Harrogate town centre shop to close due to low footfall

A Harrogate shop is to close down after two-and-a-half years in business, citing tough trading conditions. 

Foxy Vintage & Interiors, which is on the corner of Commercial Street and Cheltenham Mount, opened in 2020 selling vintage furniture and retro collectables. It quickly made a mark for itself, winning the Harrogate At Christmas shop window competition in 2021. 

But covid and the soaring cost of living have combined to starve the town centre of much of the trade it used to enjoy. 

Photo of the exterior of Foxy Vintage & Interiors in Harrogate, with 'Closing Down Sale' signs in the window.

The shop is offering up to 50% off everything until stock is sold.

Owner Alex Clarke told The Stray Ferret: 

“It’s mainly down to the economy. We just haven’t been seeing the footfall – even since before Christmas. It’s really sad to go. We’ve got a lot of lovely customers who love coming in. It’s a real shame for them, because there aren’t that many small independent shops doing what we do. 

“We haven’t gone bust – we could have gone on trading. But you just don’t know what next year’s going to bring.” 

The shop will remain open while the stock is sold, with discounts of 50% on all vintage items and up to 50% on the rest. Ms Clarke said she hoped to be able to sell everything by the end of the month. 

She added: 

“One thing that’s really important to stress is that people need to support their local indies as much as they can. They don’t have to spend much – every little bit helps.” 

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North Yorkshire electric vehicle charging network ‘not fit for purpose’

The leader of the opposition on North Yorkshire Council has wished the authority “good luck” in establishing a comprehensive network of electric vehicle charging points after hearing the local electricity grid was “not fit for purpose”.

A meeting of the council’s executive was told the authority was so concerned about it impeding the establishment of the required 3,000 publicly available EV charging points by 2030 that the council was investigating using solar and hydro-electric solutions to provide power in some places.

Setting out a strategy to rapidly expand EV charging points, Cllr Keane Duncan, the authority’s executive member for highways and transportation, said the council was determined rural areas should not “fall behind”.

However, he said the rural nature of North Yorkshire and electricity grid constraints meant the county faced a relatively greater challenge in preparing for the switch to electric vehicles than elsewhere.

Cllr Keane Duncan, executive councillor for highways at North Yorkshire County Council.

Cllr Keane Duncan

In addition, the relatively high proportion of properties in the county with no off-street parking – some 21% – would mean a greater demand for publicly available EV charging points than elsewhere.

The meeting heard while the council was developing on-street charging proposals it was focused on creating the publicly available EV charging points at “hub locations” where it would be convenient for residents and visitors to use them, rather than “tucked away in the corner of a car park”.

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Executive members were told with £3.4m of funding already secured to expand EV charging points, the council had obtained more money than any other local authority in the country for the programme.

The council is also optimistic about landing a further £5.1m of capital and £500,000 of revenue funding to deliver on its EV charging network aspirations, but the meeting was told the lack of power grid capacity would be a key factor in the council’s ability to create an EV charging network.

Paul Haslam, a Conservative who represents Bilton and Nidd Gorge, warned the meeting the lack of availability on the power grid could “make a mess of our strategy if we’re not careful”.

The council’s climate change boss Cllr Greg White added: 

“It’s great that we are going to have all these charging points, but are we going to have an electrical supply to these charging points to make them work because the local electricity distribution network at the moment doesn’t seem like it’s going to be fit for purpose.”

Wishing the council “good luck” in overcoming the challenges, Cllr Bryn Griffiths, the Liberal Democrat group leader, said the authority had reached “a drop in the ocean of where we need to be” in securing EV charging infrastructure, before receiving reassurances that the authority would consider changing planning policies to increase charging opportunities.

electric vehicle chargepoints (1)

The authority’s chief executive, Richard Flinton, told the meeting how he and leaders of North Yorkshire businesses had held talks with Northern Powergrid officials and the National Infrastructure Commission last week to tell them the lack of grid connectivity was damaging businesses.

He said the council had been regularly lobbying the electricity infrastructure firm to develop capacity on the grid.

Mr Flinton added: 

“We are startlingly aware that when we move into post-2030 the requirement that cars are going to be non-fossil fuel that there could be an impact on North Yorkshire, and even the transition period before we move entirely to electric fuel vehicles could be problematic for North Yorkshire if we don’t get this right.

“We are in the hands of others, but we are working very hard to make those other parties understand that we in North Yorkshire are very concerned about this and require their engagement on our issues.”

