s potholes worse than Cairo

Might I suggest that North Yorkshire County Council either furthers its skills in excavation or takes classes in road repairs.

I return from Cairo, Egypt regularly to visit my home town and many of the roads are a disgrace. St Mark’s Avenue, to name but one. I dare say many are in far worse states than the roads here in Egypt, and ours are bad.

I have watched St Mark’s Ave become like a major dig for some Harrogate archaeological treasure.

Please direct money, repairing many of the roads, to keep cars from becoming premature jalopies and saving the elderly from accidents who will then need emergency repairs, while crossing treacherous roads.

Harrogate should be beautiful and well kept, everywhere.

Janice Walker, Heliopolis, Cairo

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Harrogate needs flexible travel choices

I write this as someone who visits old friends in Harrogate regularly, with a flexible approach to travel choices, since I might ‘step off a train’ at Skipton, Kirkstall Forge, York or Leeds, and then get a bus, train or cycle (there’s a neat connection option Headingly-Kirkstall Forge this way – less good uphill though).

So to hear the rumblings about loss of late and early trains with Northern makes me wish that there was scope for a formal deal with the 36 and Transdev’s Harrogate Buses. As a more flexible traveller, I’ve done this mix & match a few times, when an event in Leeds ended in the evening ‘hole’ in the train service, or after the last train.

So Alex, (boss at Starbeck) how might the deal work, no handy train, eg with a through ticket for an early Leeds-London service or similar, then show your rail ticket and pay £1 to use the 36? Some might even switch for more trips?

Of course the deal might work even better with a public bike hire scheme in Leeds and Harrogate – less than five minutes on a bike gets you from Leeds Bus Station to Leeds City Rail Station, and two-wheels in Harrogate on a bad day is practically immune to traffic jams, or allows me to cut over from Bilton to Starbeck with the ‘short cut’ to catch a train for York (and its cheaper too with fares pricing).

From a bike you’d be shocked at what you’ll see drivers doing as you ride past – I saw an estate agent doing paperwork on a clip board balanced on the steering wheel as she slowly drove along in the queue and mobile phone use is as bad as it ever was, despite the more severe penalties

So instead of Northern also having the expense of running a separate bus (or several?) for those trains, work with the local bus service, and perhaps an eight-seater to deal with stations just too far away from the bus route (perhaps Pannal-Headingley?) and the smaller number of passengers for those connections?

I last owned a car 46 years ago, but for nearly five years have been able to drive a near-new electric car whenever I need to, but in that time my total spending on ‘motoring’ has been less than £200, and the wide choice of other options isn’t coloured by that ton or two of 4-wheeled indulgence that I’m paying for 24/7, but the surveys show sits idle for over 22 hours in every 24, easily costing £12-£20 per day in finance, insurance, servicing, depreciation.

Many poorer households have worked out that it’s cheaper to get a taxi to get home with their weekly shopping, and use buses (less than £2 per day unlimited travel with a bus pass) where they have worked out exactly how to get around with. Its an even better deal once you’re old enough for a bus pass, and drive a lot less.

Dave Holladay, Glasgow

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Stray Views: Turnout for this week’s local election ‘disgusting’

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Why didn’t many residents in the district vote?

Where is the curious journalism that wants to know why nearly 70% of eligible residents in the Harrogate district could not raise themselves from their sofa to vote? Why are these people so disenfranchised that they can’t be bothered to put an X on a piece of paper and have an influence on the direction of their own lives? Why is it that I haven’t seen a candidate or an activist canvasing in my area since the EU referendum in 2016?

Did people really vote in numbers for the Liberal Democrats because of a strong ideological belief, was it because they had an inspiring manifesto at a local and national level or was it simply a protest vote from an electorate that will never vote Labour? The truth is no one knows because no one bothers to ask us!

Nobody won today, the political class has been an embarrassment for some time and continues hell bent on its race to the bottom in terms of performance, conduct and perception. Beyond this our town lost its council today and probably its unique identity as a result. The Tories will celebrate their success in taking control of the unitary council and will conveniently forget that an overwhelming majority didn’t actually vote for them at all. For that, us the electorate should be ashamed of our apathy, the low turnout was disgusting.

David, Killinghall Moor

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The wrong platform

Is it not possible for the London train to depart and arrive into Platform 1 at the main Station Concourse. Everyday railway customers struggle with their luggage up stairs or along the platform to queue for the 2 Lifts.

This does not give a good first impression of Harrogate and does little to help the railway customers.

