Call for council to improve ‘poor’ Boroughbridge road conditions
Last updated Jan 4, 2024
Roecliffe Lane potholes in 2023. Pic: fixmystreet.

A Boroughbridge resident has called on North Yorkshire Council to make “urgent” improvements to a local road.

The man, who wished to remain anonymous, lives on Roecliffe Lane and told the Stray Ferret he has spent the last year campaigning to have the road resurfaced.

He said he and other local residents have issued “over a decade of complaints” to the council to resurface the road, as well as requested traffic-calming measures to make it safer, but are yet to see anything come to fruition.

Following a recent petition organised by the man and signed by Roecliffe Lane residents, he said the same recurring issues became “abundantly clear”:

“Several residents’ houses along the road shake whenever HGVs, buses, and often even cars, drive over the potholes next to them.

“This is our personal number-one issue and has at times caused deep regret moving to the street.

“We have had to endure over a year of it so far since moving in, our bed shaking most mornings when HGVs start driving the road in the early hours, doors juddering in frames, our baby’s rooms’ wardrobe rattling, the timber frame of the house creaking and more.

“Even people that visit notice, because the kitchen floor vibrates and the glasses in the cupboard clink. The council have been made aware of this multiple times.

“Several residents also commented about needing to repair their vehicles and bicycles from broken suspension and burst tyres. An elderly lady I spoke to had also fallen off her bike from a pothole.”

The noise from traffic can also be alarmingly loud and frequent, and speeding is a big issue along the road, he added.

The road was in ‘poor’ condition back in 2013. Pic: fixmystreet.

Now, he is proposing a “resident-first rethink”. He said:

“What worked for it when it was originally built is clearly not working for its residents now with increased housing, traffic and HGVs.

“It needs resurfacing urgently. It needs traffic-calming measures putting in place to reduce the thousands of noisy vehicles per day, and mitigations for the frequent HGVs.”

He also suggested the council implement new speeding enforcements to “protect the residents and their children from the up-to-81mph speeding vehicles.”

Roecliffe Lane in 2023.

‘Resurfacing is in our programme’

In response to the concerns raised, Melissa Burnham, highways area manager for North Yorkshire Council, told the Stray Ferret:

“Resurfacing of Roecliffe Lane is included in our programme for 2024/25. Once dates are confirmed, we will ensure the local community are aware.

“The local Highways team are also aware of the concerns raised and are liaising with North Yorkshire Police regarding enforcement.”

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