Road closed after serious crash near Harrogate

A section of Ripon Road near Harrogate has been closed following a serious traffic collision this evening.

An air ambulance and numerous police cars were called to the bridge between New Park roundabout and Killinghall shortly before 6pm.

The incident occurred close to the junction with Knox Mill Lane.

No details have been released but the road is expected to be closed for some time.

The road closure in Killinghall.

Vehicles were forced to turn around and eventually the police closed a section of the A61 from New Park roundabout to the junction with Otley Road in the centre of Killinghall.

We will bring further details when they become available.

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Harrogate and Knaresborough Lib Dems criticise homeless tent restriction plan

Harrogate and Knaresborough Liberal Democrats have criticised Home Secretary Suella Braverman after she proposed laws to restrict the use of tents by homeless people.

Ms Braverman posted on her social media that the government would introduce new penalties for those who are believed to have refused help from the authorities.

She argued that many see the move to live in a tent as a “lifestyle choice” and that help should be offered to those who are “genuinely homeless”.

Ms Braverman said:

“The British people are compassionate. We will always support those who are genuinely homeless.

“But, we cannot allow our streets to be taken over by rows of tents occupied by people, many of them from abroad, living on the streets as a lifestyle choice.”

Tom Gordon, Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough, described the proposal as “wrong on so many levels”.

He said:

“I can’t stay silent about the recent comments by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who called rough sleeping a “lifestyle choice” and wants to restrict the use of tents by homeless people.

“This just feels wrong on so many levels, and it certainly doesn’t represent the views of local people that I know.

“Our towns have always been known for their sense of community, compassion, and the way we rally around those in need.”

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Mr Gordon rejected the suggestion that living in a tent was a “lifestyle choice” and described it as “the most desperate of politics”.

He added:

“The majority of homeless individuals are often dealing with difficult circumstances beyond their control.

“We should be focused on addressing the root causes of homelessness, such as this governments chronic failure of housing policy, rather than penalising those who are trying to survive on the streets.”

Ms Braverman’s proposal is expected to be included in the King’s Speech tomorrow, which sets out the government’s legislative agenda.

Lifestyle choice comment is ‘not correct’

Meanwhile, Andrew Jones, Conservative MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, said the Home Secretary’s comments on the reasons behind homelessness, rough sleeping and street begging showed “a limited understanding” of the issues.

However, he added that Mrs Braverman also spoke of investment in wrap-around care and greater support for those who face such issues.

Mr Jones said:

“The Home Secretary’s comments in respect of the reasons behind homelessness, rough sleeping and street begging showed limited understanding of these issues.

“To describe homelessness as ‘a lifestyle choice’ and the people who are in these situations as mainly ‘from abroad’ is not correct. It is not surprising that those comments have been seized upon as they are a simplistic description of what most know are complex issues with many dimensions.

“She went on to talk about the need to invest more in wrap-around care and for greater support for the problems faced by homeless people, rough sleepers and street beggars. I agree with that part of what she said and wish she had restricted herself to those sensible and positive comments.

“We have invested in this kind of support nationally and locally I did so as a Harrogate councillor with responsibility for the borough’s finances. This is support that tackles the problems that underlie homelessness and rough sleeping –addiction, family breakdown, mental health problems and many more beside.”

Harrogate Homeless Project

He added:

“We have an example of excellence in tackling homelessness in the Harrogate Homeless Project. The project supports people back in to stable lives by helping them deal with the problems that contributed to their homelessness or rough sleeping.

“They continue that support as their clients build new lives in permanent accommodation. They deal with the complex issues in a measured and practical way; their approach to these issues is the correct one. Sound-bites aside, more emphasis on that approach is what I want to see in the King’s Speech.”

Valley Gardens bike track — further details revealed

Further details of the proposed new bike track in Harrogate’s Valley Gardens have been revealed.

North Yorkshire Council is running a six-week consultation on whether to replace the nine-hole pitch and putt course with a pump track.

Pump tracks use bumps and bends in the land to allow cyclists and scooter riders to generate momentum.

The consultation says the “new facility would be approximately 2,000 square metres”.

However, the council has now said the track itself wouldn’t be this size, and much of the pitch and putt course would be returned to grassland.

A council spokesperson said the track, which would cost £2,000, is likely to be similar in size to the one in Wetherby, which is shown below and in the main image. It could be open by April.

A council spokesperson said:

“It is a small beginners track that would be made of compacted hardcore.

“It would be 1 to 1.5 metres wide and will be based in a circular shape.

“The pump track is aimed at beginners to complement the existing skate park that attracts older and more competent children.

