Windy forecast delays installation of Ripon’s £300,000 temporary gym

Last weekend’s planned installation of the £300,000 temporary gym in the car park at the Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre in Ripon did not go ahead.

As reported in the Stray Ferret, the installation was scheduled to take place between March 25 and 26, with the leisure centre and adjacent children’s playground shut during the operation.

However, a spokesperson for Harrogate Borough Council said this morning:

“Unfortunately, due to the predicted high winds, the installation was postponed until this weekend.”

The spokesperson added the leisure centre and playground is now due to close at 6pm on Saturday (April 1) until Monday morning (April 3) to ensure the gym can be put in place.

Its Installation will enable the closure of the existing gym on the upper floor of the 28-year-old leisure centre next to the new swimming pool that opened last March, paving the way for ground stabilisation works costing £3.5million to be carried out under the building.

A week ago the council, which runs the site through its leisure company Brimhams Active, said the temporary facility would open next month:

In its statement, the council added:

“The gym will include the high-quality, state-of-the-art Technogym equipment currently available in the existing leisure and wellness centre, as well as expert advice and guidance from the Brimhams Active team.

“Customers will still be able to use the changing and shower facilities in the new pool area – as well as the sauna and steam suite – as they will remain open as normal.

“Group exercise classes will also continue to be provided at Hugh Ripley Hall.”

Redevelopment work begins on site of famous former Ripon pub

Groundworks are underway at a Ripon development site where a famous former city pub will be converted into flats.

In October 2021 Harrogate Borough Council granted planning permission to Leeds-based NRG Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd. to convert the Ship Inn on Bondgate into five two-bedroom flats.

The new development will also include four terraced houses,  a detached dwelling and 14 parking spaces.

The Ship Inn closed in 2020 and while vacant the site was the scene of a number of incidents of violent and anti-social behaviour.

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At the time of submitting the planning application NRG, said:

“The site is now better suited for residential use, which help bring a more appropriate residential feel for the community, limited to scale and type which does not cause nuisance.

“The provision of new residents will potentially have some benefit to local enterprises and will add to and consolidate the general activity of Ripon.”

Ripon’s non-stop knitters create Easter displays for the city centre

The non-stop knitters of Ripon Community Poppy Project have transformed the city centre with their Easter displays.

Members of the project’s Knit and Natter Club and many more who work from home, have been creating the decorations since September and their meticulous handiwork can be seen around Market Square and other key locations.

Eater Post box decoration in Ripon

The intricate displays, made up from 1,360 knitted eggs, more than 2,000 hand-crafted chain links and 53 woollen pictures featuring spring lambs, chicks, rabbits and flowers, have been fixed to railings, the Ripon Town Hall balcony and this post box (pictured above).

Hazel Barker, who co-founded the RCPP with former Ripon mayor Councillor Stuart Martin, told the Stray Ferret:

“Our knitters work all year round creating displays for annual events including Remembrance commemorations in November and Winter Wonderland at Christmas.”

Poppy Project Easter Tree display

Councillor Stuart Martin (right) putting a display in place with Carol Dunkley and Bob McLennan

She added:

“In 2022, we took on the mammoth task of creating miles of royal-themed banners and other decorations that were wrapped around the city’s streets to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

“Now we are busily adapting these as well as creating new displays to mark the coronation of King Charles III.”

Ripon Poppy project railings display

Ms Barker added:

“The Ripon Community Poppy Project was launched in 2018 to create displays for the city to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and we haven’t stopped knitting ever since!”

The main pic shows an Easter display with (from left): Hazel Barker, Lyn Hart, Betty Hardisty, David Hardisty, Sandra Searle, Alwyn Hartley and Pat McLennan.


Priceless military heritage to be protected at Ripon development site

Fears that priceless elements of Ripon’s rich military heritage could be flattened to make way for the 1,300-home Clotherholme scheme have been allayed.

Jane Furse, a trustee of the Ripon Military Heritage Trust, which has plans to create heritage trails on the development site, told the Stray Ferret:

“We were concerned that some extremely rare huts on the Deverell  Barracks part of the site, and other historically important structures, would be demolished, but I’m relieved to say that this will not be the case.

