Stray Views: Who benefits from Maltkiln?

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Who benefits from the Maltkiln development? 

Will our local councils come clean and explain to us why they are proceeding with Maltkiln after refusing, right up to the High Court, the development of Flaxby with the following consequences:

Can they tell us who are the beneficiaries of this decision?

Dr Terry Bramall CBE, Harrogate

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Chain Lane/York Road junction, Knaresborough

Having read Mr Payne’s letter regarding this junction and the poor signage, I was compelled to write. I asked North Yorkshire County Council why the temporary right turn sign suddenly appeared. This makes life difficult for residents on The Paddock trying to get home from Wetherby Road. The diversion down Manse Lane is nothing short of dangerous!

I have waited patiently for weeks for a reply…still waiting. I also contacted our Town representatives….they are also still waiting for a reply.

Is this the service we can expect when we all come under North Yorkshire Council. It makes me shudder!

Please Highways, can I have an answer?


Jayne Jackson, Knaresborough 

Opening Beech Grove wont solve anything

Dennis Richards says the Beech Grove scheme has made Victoria Road more dangerous because of speeding traffic.

Beech Grove Low Traffic Neighbourhood hasn’t made drivers go faster on Victoria Road but it has meant there are more of them. That is going to be tackled by making the junction with Otley Road one way only.

Drivers will be able to enter Victoria Road but not exit onto Otley Road.

Opening up Beech Grove to through traffic won’t solve anything but will make the road much less pleasant for residents and no longer a safe oasis for cyclists.

Malcolm Margolis , Harrogate District Cycle Action 

Stray Views: Signing up to social care scheme ‘irresponsible’

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Signing up to social care scheme ‘irresponsible’

In response to the county council’s pilot scheme for social care. Isn’t it irresponsible to sign up to a scheme when you know it could bankrupt you? And is this the same authority which will shortly control Harrogate’s finances? Heaven help us.

Diane Stokes, Harrogate

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Concern over new Knaresborough junction layout

Whoever was responsible for designing the new layout and the subsequent flow of traffic through the Chain Lane and Wetherby Road junction needs to be severely reprimanded for failing to think out the consequences of their actions due to a lack of knowledge on such matters.

Every time you attempt to cross the A59 from Chain Lane you are faced with trying to avoid a collision. The inside lane is for turning left or crossing the A59 to enter Wetherby Road. The outside lane is for turning right to travel in the direction of Knaresborough town centre. Due to the poor standard of the road markings, the number of vehicles that still try and cross into Wetherby Road from the outside lane is astonishingly high causing vehicles having to take action to avoid a collision. 

Horns beeped, hand gestures etc from those in the outside lane who think they are in the correct lane. Travelling the other way from Wetherby Road there is a temporary road sign that indicates no right turn. Try telling that to the individuals who have always turned right at this junction and continue to do so, 

Today I was confronted by a youth who was following the instructions of a driving instructor who insisted that you can still turn right onto the A59 in the direction away from Knaresborough. The signage needs to be much larger and clearer and needs to be rectified before somebody ends up in the cemetery that is situated at his junction. North Yorkshire Council sort it out.

Robbie Payne, Knaresborough

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Stray Views: Station Gateway ‘will degrade things’

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Station Gateway criticism

Having read the latest on this project I see that the council admit that pedestrianising James Street will reduce business by 2% and that by reducing Station Parade to one lane a journey round town would increase by 73 seconds. 

From day one of this ludicrous scheme we have been told how it will improve everything and be a big benefit to Harrogate. 

It would appear that so far the only thing guaranteed is that it will degrade things. It would seem that the maths I was taught in school in the 50s do not conform to modern teaching if these figures are now considered an improvement.

Malcolm Hodgekinson, Harrogate

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‘Satanic imagery’ in Harrogate

I must strongly object to what can only be described as the Satanic imagery featured in the posters in the streets and website for the “Harrogate Carnival”.

A “person” in a fetish leather clad red dress featuring devil horns and scary red makeup is not what I would call “family friendly”.

If this is representative of what this Carnival is about then I don’t think it is appropriate for young children to attend, I certainly won’t be bringing my family to it.

I would like to know if my hard earned council tax money is being spent on this outrage to good taste and decency? 

