Business Breakfast: Goldsborough Hall appoints new Head Chef

Goldsborough Hall hotel in Knaresborough has appointed Daniel Ife as the hotel’s new Head Chef.

He joined the team over six years ago and helped the previous head chefs achieve a 3AA rosette and a feature in the Michelin guide.

Owner of Goldsborough Hall, Mark Oglesby said:

“Behind the scenes, Daniel has been running the kitchens at Goldsborough Hall now for many years, so we are very proud that he has finally agreed to take on the role of Head Chef.

“Over the many years he has been with us he has demonstrated passion and creativity which has helped to win us many prestigious awards.

“With his wealth of experience and innovative approach, we are confident that Daniel will continue to lead our dining experience to new heights.’

Mr Ife added:

“My style is seasonally driven, using modern techniques and styles with a classic French undertone.

“It is a real privilege to create dishes that befit the majesty of the hall’s historic dining room, where former Kings and Queens have dined.”

Masham brewery secures listings in 100 M&S stores across UK

 T&R Theakston, in Masham, has secured a listing to supply Theakston Old Peculier ale to 100 M&S stores across the UK.

The brewery has seen a value growth of 4.5% in the Off Trade market versus a bottle ale market decline of 6%.

Following the deal with M&S, the ale is now stocked in all UK major supermarket chains.

Simon Theakston, joint managing director, said:

“Theakston Old Peculier is a flagship beer for us and for the town of Masham, with its name a tribute to the unique ecclesiastical status of the town as a ‘Court of the Peculier’, first established in medieval times.

“It’s great to see the continued growth in popularity Old Peculier underpinning its status as one of the country’s most well-known and loved ales.

“As a result of this new M&S listing, it’s fantastic to be able say this beautiful brew is now listed in all UK major supermarkets, meaning that fans have the opportunity to enjoy the taste of Old Peculier from both their local pub and within the comfort of their own home.”

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Andrew Jones MP urges Prime Minister to ease ‘strain’ on access to Harrogate NHS dentists

Harrogate and Knaresborough Conservative MP Andrew Jones today urged the Prime Minister to tackle the “immediate strain” facing local people trying to access NHS dentists.

Concerns about a shortage of NHS dentists in Harrogate were heightened last week when Chatsworth House Dental Clinic, on King’s Road, said it will stop treating NHS patients at the end of the year.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions today, Mr Jones said he and fellow North Yorkshire MPs met with the local integrated care board last week to discuss ways of improving dentistry provision. He added:

“But when surgeries suddenly close to NHS patients without notice as one in Harrogate did very recently, an immediate strain is put on local provision.

“Will the Prime Minister look at what can be done in these circumstances to ensure that no one is left without access to an NHS dentist?”

Mr Sunak pledged to “look into this issue” and said Mr Jones would be “reassured” to know the government was investing £3 billion a year into dentistry. He added there were no geographical restrictions on which dentists people could attend.

‘Sitting on the sidelines’

Daisy Cooper, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats, discussing healthcare issues with Tom Gordon, the party's parliamentary candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough.

Tom Gordon with Daisy Cooper, the Liberal Democrats’ health spokesperson.

The man who hopes to succeed Mr Jones as Harrogate and Knaresborough MP at the next election accused his rival of “sitting on the sidelines” over dentistry.

Tom Gordon, the Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, said he was “pleased that after 13 years Andrew Jones has finally bowed to pressure and asked a question in Parliament about the dentist crisis affecting local residents”, adding:

“In the last six months, the Lib Dems have been increasing the pressure on him to do this. We have set up a dentists survey, arranged a meeting with the Lib Dem shadow health minister and made sure that questions were asked in Parliament about this issue.

“We’ve heard awful stories about how local people have been putting up with pain as they can’t afford to see a dentist. It shouldn’t have required a concerted campaign to make our MP act.”

“We’re determined to keep on fighting for the cash that will re-establish NHS dentistry in our area. We hope Andrew Jones will join us in this fight rather than sitting on the sidelines as he has done over this and many other issues for the last 13 years.”

Following his meeting with Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board last week, Mr Jones said:

“Dental services have been recovering but there is much more progress to be made.

“It is important that action is taken swiftly to expand the NHS dental provision in our area.”

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Ofsted says Boroughbridge High School ‘requires improvement’

Boroughbridge High School requires improvement, according to a report published by Ofsted today.