Northern Powergrid is yet to respond to requests for comment.

Police sack Harrogate officer convicted of sexual assault

A Harrogate police officer convicted of sexual assault has been sacked.

Joseph McCabe, 27, was found guilty of one count of sexual assault and given a suspended sentence in March this year.

McCabe was given a six-month jail sentence suspended for two years. He was also placed on the sex-offenders register for seven years, fined £808 and given a three-year restraining order.

Following a misconduct hearing on Friday (April 28), North Yorkshire Police has now dismissed the 27-year-old without notice.

A decision notice published after the hearing, which was conducted by chief constable Lisa Winward, said:

“Having assessed the misconduct here as serious misconduct, which caused both direct harm to a victim that amounts to violence against women and girls, it is also an aggravating factor in respect of the seriousness of the allegations.

“It also has the potential to cause serious damage to the public confidence in the police and bearing in mind that the misconduct was so serious that it also amounted to an offence of sexual assault, in my judgment the only appropriate outcome is one of dismissal without notice.”

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McCabe was sentenced on March 31 at York Magistrates Court for sexually assaulting a woman at a Travelodge at Scotch Corner, where he was attending a wedding with a number of colleagues.

At the time, district judge Tan Ikram told McCabe he had given “no credible explanation as to why (the victim) would make up such a serious allegation”. 

Following the outcome of the hearing, deputy chief constable Mabs Hussain commended the victim for coming forward.

He described the 27-year-old’s actions as “disgraceful”.

Mr Hussain said:

“Our communities need to know that they can have complete trust in their police, and that we demand the highest level of integrity from our officers and staff.

“McCabe’s disgraceful actions fell far below that standard. I commend the victim for her courage in coming forward so we could take action. I also hope the case sends a clear message that there is no place for this behaviour in policing – and that we will secure justice against perpetrators, no matter who they are.”

New terrace and kiosk at Harrogate Town approved

Plans for a new terrace and merchandise kiosk at Harrogate Town’s EnviroVent Stadium have been approved.

The club submitted the proposal for a 100-person terrace near to the north stand turnstiles, to Harrogate Borough Council before the authority was abolished.

It will also see a kiosk installed to serve fans refreshments and Harrogate Town merchandise.

North Yorkshire Council has now approved the proposals.

The club said the new terrace was required because the English Football League will no longer accept perimeter standing at stadiums.

In planning documents, it said:

“The proposed terrace will accommodate spectators which use the existing perimeter standing areas and will therefore not increase the overall ground capacity.

“The small kiosk building will be used for the club shop selling on site merchandising on match days, as well as a replacement (non-alcoholic) drinks servery to replace a kiosk within the AON Terrace that was recently converted to WCs.”

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It comes as the club recently saw its proposal to upgrade its Envirovent Stadium approved.

It will see almost 1,000 seats installed to bring the ground up to EFL standards.

To the south of the ground, the Myrings terrace will see 264 seats installed and the 1919 bar will be demolished and replaced with a new standing terrace.

A total of 603 seats have been installed in the Black Sheep Brewery stand.

The changes will not increase the overall capacity of 5,071 but will see the number of fans that can be seated rise from 1,193 to 2,060.

A strong end to the season has seen Simon Weaver’s team secure their status in Division Two of the EFL. They are currently 19th with one match remaining.

Historic Harrogate house to be auctioned next month

One of the most historic homes in Harrogate is to be auctioned next month.

Pineheath, which was built on Cornwall Road in the 1890s, was formerly the home of Indian shipping magnate Sir Dhunjibhoy Bomanji and Lady Frainy Bomanji.

But the house, which has a guide price of £3.5 million, has been derelict for many years and is not fit for viewing.

The property, which has planning permission to be converted into 12 flats, will go under the hammer in an online auction on June 8 at 3pm.

The lot includes the adjoining former chauffeur’s cottage, which has been refurbished into a pair of semi-detached coach houses that yield rent of £51,000 a year.


Pineheath. Pic: FSS

A 0.5 acre parcel of land next to the site, believed to be the last undeveloped parcel on the Duchy estate, is being auctioned as a separate lot with a guide price of £1.85 million.

Estate agent FSS, which began advertising the properties and land today, described Pineheath as ‘a truly unique opportunity’.

FSS partner Simon Croft said Pineheath’s private owner was keen for someone to redevelop the site. He added:

“It’s one of the most historic properties in prime Harrogate and it’s a shame that it’s become an eyesore on the street.