Ian Hardcastle, Harrogate

Borough council ‘ignored’ over Woodfield School

Harrogate Lib Dems are very angry at North Yorkshire County Council for ignoring our plea, made at the last Harrogate Borough Council meeting, to stop the closure of Woodfield School, which was agreed by all councillors.

The North Yorkshire Conservative Executive Member responsible for Education has not stopped the closure of the school and declined to ask the Secretary of State for Education to remove the academisation order leaving the children of Woodfield in difficult circumstances, long walks to schools and in one case, so far, siblings being potentially sent to different schools. 

We need more schools in Harrogate not less with thousands of houses still to be built in Kingsley where will all these young people go for their schooling? This is a disgrace and the young people of Woodfield are being let down so, so badly.

Pat Marsh, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Harrogate Borough Council

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Stray Views: Noisy cars in Harrogate should be monitored at weekends

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Noisy cars should be monitored at weekends

Totally agree there should be a clampdown on noisy cars – especially needs to be monitored in Harrogate during weekends. 

This is not the first time action has been promised but monitoring not kept up. Police would find a hefty contribution towards funds if they were fined.

Gillian Long, Harrogate

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Noisy cars ‘constant’ on Harrogate Road

I live next to Harrogate Road. Cars are constantly coming over High Bridge accelerating to hit the double carriage section.

The noise is at times deafening with the back firing, which seems to be the fashion.The speed  which they travel up the road is way past the speed limit and you hear them throttle back when reaching the bollards opposite the Care Building on the right.

Why they do it beats me, because you usually catch them up at the lights on Bogs Lane. The police, you never see them.

Malcom Wood, Harrogate

Boris Johnson better than the alternative

In response to Paul Baverstock’s latest Strayside Sunday column, although Boris Johnson was not a perfect Prime Minster at least he is not Jeremy Corbyn or Keir Starmer.

Paul Smith, Knaresborough

Waiting on Gateway consultation

We’ve read more than once that there will be a third consultation regarding this ghastly scheme.

Could you please publish the details of this consultation in your pages as we would all like to know exactly what form it’s taking and who exactly is being consulted as we don’t know of anyone who was on the first and second ones.

It’s a dreadful scheme and we’d like a chance to give our opinions.

Brian and Tricia Preston, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Time to get tough on noisy cars in Harrogate district

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Noisy motorists should get hefty fines 

I was interested to read that Harrogate police are allegedly clamping down on noisy vehicles and anti-social behaviour of drivers in Harrogate town centre.

I’d like to know where the police are, particularly in the evening after Halfords has closed, on Knaresborough Road?

The reckless and inconsiderate driving of high powered vehicles in the area is truly awful.

Noise from so called ‘sporty’ exhausts, speeding, doughnutting on Halfords car park, intimidating other road users etc. Police presence is noticeable by its absence.

Whilst I’m dead set against what sometimes appears to be victimisation of the motorist, something should be done to get these idiots either off the road or given hefty penalties for the problems they’re inflicting on motorists and residents in this area.

Lesley Tudor, Harrogate

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Malcolm Neesam’s support for Valley Gardens

Malcolm Neesam, whom I came to know over the last few decades, willingly shared his vast historical knowledge, research, photographs of yesteryear and documents with us all.

His enthusiasm and interest for Harrogate’s history was immeasurable.
However, we have many books and publications to remember him by, including his last publication Wells and Swells, published in April.

During my time as Chairman of Valley Gardens and afterwards Malcolm’s support was incalculable. In 2016 Malcolm opened the restored Old Magnesia Well Pump Room in the Valley Gardens.

He also attended our other restorations, the Japanese Garden, King Edward VII Memorial Gate and events in the Valley Gardens.

For A Souvenir Guide to Valley Gardens, Malcolm wrote the introduction and again proof read the contents and found some photographs for the publication, for Anne Smith and I.

Thank you Malcolm.

Jane Blayney, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Harrogate plant nursery consultants ‘offensive waste of money’

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Plant nursery consultants ‘offensive waste of money’

What on earth do we have planning departments and development experts employed for if our local authority is still prepared to waste £50,000 on external consultants to help us find somewhere to build a large greenhouse?

At a time when the cost of living is tight to say the least, this is the most offensive waste of taxpayers money. Have we not better things to do? How much tatty street furniture could be replaced? How many care workers would it employ? How many potholes would it fill? The list goes on.