Government inspectors visited the school, which was previously rated ‘good’, on May 4 and 5 this year.

The 440-pupil school was assessed as ‘good’ for quality of education and personal development. But it received ‘required improvement’ ratings for behaviour and attitudes and leadership and management, as well as for its overall grading.

The report praises the “positive relationships between pupils and staff” and says most pupils enjoy attending.

It says “teachers have secure subject knowledge and apply this well in lessons” and the majority of staff are happy and proud to work at the school.

But it says some pupils are disruptive, some do not attend regularly enough and some teachers do not ensure all pupils are actively involved in lessons.

The report says:

“Not all teachers have high enough expectations of pupils’ behaviour and do not routinely challenge low-level disruption in classrooms.

“Although many pupils feel safe in school, some do not. Some pupils in lower year groups say they are worried or concerned about the behaviour and conduct of some older pupils.”

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Inspectors also said some teachers “accept pupils shouting out answers” and therefore “too few pupils have their subject knowledge routinely checked”.

School behaviour is described as “not always calm and orderly” and inspectors said “a small proportion of staff do not feel well supported to manage behaviour”.

Headteacher Kathryn Stephenson said:

“We are pleased that inspectors recognised many strengths within our school including the positive relationships between staff and students, effective safeguarding and the high quality of education for all students.

“We are determined to ensure that all aspects of our school are of the highest standard and we look forward to working with our students and their families to achieve this.”

Boroughbridge High School is part of a federation with King James’s School in Knaresborough. The two schools have the same governing body.

The sixth form is currently suspended and a small number of students in Year 13, who are still on roll at Boroughbridge High School, travel to King James’s School for Year 13 lessons.


Harrogate district motorists could face new fines

Motorists who drive in cycle lanes, fail to obey no entry signs and misuse box junctions in North Yorkshire could face tougher action.

Currently, moving traffic offences in the county are only enforceable by police.

But North Yorkshire Council is considering securing new powers available to local authorities to enforce moving traffic offences on the county’s roads.

It follows a 2019 survey by the Local Government Association, which revealed 67% of local authorities said the police did not actively enforce any moving traffic offences in their area.

A total of 90% said that they would use civil enforcement powers if they were available, primarily to ease congestion and improve road safety.

The Conservative council has now asked people to share their views on a proposal to introduce traffic enforcement at a yellow box junction on the A19 in Selby.

This would be the first location in North Yorkshire where the council would use new powers to crackdown on driving offences — but others could follow.

Cllr Keane Duncan, the council’s executive member for highways and transport and the Conservative candidate to be mayor of York and North Yorkshire, said:

“We are seeking to take tougher action to tackle dangerous driving on North Yorkshire’s roads.

“Using new powers, we have the chance to enforce offences such as driving in cycle lanes, failing to adhere to one-way systems and no entry signs, entering yellow box junctions and failing to give priority to ongoing traffic.

“By adopting these enforcement powers proportionately in problem areas, we hope to improve road safety for all road users, reduce congestion, emissions and journey times, and allow North Yorkshire Police to focus resources elsewhere.”

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Cllr Duncan said the Selby consultation would help it decide whether to apply to the Department for Transport for new powers.

The Traffic Management Act in 2004 introduced civil enforcement of traffic offences in England and Wales.

The act was laid before Parliament in 2022, granting local authorities’ powers to enforce minor traffic offences.

For local authorities to be granted these powers, they must apply to the DfT by October 25, highlighting at least one area that needs to be consulted on and submitted as a pilot scheme.

The Gowthorpe junction in Selby.

The Gowthorpe / Scott Road junction in Selby has been identified following concerns about vehicles entering the box junction on the A19.

If the application for the pilot is approved, traffic enforcement on the junction would be enforced from early next year. Similar enforcement action could then be introduced in other North Yorkshire locations.

The council said in a statement any income generated through traffic offences would be ring-fenced to pay for road improvement projects, public transport schemes or environmental campaigns.

You can take part in the consultation, which closes on October 23, here.


Ripon councillor likens trail hunting ban to 1930s Germany

A campaign pressing for a ban on trail hunting on publicly-owned land across North Yorkshire has been rejected after being likened to an act of the German government in the 1930s.