“The current owner has had a go with Harrogate planning department and has taken a pragmatic view that he’s probably not going to get anywhere and so he will let someone else take up the baton.

“The main house is derelict and unsafe. There are holes in the roof and the floors have rotted through. Any buyer would have to understand they would have some serious refurbishment work to take on or chance their arm by putting in a fresh planning application.”

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North Yorkshire Police ‘still needs to improve’ on child safeguarding, say inspectors

Inspectors have said North Yorkshire Police “still needs to improve” following a highly critical report into how it safeguards children.

An inspection report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, published today, found the force had made some improvements since its previous report in March.

However, inspectors added progress still needed to be made to “provide consistently better outcomes for children”.

Today’s report comes after the watchdog published a highly critical inspection of the force where it found child protection investigations were poor and that the force did not prioritise safeguarding and child protection highly enough.

In a follow-up visit in December, which is the subject of today’s report, inspectors praised North Yorkshire Police for making progress in areas such as identifying children’s vulnerability and making good safeguarding referrals.

However, they added that supervision of investigations were not always effective and there were “excessive delays” in obtaining digital forensic evidence for officers.

The report, which was published today, said:

“North Yorkshire Police still needs to improve some areas of its work to provide consistently better outcomes for children. There has been some progress, particularly in the way the force has trained its workforce to identify children’s vulnerability and make good safeguarding referrals.

“Staff in the force control room have also made improvements so they are better at identifying risk and providing the right level of response to help vulnerable children.

“Despite progress against some of our recommendations, the force has yet to make all the progress necessary to complete its action plan.

“The force is developing performance monitoring and its governance systems, so it is clear leaders fully understand what still needs to be done.”

‘Police have let the public down’

In response to the report, Zoe Metcalfe, North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said:

“North Yorkshire Police have had a year to progress their action plan following the first HMICFRS report on child protection. My team and I were regularly assured that all concerns would be tackled head on and improvements made at a significant pace but instead, 12 months later, the force is not in the position I expected them to be in. Not enough has been done and there is simply no excuse – North Yorkshire Police have let the public and the most vulnerable in our society down.

“As commissioner and a mother of two children, one of whom is vulnerable and has complex needs I share the frustration, deep disappointment and upset many people will be feeling. I know that it is my responsibility to increase the accountability of and pressure on the chief constable, to demand answers and not accept anything other than immediate and significant improvement.

“Whilst a debrief provided by the inspectorate in preparation for this report revealed North Yorkshire Police still had areas to progress, this progress has been much slower than anticipated – as a result, I am making arrangements for an additional layer of scrutiny – I expect evidence in relation to any assurances I am given.”

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Weekly food waste collections in Harrogate district to be delayed over costs

An introduction of a weekly food waste collection scheme across North Yorkshire looks set to be delayed amid concern over costs.

North Yorkshire Council is set to lobby government over a planned food waste collection scheme after it estimated the scheme will cost a further £6.4 million a year.

The changes, which have been proposed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, would see councils across the UK provide a free food waste collection service by 2025.

The council already has an existing residual waste contract with AWRP SPV Ltd, which runs until 2043, and has therefore been granted an extension to bring in the changes beyond the government’s 2025 target.

However, senior councillors have raised questions over how the scheme would be paid for.

Cllr Greg White, executive councillor for environment at the council, said:

“We have pledged to try and be carbon net zero by 2030 and to do our bit to help the whole county reach the ambitious goal of being carbon negative by 2040.

“The change to a weekly food collection would give us a unique opportunity to accelerate this process.

“We want to introduce these changes long before 2043, but at the moment there is too much uncertainty around how the new collections will be paid for. At a time when the council is facing a deficit of £30 million alone in its first year, we cannot commit to that level of spending without guarantees from the Government that our costs will be covered.

“Should we get that commitment, then we will look to bring the weekly food waste collections in earlier and start engaging with residents about the changes.”

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The change to weekly collections could cost the council up to an extra £6.4 million annually.

Cllr Carl Les, leader of the authority, has written to Theresa Coffey, Secretary of State for the Environment, to clarify how the project would be funded.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive will consider a recommendation to implement a separately collected food waste service from February 2043, despite the delay meaning the carbon equivalent of an extra 18 million kilometres of diesel car emissions every year.