“It is not going to cover the whole area of the pitch and putt, only a smaller area where holes one to nine are. The frisbee golf is staying.”

Asked what would happen to the remainder of the pitch and putt area, the spokesperson added:

“The whole pitch and putt course would be closed and the remainder would be returned to normal parkland.”

Karl Battersby, the council’s corporate director for environment, previously said:

“The track proposed would have gentle slopes, curves and bumps, be accessible all year, and replace the existing nine-hole pitch and putt golf course.”

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Rooms at closed addiction centre near Harrogate could be let to holiday makers

A Christian charity that runs training for people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction near Harrogate could offer bedrooms at one of its sites to holiday makers.

Horizon Life Training provides residential training facilities to people who have already been through addiction rehab centres, teaching them life and employment skills.

The charity runs a men’s centre at Kennel Hall Farm in Killinghall and a women’s centre at Bramall House on Skipton Road, which was formerly the Black Bull pub and is close to RAF Menwith Hill.

During the covid pandemic, the centres closed for new intakes, which the charity said has let to a “break in the supply” for suitable applicants for the training.

As a result, all of its activity is now taking place at the Killinghall centre, leaving nine bedrooms and a flat at Bramall House currently unused.

In plans submitted to North Yorkshire Council, the charity said it does not want the building to remain empty so it’s asking the council to approve a temporary change of use application so it could be used for holiday lets.

It also said the move would bring in much-needed income for the charity. It said the move may be necessary for up to two years before it can reopen the centre for recovery training.

Planning documents state that contractors working on the Kex Gill A59 new road scheme could potentially rent rooms at the site.

They add: 

“The charity still bears the sizeable fixed costs of operating the building, placing its own financial continuance at risk.

“This proposal would ensure the use of the building in a constructive manner during a period when it would otherwise be empty. It will provide much needed accommodation for those who will use it and an income to facilitate the upkeep of the building for Horizon Life Training.”

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Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal 2023: It is our ‘honour’ to be part of the journey, says Vida Healthcare

This year’s Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal is for Dementia Forward in the Harrogate district, kindly sponsored by Vida Healthcare

Here’s a message from the Vida Healthcare team.

Vida Healthcare has provided specialist care for adults suffering with dementia since 2014. With over 300 beds across three state-of-the-art Harrogate homes, the team places people’s needs at the forefront of its values and ensures those living with this life-changing condition still have a voice in society.

Losing your memory robs of you of your former life, but Vida Healthcare wants those people to know they still have a purpose.

James Rycroft, managing director at Vida Healthcare, said:

“We’re delighted to be supporting the Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal in aid of Dementia Forward.

“It is such an amazing local charity supporting people living with dementia.

“Our vision aligns with Dementia Forward; dementia is such a widespread national – even global – issue, but Vida and Dementia Forward are focused on improving the lifestyle and well-being of those living with dementia at all stages of that journey.

“We both hold out a helping hand.”

The team designs and develops the homes to offer the highest quality of dementia care. All three homes are rated ‘outstanding’ and Vida provides constant support for those people who need more care than they can give themselves.

It support residents with activities outside of the home including access to local groups and events, meeting family and friends and catering to spiritual needs.

Vida Hall in Starbeck was the first of Vida’s care homes.

Bernadette Mossman, healthcare director at Vida Healthcare, added:

“It’s very close to our hearts to be able to help support Dementia Forward.

“We have the exact same approach and attitudes towards someone living with dementia – we look at the person first.

“People living with dementia can experience such significant loneliness and their families also need someone to hold their hand during their journey to know they’re not alone.

“What Dementia Forward does so well is support people to live well in the community and they do it absolutely beautifully.”

Both Vida Healthcare and Dementia Forward work tirelessly to improve the lives of those living with this progressive condition and support those watching their loved one slip away.

Vida Hall.

Bernadette added:

“Dementia Forward allows that person to stay with their family, be involved in the community and, when or if the time comes that they need additional support, they help them begin that journey too – Vida also plays a part in that.

“Some may need to come here for a period of respite – maybe longer — but want to be there to reach out to that person and say ‘come and see us’ so we can be a part of the decision-making process.

“If we can help in any way to make that journey as easy as possible, then it is our honour to be a part of it.”

Every donation to our campaign will go directly to Dementia Forward, helping us hit our £30,000 target to buy the charity a new minibus and bettering the lives of those living with dementia and the people around them.

Dementia Forward’s current bus is old and tired and urgently needs to be replaced. The charity would seriously struggle to afford a new one, which is why they need your help to keep this vital service going. Without it, many people living with dementia wouldn’t be able to access the help and support they need. 