It just pains me to see that something like this is deemed to be a priority. I despair.

Mark Fuller, Harrogate

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Ripon Spa Baths refurbishment welcomed

Brilliant news that Spa Baths will be refurbished and protected in future. 

A large part of my childhood too, as with the developer and his family. I’d love to see it when it’s back to its former glory.

Trish Baker, Ripon

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Stray Views: When will this housebuilding madness end?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

When will this housebuilding madness end?

Every day in The Stray Ferret I find Harrogate Borough Council has passed more planning permissions for housing.

In the last few years, the number of new houses, including the 4,000 to be built near Beckwithshaw, is approaching 10,000. When will this lunacy stop? I know the government said it wanted 300,000 a year but it did not say they all had to be built in Harrogate.

We have lost an unbelievable amount of green field sites and healthy mature trees and all of this can NEVER be replaced. The effect on wild life is devastating.

Where is the infrastructure to cope with all this building? Every new house or flat brings onto the roads approximately 1.5 extra cars.

Where is the water going to come from? Where are the extra school places needed for the children?
What about sewage? Yorkshire Water are already putting raw sewage into the rivers on a regular basis.

Have you tried to get a doctor’s appointment recently? It is near impossible so who is going to look after all the new residents.

Electricity has to be generated, which creates pollution and contradicts the campaign to reduce the carbon footprint.

Access to these developments is a major concern, Knox Lane and Crab Lane are single width most of the way and probably the worst is Kingsley Road where pedestrians are at risk due to no footpaths on Bogs Lan.

Harrogate Borough Council has already exceeded its housing requirement by a huge amount but just carry on passing permission so the question is: why?

The council say they have been overruled by Westminster on some occasions and have had to pay compensation so they are reluctant to refuse permission.. If that is the case why do we not have strong councillors with proper negotiating skills, a strong will and a good knowledge of what they are fighting for?

The village of Killinghall is now a town. Knaresborough is slowly growing closer to the A1 motorway. Bishop Monkton has nearly doubled in size and so it goes on.

My final example of lunacy is the drive-through development on the Woodlands traffic lights. One of the busiest junctions in Harrogate. What on earth could make the council pass permission for this development ,which will make this junction much more dangerous than it already is.

Malcolm Hodgekinson, Bilton resident for over 60 years

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Let’s have a Harrogate town council referendum  

Town councils have a proud tradition of supporting their communities and this has been evident throughout the country during covid and the cost of living crisis.

Local people know what is best for their community and they should be able to make decisions that concern them.

I am not the only person who is worried that Harrogate will lose its voice at key decisions made by the new North Yorkshire Council. It is wrong for Harrogate’s matters to be decided and voted on by councillors from outside of our town.

A referendum needs to be held as soon as possible to allow for the transition of authority and responsibility to the new town council.

I’m a big believer in giving decision-making power back to our community and establishing a town council will do just that.

Tyler Reeton, Harrogate

Aaron Bertenshaw’s legacy is helping people with diabetes

The Stray Ferret has written several stories about our campaign to plug the gap between mental health and diabetes following the death of my son Aaron Bertenshaw.

We had a stall at Knaresborough Bed Race and the final amount raised was £4,490, which Morrisons has agreed to match fund.

The custom painted guitar (pictured below) was gifted back to us by the winner and will be put up for auction in August to raise further funds. If anyone is interested in receiving the auction details, contact the Stray Ferret and it will pass your messages on.

Bertenshaw raffle

Diabetes UK’s Diabetes is Serious campaign has now held its virtual launch.

Several mothers came to speak with me at the event about their concerns and I have been able to direct them to the relevant member of the Diabetes UK team so they can receive the support they need.

Sammy Oates, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Dogs without leads ruining Valley Gardens

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Dogs without leads ruining Valley Gardens

Yesterday I walked through the valley gardens at 9am and I counted 20 dogs off their leads. One did a huge poo and the owner was oblivious on their mobile. 

Another was digging up the amazing flower beds. This has got to stop. I’ve lived in Harrogate all my life and this is preventing me from using the amazing Valley Gardens.