The council said collecting food waste separately would reduce its carbon dioxide equivalent output by between 2,800 tonnes to 3,300 tonnes each year compared to the current arrangements where food waste is recovered from residual waste at Allerton Waste Recovery Park.

Authority officials have also pledged that the council will reduce its carbon footprint to net zero by 2030.

Business Breakfast: Harrogate businesses invited to free ‘growth networking’ sessions

It’s time to join the Stray Ferret Business Club. Our next networking event is after-work drinks at Manahatta, on May 25th at 5:30.

Don’t miss out on this chance to network with businesses from across the Harrogate district. Get your tickets by clicking or tapping here.

Businesses in the Harrogate district are being invited to free growth events this month.

York St John University, York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub and the Made Smarter programme have partnered together to deliver a programme of free ‘Innovate to Grow’ events for companies.

Designed to appeal to medium and larger sized businesses based in York and North Yorkshire, the event programme starts on May 9 at Eden Camp in Malton and will be running until May 23.

One event will be held at Co-Lab on Kings Road in Harrogate on May 16 from 11.30am until 2.30pm.

Funded by Innovate UK, the events will provide opportunities for networking to collaborate and share ideas for innovation and growth with other local businesses.

Speaking of the events series, Michael Wilson, knowledge transfer manager at York St John University said: 

“We are delighted to be running this series of free events for businesses across York & North Yorkshire.

“Working in partnership with York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub and Made Smarter, we look forward to seeing businesses form connections and to giving them useful information about the business support and funding that is available, whilst they enjoy some of the region’s most interesting venues.”

For more information and to register for the events, visit the York St John University EventBrite page here.

Harrogate manufacturing company hosts engineers day

A Harrogate manufacturing company hosted an engineers careers day.

Belzona, which s based on Claro Road, hosted nine engineering scholars from the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships programme at its facility. 

As part of the event last month, the company devised an agenda designed to provide the scholars with an insight into the career opportunities within maintenance engineering.

Ian Wade, Belzona’s technical service manager, said: 

“It was great to host the Arkwright Industry Connect Day here in Harrogate, investing time and offering developing engineers an insight to the roles available within STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). 

“We hope that the scholars found it beneficial to learn about how Belzona is used across many industries.”

The Arkwright Engineering Scholarships programme is run by the Smallpeice Trust which aims to identify, inspire and nurture future leaders in engineering. 

Pictured above: Andrew Raby, Growth Hub Manager, York & North Yorkshire Growth Hub, Mike Pennington, Business Relationship Manager, York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Michael Wilson, Knowledge Transfer Manager at York St John University and Emma Rollason-Taylor, Business Relationship Manager, York St John University Enterprise Centre.

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Bank holiday gathering leaves mess in Harrogate’s Valley Gardens

The boating lake in Valley Gardens had to be drained of rubbish this morning after a bank holiday gathering last night.

Gardeners were on site early this morning to clean-up after revellers left so much mess.

Numerous bin bags were filled and removed before the lake was refilled.

Jon Clubb, acting head of parks and environmental services at North Yorkshire Council, said:

“Last night we experienced some antisocial behaviour in Valley Gardens. This morning the gardeners removed rubbish, drained the boating lake and gave the surrounding area a clean. It is now refilled with water.

“This was due to take place tomorrow in anticipation of the three-day event to mark the King’s coronation at the weekend when we hope thousands of people will visit the beautiful gardens.”

Valley Gardens rubbish

Some of the rubbish

Jane Blayney, former chair of the Friends of Valley Gardens, noticed the clean-up operation this morning. She said:

“It was a dreadful mess. Sacks and sacks of rubbish were taken.

“I felt sorry for the gardeners, who are busy enough and were diverted from their preparations for the coronation weekend.”

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Police issue CCTV images after man left unconscious in Harrogate

Police are appealing for help to trace two men in connection with an incident in Harrogate that left a man unconscious.

It happened at the Foundry Project in The Ginnel on March 11. The victim was taken to hospital for treatment before being discharged.

North Yorkshire Police has today issued three CCTV images of the two men officers would like to speak to, saying one had a “distinctive white hat”.

A spokesperson for the force said:

“Officers are appealing to anyone who can help identify the men in the image, including one who was wearing a distinctive white hat, as they believe they will have information that could assist the investigation.”

Anyone who can provide information should email stephen.mangham@northyorkshire.police.uk, or call 101, select option two and ask for PC 1604 Mangham.

To report information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111, quoting reference 12230044921.

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