Members of North Yorkshire Council’s ruling Conservative group and two Independent councillors who have formed an understanding with them voted to recommend the notice of motion not be supported when it goes before a full meeting of the authority in November.

After the vote by the authority’s corporate and partnerships scrutiny committee, Polly Portwin, director of the Countryside Alliance’s Action for Hunting campaign said it was “a victory for common sense”.

She said: 

“It would be morally wrong for any local authority to ban a lawful activity and we hope this ideological attack on the rural way of life is voted down at the next meeting of the full council.”

Labour councillor Rich Maw, who had proposed the motion, said the result had been politically motivated.

Cllr Maw said the law surrounding hunting was persistently being flouted across council land and that the League Against Cruel Sports had collated 29 witness reports of suspected illegal hunting, including eight incidents of cub hunting in the county.

He told members trail hunting was being used as a cover for illegal hunting, enabling “the inevitable chasing and killing of animals to be labelled accidental”.

Cllr Maw, who represents Weaponness and Ramshill, was accused of pursuing a “personal crusade”. He said: 

“As a council we have an opportunity, a responsibility to act. It is about recognising the current legislation is being abused.”

The meeting heard claims some 78 per cent of the public supported new laws on hunting to protect animals and called on the council to display a pro-active, preventative approach to animal cruelty, environmental damage and antisocial behaviour associated with hunting.

Labour group leader Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright said the council needed to support the will of the majority of residents.

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However, Damian Readman, a joint-master of the Derwent Hunt, told the meeting how the hunt accessed council-owned land “throughout the season” and that tenant farmers should be able to make their own decisions regarding the land for which they are responsible.

He said: 

“Trail hunting and hound exercising, which are both legal activities, are no different to any other lawful countryside pursuits like dog walking or mountain biking. Wild mammals are no more at risk from the hounds carrying out their lawful activities than they are from any other dogs.”

Tory members questioned the campaigners’ evidence and described the notice of motion as “utterly ridiculous”. They said there was “a danger of prohibiting lawful behaviour”, before claiming there was a “hint of the class war about it”.

After an hour of fierce debate in County Hall’s council chamber, its chairman Cllr Andrew Williams said the proposal would be “largely ineffective and unenforceable”.

He said those behind the proposal were trying to get the council involved in gestures and gimmicks that had no actual meaning.

The Ripon councillor added: 

“It’s a very slippery slope when we start imposing majority will preventing minorities from exercising perfectly legitimate legal rights. I point you to how Germany ended up in the 1930s when it went down a route of imposing majority will as opposed to minorities.

“It is for parliament to change law, not elected councillors.”

North Yorkshire trail hunting ban ‘unenforceable, but the right thing to do’

Councillors behind a push to prevent trail hunting activities on North Yorkshire Council’s vast estate say a ban is “the right thing to do” even though it may be unenforceable.

Councillors Rich Maw and Arnold Warneken said local politicians across the largely rural county had a moral duty to ban trail hunting, exempt hunting, hound exercise and hunt meets outright across all council land, where legally possible, including any new tenancies.

The Labour and Green councillors issued the call ahead of a meeting of the local authority’s corporate scrutiny committee today (Monday), which will seek to agree a response to a notice of motion for the ban to be put before all the council’s elected members.

The motion has been condemned by the Countryside Alliance as “anti-rural” and by some Conservative councillors as “a waste of time”.

An officer’s report to the meeting states trail hunting is “a legal, although controversial, alternative to hunting animals with hounds” in which a scent trail is laid “ostensibly to recreate the experience of chasing a real animal”.

It has been claimed that trail hunting is designed to replicate hunting as closely as possible, but without the deliberate involvement of live prey, however campaigners in North Yorkshire say they have ample evidence of animals becoming targets.

The land owned by the council mostly affected by a ban would be its farm estate portfolio, which is thought to be about 3,500 acres.

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The report highlights how recent years have seen several major landowners, such as the National Trust and the Church of England, suspend or ban trail hunting on their land.

It states while some local authorities such as Nottinghamshire County Council had banned trail hunting, Cornwall Council had agreed banning a lawful activity would be a direct attack on rural people.

The report states: 

“In considering the notice of motion put to the council earlier this month, members will recognise there may be issues around enforcement if a decision were taken to ban trail hunting on council owned land i.e. the huge amount of property/land owned by the council, and the possible financial implications and other resources it may require.”