“These huts are among the few surviving of their kind in the UK and help to tell the story of the vital national and international role that Ripon’s Royal Engineers played in just about every aspect of World War II and subsequent conflicts.

“This included training British and allied troops in the erection and use of Bailey Bridges in theatres of war such as Sicily and France and bomb disposal, that saved the lives of civilians and military personnel around the world.”

Minutes of Harrogate Borough Council’s February 23 planning meeting at which Homes England was seeking outline approval to progress development of the huge Clotherholme scheme, confirm that the huts and other structures will have protection.

Under the provisions of a Section 106 agreement the developer is required to put in place a strategy to ‘secure military heritage within the site.’

Jane Furse Ripon Military Heritage Trust

Jane Furse of Ripon Military Heritage Trust pictured at the barracks site

The planning meeting minutes also say:

“Prior to the commencement of works to each phase of development, a record (including photographs, drawings and summary of historic analysis) shall be made of a representative selection of buildings with military heritage on site and shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Copies of this record shall be placed on the North Yorkshire Historic Environment Record.”

Ms Furse, an architectural historian and former inspector of historic buildings with English Heritage (now Historic England) pointed out:

“Inclusion within the S 106 agreement means that the significance of military heritage assets at the site has been formally recognised and that is very welcome news.

“It means that we can go forward, in liaison with Homes England and other parties, to progress plans for military heritage trails at Clotherholme that alongside other heritage attractions, will add to the city’s development as a tourist destination.”

Bomb disposal and the American connection

The wooden huts at Deverell Barracks are of heritage importance, because they are identical to ones that were located at the nearby Harper Barracks which became the home of the Royal Engineers’ School of Bomb Disposal in 1941.

Setting up of the national school in Ripon, soon saw Royal Engineers based in the city providing vital training and passing on know-how to the Americans, in the wake of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour, the USA naval base.

Ms Furse said:

“The Royal Engineers sought out examples of every known enemy bomb and developed countermeasures to defuse them. The School developed a rigorous training programme in bomb identification and disposal methodology.

“The Americans, although aware of the threat of unexploded bombs, had no proper procedures for safe disposal and the aftermath of the bombing of Pearl Harbour on December 7 1941, meant that for the first time, they were faced with unexploded bombs scattered throughout their bases and the harbour.

“On December 9, the British Military Attache’s office in Washington received a request for a joint personnel exchange – an early example of the ‘special relationship’ between ourselves and the USA.

“A group of eight hand-picked American soldiers headed by Major Thomas J Kane, travelled to Ripon to train with the Engineers, arriving on February 1 1942.

“After six weeks of attending lectures and demonstrations, all of the U.S. Army ordnancemen passed the course and were made honorary Royal Engineers – they were even given official RE patches and allowed to wear them on the sleeves of their American uniforms.”

The expertise gained from the Royal Engineers in Ripon subsequently saw Major Kane set up the USA’s first Bomb Disposal School in Maryland.

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Jennyruth workers help launch Ripon Easter windows competition

Ripon Business Improvement District launched its Easter windows competition today as it seeks to attract more visitors to the city centre over the upcoming holiday period.

BID manager Lilla Bathurst told the Stray Ferret:

“Our aim is to encourage visitor movement around BID businesses and we have been working in partnership with the wonderful team at Jennyruth Workshops, who have created 40 decorated Easter eggs for businesses to display and build their themed windows around.”

Jennyruth Workshops is a social enterprise in Ripon where adults who have learning disabilities are trained in a wide variety of skills.

Ms Bathurst added:

“We already have 35 businesses involved and the five eggs that we have remaining are available to any BID member wishing to participate.

“Any trader who would like to be part of this year’s competition can email”

Yorkshire Building Society has already received its decorative egg produced by Jennyruth and branch manager Rosanna Ferrazzano, said:

“It is beautifully made and stylishly decorated and will take pride of place in the window display that we create.”

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Ms Bathurst said:

“The public will be asked to vote for their favourite participating Easter window via the Ripon BID website and will also be entered into a prize draw to win a selection of spring-themed goodies, including a family day out at Newby Hall and Gardens.

“We thank the very generous businesses who have donated prizes for the public’s prize draw.”