Surely this can be sorted quickly within the busy timetable. Let’s put the travellers first.

Paul Lawrence, Harrogate

Stray Views: It’s not time to ‘move on’ from Boris Johnson fine

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Boris Johnson fine: We’re not moving on

In response to last week’s Stray Views, Susan can absolutely ‘move on’ if she’s happy and satisfied with our shambolic Prime Minister but that does not mean that we have to listen to her and move on ourselves.

The Prime Minister broke the law. He serves the country and he needs to be held accountable. Can’t she see it’s a massive issue that our Prime Minister thinks he is above the law? Plus, Susan’s points are laughable. Boris Johnson isn’t the one suffering from Brexit? He made sure he and his buddies still receive the benefits from the EU (such as the Freedom of Movement). Also, I’m sure he can afford to shop in places that will have fruit and veg on the shelves – unlike many people in our local area who have been forced to food banks. He may have had covid, but doesn’t Susan remember that he was the one promoting herd immunity before vaccines? So, he has no one else to blame for that but himself.

Susan cannot tell people how they should/shouldn’t grieve. That was insensitive and appalling. Susan also cannot tell people when or when not to move on.

Susan’s letter lacked compassion, empathy and understanding for anyone but Boris Johnson which baffles me. Anyway, despite her atrocious ‘views’ I am really interested, for a bit of a laugh really, in her opinion, what more important things are there?

Annie Smith, Harrogate

No break for the Prime Minister

Give him a break, really? The reason partygate is not going away, as much as the Prime Minister wishes it would, is because he has blatantly broken the rules and then had the audacity to lie about it.

No longer a Conservative voter.

Jenny Beesley, Harrogate

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More money to keep Knaresborough clean

While it is very good that there are millions available to spend on leisure activities, it would be nice to see a little money spent on keeping Knaresborough clean, like it used to be when the late David Harper was employed to do this job.

The Autumn leaves were not swept up last year and became extremely slippery when the rain fell. Now they are just a dirty mess. On some roads, such as Wetherby Road, the decaying leaves have washed into the drains and blocked them to the extent they cannot cope with heavy rain.Surely a few thousand pounds could be found to employ someone to keep Knaresborough’s streets clean again?

Patsi Waite, Knaresborough

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Stray Views: Boris Johnson has paid the fine – it’s time to move on

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Boris Johnson fine: get over it

Ask those complaining about the Prime Minister who they voted for. Give him a break; he’s had to deal with Brexit, a covid pandemic plus having covid himself.

There are many families who aren’t with loved ones when they die; I wasn’t with my son when he drowned.

Do these people not consider that there are more important things to deal with now? It’s done, he’s apologised and paid the fine, get over it.

Susan Mitchell, Harrogate

What has Nigel Adams done as MP?

Nigel Adams, the Conservative MP for Selby and Ainsty, has announced he will be standing down at the next election, so possibly not until 2024. To quote his own website, this is what he is supposed to do: “…to represent the interests and concerns of all the people who live in their constituency, whether they voted for them at the General Election or not”.

Yet this MP does nothing and represents no one unless it be himself or to benefit himself. His senior parliamentary secretary must have a difficult job – they reply to almost all the letters I have ever sent, either having to defend the indefensible on his behalf e.g the Owen Paterson issue or they are generic responses that miss the points being made.  

Yet Mr Adams has accepted well over £30,000 from a former Kremlin-related oligarch, Alexander Temerko (previously associated with the arms trade in Russia and who, according to Catherine Belton, author of Putin’s People, has praised senior members of the Russian security establishment, including the Russian security council chief Nikolai Patrushev).

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What due diligence was done to establish the money was ‘clean’? He has also accepted £11,350 from Sanjeev Gupta, who had links with Greensill Capital, the company which collapsed in March 2021 and has been at the centre of a financial and political scandal.

His Twitter account consists mostly of re-Tweets but he has also happily accepted thousands of pounds of hospitality from gaming and betting organisations to attend the football Euros during the pandemic – then tweeted about it.  Yet he has remained silent on any of the many substantive, ethical issues which have occurred under the Johnson government, including even Partygate.

Hansard records show that he almost never mentions any of his own, specific constituents’ problems or issues (merely using  the word ‘constituents’ in general) and the Stray Ferret itself has shown month after month in its MPs Watch articles just how little trace there is of what exactly this MP does. A particularly memorable note was made that in July 2021, Nigel Adams tweeted that a dog had visited his office.

What a difficult life.

He should go now so his constituents can have a by-election. Why should the public purse continue to finance this ‘career’ until the next election?