In response to the report, Weaponness and Ramshill division Cllr Maw said trail hunting was “a smokescreen” for the act of actually hunting wild animals.

He added: 

“A ban would mean on the common lands we have got control over and building that into new tenancies going forward.

“It’s really about the messaging rather than policing it. With video or photographic evidence there is a way for it to be policed. If the hounds are in front of the horses and the hunt doesn’t technically have control of the hounds in a public area then they are breaking the law.”

Cllr Warneken said was also not possible to enforce every 30mph limit, and bans on people dropping cigarette butts or not wearing seatbelts, but that had not stopped those rules being approved.

He said: 

“Do we not do the right thing because we can’t enforce it? We are condoning breaking the law if you don’t think we should ask our new tenants if they would consider signing up to not allowing trail hunting on their land.”

Raw sewage spilled into North Yorkshire streets 600 times in five years

Yorkshire Water has admitted that raw sewage has spilled into the streets in the Skipton and Ripon constituency area 600 times over the last five years.

The figure was revealed during a meeting in Skipton yesterday when the company’s head of corporate affairs, Tim Myatt, was grilled by councillors about what the company is doing to stop sewage and other waste being discharged into rivers and public places.

Mr Myatt, who was a senior Harrogate councillor for the Conservatives until earlier this year, said Yorkshire Water was investing an extra £180 million to reduce discharges by at least 20% before 2025.

This is on top of a £147 million investment to reduce discharge at its wastewater treatment works.

But councillors said the company had not spent enough since privatisation in 1989.

Last month, the council’s planning committee refused an application for 23 homes in Bishop Monkton following fears the housing would exacerbate raw sewage being released into village streets during heavy rainfall.

Nick Brown, the Conservative councillor for Wathvale and Bishop Monkton, asked Mr Myatt how many reported incidents of sewage being spilled into Skipton and Ripon’s streets there had been in the last five years. Mr Myatt told him it was 600.

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However, this only includes details from the main postcodes in the constituency area so the actual number is likely to be higher.

A ‘monstrous’ figure

Cllr Brown described the figure as “monstrous” and said more investment was needed.

He said:

“Six hundred incidents of sewage in villages and towns is unbelievable. I find the lack of investment over a period of years is partially to blame for that. In future, the investment must be made sooner rather than later in curing these problems.”

Mr Myatt said Yorkshire Water has had teams in Bishop Monkton this week looking at the problem.

Conservative and Independent Group councillor for Ripon Minster and Moorside, Andrew Williams, said the company has been providing an “effluent service” for customers.

He added:

“We raised the issue of effluent in the street in Ripon and received a fob-off. It’s not good enough.”

Conservative councillor for Settle and Penyghent, David Staveley, said Yorkshire Water had “stone-walled and come up with bad excuses” when faced with criticism from customers over raw sewage and other issues.

Mr Myatt said Yorkshire Water wanted a “step change in transparency”, including more monitoring of their infrastructure to help understand how to reduce overflows. He said he was aware the public wants the company to “vastly improve performance”.

He said:

“We have invested since privatisation. It’s important to not think that pre-privatisation there was lots of investment and now there is none. 

“There has been significant investment and improvements in certain areas.”

North Yorkshire Council is currently putting together a local plan that will map out where housing can be built across the county. 

Mr Myatt indicated Yorkshire Water would like to become a statutory consultee on planning applications and that the new local plan will help it target investment into infrastructure.

He added:

“Knowing where growth is likely to be enables us to plan for investment and make the case for that in those areas.”

Council draws up North Yorkshire Combined Authority branding

Council officials have drawn up logos and designs for the new York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.

The combined authority, which will be headed by an elected mayor, is scheduled to be launched in November this year.

It will include councillors from North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council and make decisions on matters such as economic development and transport.

Officials have drawn up brand designs for the new council at a cost of £5,000.

The designs, which were developed in-house, include colours from each of the authorities including North Yorkshire Council, City of York Council, York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.

A spokesperson for the council said that the designs were drawn up “in order to minimise spend and utilise existing assets as much as possible”.

They added:

“The branding was developed taking into account all of the partners existing logos and colour palettes, including for the LEP’s Growth Hub and Invest in York and North Yorkshire brands.

“This was in order to minimise spend and utilise existing assets as much as possible. An iterative process, working through a number of concepts led to the brand that was approved by the joint committee.”