In addition to the competition, the Easter bunny will hopping around the city centre on Thursday 6th and Saturday 8th of April to encourage families to view as many Easter windows as possible.

The image shows Jennyruth workers, (from left): Ryan, Tom, Jessica and Jamie with Rosanna Ferrazzano and Jonathan Severs community champion at Yorkshire Building Society Ripon branch

New restaurant adds to Ripon’s hospitality offer

A new addition to Ripon’s hospitality sector has arrived with the opening of The Silva Bells restaurant and cafe at the bottom of Kirkgate.

Eight months after the closure of the Bambudda Asian fusion restaurant, a total refurbishment and kitchen re-fit has been carried out at the corner-site premises, located across the road from the city’s cathedral.

Following successful negotiations with landlord Mike Johnson, Silva Bells’ managing director Jenk Pepec and his business partner David De Silva invested time and money in delivering the new look.

The name recognises the vital role that Mr De Silva and his wife Betty played in getting the new venture off the ground.

The Silva Bells chef team

Members of The Silva Bells’ chefs and kitchen team: (from left) Jack O’Brien, Lloyd Gardener, Carl Smith and Stu Hooren

Mr Pepek, who gained expertise through working in the hospitality sector in his home city of Bursa in northern Turkey and subsequently in Birmingham and York after he moved to the UK, told the Stray Ferret:

“I fell in love with this place the first time that I saw it and after a lot of hard work new life has been breathed into it.”

The business employs 17 people and is open six days a week, serving a selection of modern British and European cuisine and incorporating Mediterranean dishes.

Mr Pepec said;

“Our menu includes items ranging from traditional Sunday roasts to a ‘create your own’ pizza and we will also be serving dishes featuring locally-sourced game.

“We have received a warm welcome and look forward to contributing to the community of this charming and historic city.”

The main image shows Jenk Pepec (centre) with members of The Silva Bells’ front of house team — from the left: Gaby Symonds, Mia Kitching, Harry Jewers and Jack George

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Temporary £300,000 gym at Ripon’s Jack Laugher centre to open next month

A £300,000 temporary gym in the car park at the Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre site in Ripon will be opening next month.

Its installation will enable the closure of the existing gym on the upper floor of the 28-year-old leisure centre next to the new swimming pool that opened last March, paving the way for ground stabilisation works costing £3.5million to be carried out under the building.

To ensure the temporary gym can be installed safely, the leisure and wellness centre and playground will be closed from 6pm Saturday (March 25) until Monday morning (March 27) .

The announcement has come from Harrogate Borough Council 10 days before it is abolished and becomes part of the new North Yorkshire unitary authority.

Last July, the council announced that the temporary gym would open ‘in the autumn’ (of 2022) but this date was subsequently put back.

This morning the council, which runs the site through its leisure company Brimhams Active, said:

“A temporary gym at the Jack Laugher Leisure and Wellness Centre in Ripon is set to open next month (April) to ensure residents can keep fit and active.

“The gym will include the high-quality, state-of-the-art Technogym equipment currently available in the existing leisure and wellness centre, as well as expert advice and guidance from the Brimhams Active team.

“Customers will still be able to use the changing and shower facilities in the new pool area – as well as the sauna and steam suite – as they will remain open as normal.

“Group exercise classes will also continue to be provided at Hugh Ripley Hall.”

The council statement added:

“The temporary gym, which has started to be installed, is being used to provide customers with an alternative offer while the ground stabilisation works take place.

“These works come following the discovery of a void underneath part of the original leisure centre. The void is understood to have been present for a number of years and was only discovered when the reinforced concrete slab, which provides the foundation for the new swimming pool, was cast.

“On discovery of this void, the borough council appointed a contractor to carry out a thorough investigation programme under the original leisure centre to determine what work may be required to ensure the facility can continue to be used for many years to come.”

Councillor Stanley Lumley, Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for culture, tourism and sport, and chair of the board of directors at Brimhams Active, said:

“We remain committed to enabling people to enjoy physical activity. By providing a temporary gym, while the ground stabilisation works take place, we can minimise the disruption to current and potential customers and ensure they can continue to maintain their health and well-being goals.”

“The fantastic new swimming pool will also remain open as usual and continues to provide an excellent health and wellness experience.”