Friedy Luther, Spofforth

Government ‘prioritises self-indulgence over social responsibility’ with covid

Three weeks ago, I left these shores for the first time since 2019: a three-day visit to Madrid. Covid was still rife, but few people inside the terminal at Leeds-Bradford were wearing masks in spite of the signs.

On the plane, however, masks were mandatory except when refreshments were served. They were much in evidence during transfer at Schipol airport and then at Adolfo Suárez. On the metro to Madrid centre, everyone wore masks and did their best to leave free seats between passengers. Madrid was buzzing, but on the wide streets, well over half of the people were masked, a higher number still in crowded areas.

In the bars and restaurants, customers scrupulously replaced their face coverings when moving around the establishment. In the hotel lift, signs urged guests not to mix households when using them. At my appointments, masks were worn even during business. I found this eminently sensible and reassuring, under the circumstances. The complaints and worries I heard were not about restrictions but about non-compliance and what might happen when guidelines were relaxed.

Back in England 15 days later, having dodged covid since the start of the pandemic, I tested positive. The next day my partner did, and six days later, my younger daughter. That, I suspect, is what happens when, under the pretext of returning to ‘normal’ and unshackling the economy, a government prioritises the right to self-indulgence over social responsibility.

Glyn Hambrook, Harrogate

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Stray Views: is this rewilding eyesore acceptable for Harrogate?

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Is this rewilding eyesore acceptable for our town?

I was interested to read in the Stray Ferret that Harrogate Borough Council has decided to repeat last years exercise of ‘wilding’ the Stray.

The article was accompanied by an attractive picture of wild flowers and grass gently bending in the breeze. It looks idyllic, and just the image that we want to project to encourage people to visit our town.

The grass verge directly in front of 8 West Park (Specialized & OKA) was ‘wilded’ last year and for weeks we had a miserable view of two-metre high weeds, and the odd dandelion amongst the sparse grass.

grass verge

This year, as my images illustrate, it’s going to be another eyesore. The kind of abandoned verge you wouldn’t be surprised to see on a motorway central reservation but not Harrogate, home of the RHS Harlow Carr and Valley Gardens.

This is on the main walking route into our town, passed by thousands of visitors each year and yet the council seem oblivious to this embarrassment of a ‘maintained’ verge. There were no spring crocuses bursting through. It’s pointless the council cutting the grass because there is as much bare earth as grass. Why has it been forgotten?

I broadly support the concept of ‘wilding’. if the preparation has been done it can look really attractive as it does in neighbouring towns.

I anticipate the council’s response i.e. ‘lack of resources due to covid’ and’ budget restraints’ etc but would it cost so much for a rotavator, some weed killer and grass seed? I would gladly pay for the wild flowers seeds!

Please take a stroll past this verge and ask yourself is this acceptable for our town.

Ian Latham, Harrogate

Sort out this traffic light mess!

I agree with Liz Carnell and the appalling situation with traffic congestion on Skipton Road.

The phasing on all the traffic lights from Bilton Lane right through to Claro Road is completely rubbish.

They all need to be adjusted to time and flow with emphasis on ensuring traffic turning into Skipton Road is not then impeded by red lights, which in turn cause log jams such as King’s Road and Woodfield Road into Skipton Road, both of which allow three cars to turn and immediately into red lights.

As always, local authority make changes at will without understanding the situation in the first place and almost always make the problems worse.

Tony Petrie, Woodfield Road, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Skipton Road ‘improvements’ have made delays worse

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Skipton Road ‘improvements’ have made delays worse

At 9.30am today (Wednesday) it took me 16 minutes to drive between the New Park and Empress roundabouts in Harrogate, a distance of just over a mile.

The recent ‘improvement’ to the traffic lights at the junction of King’s Road and Woodfield Road has made Skipton Road jams much worse, in both directions.

When will North Yorkshire County Council return to remedy these problems where the traffic lights are not giving anything like enough time to motorists on the main Skipton Road, and how much has this wasted work cost so far?

Liz Carnell, Knox Way, Harrogate

Get it beeping right!

I read your articles about beeps at pedestrian crossings.

I have reasonably good eyesight and hearing but I entirely agree with Mr Raho that beeps are really necessary at pedestrian crossings and should be installed, as they do help so much when trying to cross.

Patricia Perry, Harrogate

Our MP is in first gear

I read last week’s letter about Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones’ lack of communication on his website.

It’s because it’s such a safe seat and he thinks he will walk it again at the next election — he’s in first gear all the way.