The branding is expected to be included on social media, the authority website, posters and staff lanyards.

What is a combined authority?

A combined authority is a body set up for two or more councils to make joint decisions.

In this case, North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council would come together to make decisions on matters such as economic development and transport.

It will be a separate body to North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council.

The closest example of this is West Yorkshire Combined Authority, which recently has led on the £11.9 million Harrogate Station Gateway scheme, as well as similar schemes in Skipton and Selby.

The combined authority would be headed by a mayor who is directly elected by the public.

An election for the Mayor of York and North Yorkshire is set to be held in May 2024.

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North Yorkshire tourism bosses warned not to repeat past mistakes

Officials developing a destination management plan to replace Welcome to Yorkshire have been urged to learn the lessons from the past.

A meeting of North Yorkshire Council’s transition scrutiny committee yesterday heard councillors call for the local authority to protect the Yorkshire brand, take more heed of the views of small businesses and work to attract international events without losing oversight of the consequences of tourism on communities.

Councillors were told the local authority was weeks away from submitting a destination management plan  to Visit England to join neighbouring areas such as East Riding, Durham and Cumbria in becoming a local visitor economy partnership, to gain more national funding and support.

Officers told the meeting at County Hall in Northallerton they had consulted extensively with the sector on the framework which would lead, influence and coordinate all of “the aspects of our destination which contribute to a visitor’s experience”.

They said the plan would take account of the needs of visitors, residents, businesses, and the environment, joining all organisations with an interest in the industry responsible for 10 per cent of the county’s economy.

It is planned to bring Yorkshire LVEPs together in a destination development partnership, which would then identify collective strategic priorities.

In addition, the council is also part of a group looking at marketing North Yorkshire at a national and international level, the meeting was told.

Councillors heard while the council’s ambition is to increase the £2bn visitor spend by about 5% a year and increase the proportion overnight visitors to 20% of all visits, there were concerns the latter aim could exacerbate housing and staff accommodation issues in some areas.

An officer told members the council was confident the plan’s priorities reflected what the industry was wanting.

He added: 

“We have a really ambitious set of targets to grow it year on year and to retain more overall visitors.

“We get a lot of day visitors but there is a real shift to try and get overnight stays and the retention time being longer.

“We want that plan to be private sector-led, but also with a clear steer from where the local authority is taking the lead. We are not under-estimating our leadership role in this, but we also want the sector to own and help us deliver these ambitions.”

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However, Helmsley division councillor George Jabbour highlighted how comments by the Federation of Small Businesses, which represents 4,000 businesses in the county and York, on the council’s plan had been “very far from glowing”.

FSB comments included: 

“Businesses are frustrated after being excited about the new start that this is where we have landed – they don’t see the purpose of the DMP or what need it answers due to the confused plan and lack of vision.”

Cllr Jabbour added: 

“North Yorkshire County Council had too close a relationship with Welcome to Yorkshire. There were a few scandals involved there. It is a concern from the start we don’t get as close and that the new council makes the same mistakes as before.

“The reality is we have got to make sure we have something quite ambitious and hopefully we will have enough time to change and improve the final plan.”

Officers said they would meet the FSB to address concerns, but some businesses appeared to have confused the management plan for a strategy.

The committee’s acting chairman, Cllr Bryn Griffiths, told officers: 

“Don’t lose the Yorkshire brand. The Yorkshire brand is so strong. Don’t degenerate it.”

No local schools due to close because of crumbling concrete

None of the schools facing closure in England and Wales due to crumbling roofs are in the Harrogate district.

The government said last week 104 schools in England and Wales would fully or partially close due to safety fears connected with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete.

Raac, which is cheap building material popular between the 1960s and 1980s, has been compared to “chocolate Aero” because it contains pockets of air.

Children in North Yorkshire are due to go back to school tomorrow for the autumn term and the government has yet to name which schools are affected.

Stuart Carlton, director of children and young people’s service at North Yorkshire Council, said only one school in North Yorkshire was affected . He said:

“We are aware of one school in the county which has been constructed using reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC).

“Scalby School in Scarborough has been asked to close the buildings affected. The school is required to make suitable arrangements to continue the education of their 1,000 pupils until safety work can be carried out.

“Scalby School is the only one in North Yorkshire on the current Department for Education list of 104 schools affected.”

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