Gale Filburn, Harrogate

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Ripon Cathedral plans ‘adequately discussed’

Councillor Williams is leader of Ripon City Council and as such has no statuary right of consultation about the Cathedral plans. The Cathedral has more than adequately discussed its plans with the relevant local authorities in Harrogate and Northallerton. 

The City Council of Ripon is represented on Ripon Together where local organisations have a voice on all local issues.

I suggest that Cllr Williams’ time be better spent in finding out why the Spa Hotel remains closed in spite of purchase by The Inn Collection, a disaster for Ripon tourism and its economy.

Dr Christopher Bennett, Ripon

Thank you, Stray Ferret

Thank you so much for your coverage of the Great Knaresborough Bed Race. 

As I have been laid up with some mysterious illness I was unable to do my usual duties at Bed Race, so therefore I would have missed it all except for being able to watch your videos. So thank you all once again for yesterday.

Pamela Godsell, Knaresborough

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Stray Views: How did Woodfield school end up in this mess?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Woodfield’s school’s planned closure a sad reflection of times

Woodfield Community Primary School is going through a consultation process to close at the end of this year. There is to be a public meeting on Wednesday 15th June at 6pm at the school.

Woodfield is, as the name suggests, a community primary school which serves the local population. It has been extensively refurbished over the last few years, has a large playground and extensive playing fields, It has a community library and children’s centre at the same site.

Why then is it closing? This is, like many things, complex. It is to do with poor management by North Yorkshire County Council, inexperienced acting headteachers, social media, Harrogate parents exercising their ‘choice’ to go to the ‘better’ schools, and finally Ofsted rating the school in 2020 as ‘inadequate’.

The Ofsted rating was the death blow for Woodfield. It meant the school had to join an academy but no academy wanted to take it on, due to small pupil numbers, leaving the school in a catch- 22 situation.

There was no attempt to alter this situation by the education authorities, who could have stepped in at this point as far as I am aware. The school is now almost certain to close.

Many people do not know of the existence of Woodfield. Many people will not be bothered. It is not the school that the affluent of Harrogate send their children to, it was a good, caring school around the corner with teachers and teaching assistants that cared for the children, but didn’t get the best SATs results.

I think it is important sometimes to reflect on what do we really want for our children.

Vicky Lack, Bilton

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Trying to order a drive-through coffee without a car

Yesterday whilst walking past Costa Coffee in Pannal I decided to go for a coffee. The restaurant part was closed due to lack of staff.

Upon walking away I noticed that the drive-through was open so I decided to ask for a coffee at the drive-through whilst there were no cars queueing. I was informed that due to not being in the car I could not be able to get a coffee. How does that work ??

Needless to say, I accepted that I was not driving a car. My options would have been to pretend I was driving a car or jump in the next car and ask to be a passenger.

We live in a seriously mad world where common sense has gone totally out of the window.

Amanda Finney, Pannal

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Stray Views: Harrogate fire service cuts will cause ‘safety blackspot’

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Cuts to fire service will cause ‘safety blackspot’

Harrogate with its many large and old hotels has the largest concentration of overnight accommodation in North Yorkshire. 

With only one fire engine at the first attendance the crew have little chance of saving lives, let alone commencing to fight a fire. 

These large rambling buildings are a tragedy waiting to happen with no turntable ladder at the first attendance. What has happened to the risk determining the attendance to all properties? 

The police and fire commissioner and the chief officer can quote their 26% of fires during the night hours but that is when these hotels are most full of guests and also most at risk and quoting 26% as a reason to reduce to one engine at night only means that Harrogate as a conference centre will not cause sensible companies to want to come here. It will become a safety blackspot.

Brian Hicks, Pateley Bridge

Sun Pavilion Grade-II listing welcomed

The Civic Society welcome the addition of the Sun Pavilion and Colonnade and hope that  additional funding may become available to restore the colonnade to its former glory – with glazed roofing and windows to the rear to provide a weather proof facility.

Of course, Valley Gardens are themselves Grade II as a listed Park and Garden.

Stuart Holland, Harrogate

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New Harrogate Town stadium a good idea

I agree with Pat Marsh’s views on Harrogate Town. Good idea to speak to the council to see what could be done.

Although consultation with Harrogate Borough Council may be obsolete now, it may be necessary to consult with the new North Yorkshire Council I suppose.

Richard Blackshaw, Harrogate

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