Former Made in Chelsea star on £1m charity quest in Ripon

Former Made in Chelsea reality TV star Josh Patterson ran into Ripon yesterday evening to complete the 21st leg of his marathon effort to raise £1million for the Samaritans.

The 33-year-old aims to run 76 marathons in 76 days, covering every city across the four nations of the UK.

After completing the Ripon stage at the city’s cathedral, he told the Stray Ferret:

“My goal is to raise £1million so that as many people as possible going through mental struggles can get the crucial support they need from the the charity.

“As well as raising money, I’m aiming to raise the profile of the incredible life-saving work that Samaritans do by answering phone calls from people in vulnerable situations and listening, giving guidance and letting those who need help know that they are never alone.”

Josh Patterson with supporting runners

Josh Patterson is pictured with (from left) Millie Gray, Lottie Venables, Leanne Anderson and Lisa Medd, who ran with him yesterday.

Mr Patterson posted some spectacular images of the Ripon leg of his challenge on his Instagram page here.

On the Justgiving page he has set up, he said he has personally been affected by mental illness over the years and pointed out:

“It is simply unimaginable to have to face mental health problems alone. Just £5 equals one lifesaving phone call  (and) raising £1million will fund 200,000 phone calls.”

For yesterday’s Ripon marathon stage, Mr Patterson was joined by a number of local athletes, including Lottie Venables, who said:

“What Josh is doing is absolutely remarkable and I admire him for the way he is raising money for such an important cause.”

Today Mr Patterson is on the road again, with the 22nd leg of his marathon quest in York.

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Ripon residents get free entry to city museums on Saturday

Ripon residents can sample some of the best of what the city has to offer for free on Saturday.

The annual Sights and Sounds of Ripon event provides the opportunity for local residents to visit the workhouse, courthouse and prison and police museums without charge.

To gain free entry, all that is required is a proof of residence within the HG4 postcode.

In addition to the city’s three heritage attractions, family-friendly activities are also being staged from 11am at Ripon Cathedral and the library.

The event is being organised by Harrogate Borough Council as part of the Ripon My Neighbourhood partnership which involves a wide range of public and voluntary organisations.

Further details are available here.

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Business Breakfast: Eco-focused Ripon business celebrates successful first year

It’s time to join the Stray Ferret Business Club. The third in our series of networking events in association with The Coach and Horses in Harrogate is a lunch event on March 30 from 12.30pm.

Don’t miss out on this chance to network with businesses from across the Harrogate district. Get your tickets by clicking or tapping here.

The GreenHouse, an environmentally and ecologically-focused business in Ripon, is celebrating a successful first year this week.

Rebecca Crallan, who owns and manages the independent retailer based in North Street, told Business Breakfast: 

“We’ve had a fantastic first year year and are looking forward to many more.”

The business operates with a planet-friendly ethos, selling home and garden supplies designed to have minimal impact on the environment through use of refillable bottles, biodegradable packaging and the sale of items ranging from compostable sponges to bamboo toothbrushes, wax food wraps to solid shampoo bars.

Ms Crallan added:  

“In our first 12 months we have refilled over 1,200 bottles, saving them from landfill.

“We’re working with 26 local companies, artists and makers – seven Ripon-based and a further 19 around Yorkshire – fuelling business in our local economy.

“These include individual artisans, such as Joe the Yorkshire framer, and companies such as Miniml, the West Yorkshire company that manufacture the refills we sell.”

As a footnote to its first year of trading, The GreenHouse has donated 137 pairs of socks to homeless people via Thriving Earth’s donation initiative

Harrogate climate firm appoints new scientist

A Harrogate-based climate technology firm has appointed a new climate scientist.

Flotilla, which is based on Station Parade, has hired Dr Charlotte Weaver to the company.

Dr Weaver joins the firm after working with charities such as the United Bank of Carbon.

She will be tasked with carrying out data analysis of Flotilla’s carbon accounting to ensure its accuracy for businesses to use to monitor their carbon footprint.

Dr Weaver said:

“I am ambitious and hard-working with a passion for the environment. Flotilla’s drive for creating a greener future through helping businesses reduce their emissions thus really appeals to me.

“I’m also excited to be part of the talented, experienced, and friendly team that is Flotilla.”

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