Click here to donate whatever you can – you never know when you, a family member or a friend may be in need of Dementia Forward or Vida Healthcare’s help too.

Let’s not forget those who need our help this Christmas.


Police release CCTV image after serious assault in Harrogate

Police have issued a CCTV image of a man they wish to speak to after a serious assault in Harrogate which left one man with a fractured skull.

The incident happened on Montpellier Hill at around 11.40pm on Monday, October 23.

Two men were assaulted after being kicked in the head and stamped on.

The assault left one of the victims with a fractured skull and requiring long term medical treatment.

Two men in their twenties have been arrested in connection with this incident. Both have been released on police bail while enquiries continue.

A North Yorkshire Police statement added:

“Officers are requested the assistance of the public to identify the man in the image, as they believe he may have important information which would assist their investigation.

“Anyone who recognises the man, or who witnessed the incident is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101 and speak to the Force Control Room. Please quote reference 12230201814.

“Crimestoppers can be contact anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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Stray Ferret Business Awards: Have your growth recognised by entering the Business Growth award

The Stray Ferret Business Awards 2024 are for businesses across all sectors in the Harrogate district.

Over the next few weeks we will reveal what our judging panel is looking for when it comes to each of the 10 categories.

First up is the Business Growth Award, which is sponsored by Raworths.

This award is designed to recognise those businesses that have seen significant growth in the last three years.

Business growth could be measured either financially, by employee numbers of market share increase – think about the percentages of the growth you’ve experienced – SME’s are strongly recommended to enter this category.

Companies looking to enter for the Business Growth Award need to provide evidence of the growth, background information as to the reason for growth and plans for the future.

Does your business deserve to win the Business Growth Award at the Stray Ferret Business Awards? Entries close on January 19. It’s simple and quick, so enter today!

Click here or the banner below to enter for the Stray Ferret Business Awards, sponsored by Prosperis.


Harrogate Theatre boilers to be replaced by December

North Yorkshire Council is set to replace Harrogate Theatre’s boilers by December after a fault was found.

The authority, which is the landlord of the building on Oxford Street, said a routine inspection found the aging facilities had to be replaced.

David Bown, chief executive of the theatre, told the Stray Ferret that an issue with the boiler was identified in the summer.

As a result, temporary heaters have been put in place for shows to continue.

The Stray Ferret asked North Yorkshire Council how much the replacement boiler will cost the authority and when it would be installed.

Kerry Metcalfe, North Yorkshire Council’s assistant director property, procurement and commercial, said:

“As the theatre’s landlords it is our duty to ensure the building has a safe heating system.

“During a routine service visit, the theatre’s boilers were found to be faulty, so they had to be capped off in line with Gas Safe standards.

“Due to the age of the existing boilers, there was no option but to fully replace them. Given the building’s age and the complex work involved, it raised the cost to a level where we had to put the replacement out to a competitive tender process.

“This process has now been completed and work to install the new boilers has begun. The work is due to be completed in December. The work has been budgeted for and final cost estimates are currently being compiled.

“Arrangements are in place for temporary heaters to be used to allow the theatre to function as normal and for shows to continue.”

The work is the latest to take place at the theatre in last few years.

Last year, a £1 million project to replace the 120-year-old roof at the building was completed. The works were initially meant to be completed in September 2021, but were delayed due to covid and labour shortages.

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Emergency services called to person trapped in barbed wire in Harrogate

Police and firefighters were called to deal with a person trapped in barbed wire in Harrogate yesterday.

Harrogate firefighters were summoned to assist police at Ripon Way, which runs alongside the former gasworks site earmarked for the new Tesco supermarket, at 9.06pm.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service‘s incident report said:

“Harrogate crews responded to assist police with a person trapped in barbed wire.

“The person was released prior to fire service arrival with no action taken by crews.”

No details of how the person became trapped, the extent of any injuries or the precise location on Ripon Way, have been released.

Firefighters also dealt with a fire at premises on Scriven Road in Knaresborough at 3.06am this morning.

The incident report said a gas pipe had caught fire. It added:

“Fire extinguished using two breathing apparatus and one hose reel. Incident handed into care of gas board.”

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Northern Lights captured near Ripon

The skies above the Harrogate district turned green and red last night as the Northern Lights made another appearance.

The aurora borealis was visible across the country for a second night running.

Photographer Paul Oldham took this stunning image over Grantley Hall, near Ripon, at about 6.30pm.

It was not the first time Mr Oldham has captured the natural light display, which appears during geomagnetic storms.

In September, he took this shot above How Hill in Ripon.

Paul Oldham’s Northern Lights photo in September.

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