Michael Ward, Knaresborough

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Stray Views: Andrew Jones MP should communicate better

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Our ‘sunshine politician’ should update us more

I notice on Andrew Jones MP’s website that as of the March 25, the News and Campaigns section was last updated on January 19 with a criticism of the behaviour of the Prime Minister.

Since then, we have had the ‘Russian cash for something’ the Conservative Party has welcomed from oligarchs connected to Putin. Also, the arrival of Russian troops in the Ukraine carrying out an attack on a country and risking the possibility of world war. Not to mention the murderous bombing and shelling of civilians.

As the Conservative Party has the funds to cover MPs’ expenses, why would this website not be covering such important issues that should be reported to constituents by every means possible?

The definition of a sunshine politician is here clear to see.

Andrew Williams, Harrogate

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Shops should close their doors to preserve heat

I’m amazed by the number of shop doors open and heating on full blast in the shops. Some particular promoting their green policies but letting expensive heat out of the door.

Rachel Rawlings, Harrogate

Thanks to my lovely helpers

Please would you convey my grateful thanks to all the people who came to my aid when I had an accident in Springfield Avenue on a recent Friday. It’s heartwarming to know there are such lovely people around. I am recovering well.

Joy Garratt, Harrogate

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Stray Views: We need action now on speeding in Knaresborough

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Boroughbridge Road Blues

I’d like to raise some issues about the impact of traffic on Boroughbridge Road, here in Knaresborough.

I am a resident and very concerned about the impact of heavy vehicles and speeding traffic. Vehicles regularly exceed the speed limit and the size of some vehicles using the road means walking on the pavement is not a great experience and our house regularly shakes as vehicles pass.

I’ve raised these concerns with the highways authority, the police commissioner and my local Harrogate councillors.

I’ve suggested among other things: bigger speed signs, vehicle activated signs, repeater signs, more road markings and a review of weight limits.

It’s fair to say I haven’t made much progress with the the bodies responsible for traffic and speeding. The county council and the police both mainly referred me to the other body. The county council didn’t respond to the weight limit issue.

I appreciate resources are limited but I think it’s high time something was done to address a blight on the lives of our community. My suggestions wouldn’t cost a great deal, especially when considered against the cost of the negative impact the current situation has on peoples’ well being.

I see also it’s recently been an issue in the election material we’re getting through the door, so maybe now is the time to apply pressure on prospective candidates in the forthcoming elections and demand some clear commitments on what they would do in the new council.

All that’s in the future though, what I’d really like to see is some action now!

Ian Brown, Knaresborough

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Council got it wrong with Otley Road cycle path

It seems North Yorkshire County Council has got it wrong again with the Otley Road cycle path. Cycle paths and pedestrians should be kept separate! Also spending millions for a minority is ridiculous. I am sure if council tax payers had been asked, it would have been a resounding no.

This is the second time they have made a mess of Otley Road. Several years ago they decided to put bollards in the centre of the road. The result was that buses and lorries were unable to pass.

Another moronic idea was when they changed the road priority in Burn Bridge so that vehicles coming from the left had right of way.

Howard Angel, Harrogate


Stray Views: More houses in Harrogate district should mean lower council tax

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

New houses should mean lower council tax

Not only do we have thousands of new houses in the district but 1,700 extra have been built! I cannot, therefore, understand why our council tax is going up rather than coming down!

I would assume a surfeit, especially with so many being in the higher bands.

Janet Palmer, Knaresborough

Why are roads constantly being dug up?

Leadhall Lane in Harrogate has been a shambles of a road for many years, with deep potholes causing hazards for motorists and cyclists.

At the same time, numerous gas leaks have been excavated and repaired, to the cost of Northern Gas Networks and the exceptional inconvenience of local road users.

The potholes caused considerable crashes and bangs into the road from school buses and lorries. Hurrah! It was relaid in 2021.

Yesterday there was a gas stink in Leadhall Lane. Today there is a big hole in Leadhall Lane. Northern Gas Networks is digging it up again.

Why do we have to suffer this continual under-performance from the council in relation to controlling the actions of privatised utility companies? Are they incompetent or not?

David Graham, Harrogate

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Stray Ferret penalised for reporting facts

It comes as no surprise that your reporter was refused access to Ripon’s new pool when other media was allowed.

You are being penalised for reporting the real facts about the farcical events surrounding the pool and its build not forgetting the extra money we gave the construction firm.

Myself and thousands of others applaud you The Stray Ferret for all your news articles released to us.

Maranda Harling, Ripon

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