Climate change: sunshine and showers a year after record heat in Harrogate district

What a difference a year makes.

This time last year, the Harrogate district was baking in record temperatures approaching 40C.

Last year’s hot weather, which came amid warnings about the impact of extreme heat, saw several schools close for the day.

Some businesses shut their doors, while others only opened for a few hours. Bin collections started early and were called off as the heat increased.

Dog owners and parents of small children were also out and about earlier than usual, trying to avoid the peak temperatures.

Paula with her fox red labrador at Hell WathDog walkers were out early before it got too hot

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service was among many around the UK to declare a major incident because of the level of demand it was facing. Harrogate and District Foundation Trust also said its services were under higher than usual pressure thanks to the weather.

However, the trust was also offering a more indulgent way for patients on its wards to keep cool – it handed out ice creams and lollies during the day.

Care homes were also ensuring elderly and vulnerable residents kept cool and hydrated. Vida Healthcare‘s chefs made jelly sweets, each containing 20ml of water, to help.

Today, however, the forecast is for top temperatures of no more than half that figure, with sunshine and showers through the day. The forecast for the coming fortnight remains similar, after heavy rain and thunder storms hit the district this month.

Heavy showers at last week’s Great Yorkshire Show

Meanwhile, Europe is experiencing an extended heatwave and hitting highs in the mid-40s every day.

The extreme weather is said to be caused by climate change, with experts predicting we will face more high temperatures in future.

Mike Kendon from the Met Office said:

“While the UK has always had periods of warm weather, what climate change does is increase the frequency and intensity of these warm weather events, increasing the likelihood of high temperature records being broken, like we saw for 2022’s annual temperature for the UK.

“It is particularly telling that of the 12 months of the year, for UK average maximum temperature the records for the warmest months include 2019 (February), 2018 (May), 2015 (December), 2012 (March), 2011 (April), 2011 (November), 2006 (July) and now 2023 (June).

“Statistics such as this clearly tell us of the changing nature of the UK’s climate and how it is particularly affecting extremes.”

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Tory mayor candidate says he has ‘vision and fight’ to make a difference

The Conservative hoping to become the first-ever Mayor of York and North Yorkshire has said he has the “vision and fight to make a difference”.

Journalist and councillor Keane Duncan was selected at a meeting of North Yorkshire Conservatives at the Bridge Hotel and Spa at Walshford, near Wetherby on Friday.

Only party members who attended were eligible to vote and the full results have not been announced.

A senior party source told the Stray Ferret six people applied for the role and the field was reduced to three on the ballot paper. Each gave a presentation then answered questions.

They said Mr Duncan received 141 votes, York tech entrepreneur Matt Freckelton polled 38 votes and Zoe Metcalfe, the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner who lives near Boroughbridge, received just 15.

Ms Metcalfe has not responded to questions from the Stray Ferret about the vote.

Her role will be subsumed by the mayor’s office after the election in May next year.

Whoever is chosen will also oversee the delivery of a £540m devolution deal, with responsibility for economic development, transport, housing and skills.

Mr Duncan, who is from Malton in North Yorkshire, is a deputy news editor on the Daily Star as well as the Conservative executive member for highways and transport at North Yorkshire Council. His councillor remit includes oversight of the £11.9 million Harrogate Station Gateway,

He said:

“It’s an honour to win the confidence of party members to fight for my home area in this critical election.

“Our landmark £540m devolution deal represents an unprecedented chance to unlock opportunities for everyone who lives here, particularly the next generation.

“My vision for York and North Yorkshire is one that is open for business and proud of success – a greener and more productive area embracing future industries and offering highly-skilled, well-paid job opportunities.”

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He added:

“Ahead of polling day in May I hope to convince voters I have the vision and fight to make a difference for people in every corner of our diverse and vast county.”

Andrew Jones, the Conservative MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough, said:

“Keane’s enthusiasm for and knowledge of York and North Yorkshire is impressive.

“He understands the challenges we face and the opportunities which devolution offers to address those challenges in transport, skills, housing and employment.”

The Stray Ferret asked Mr Jones’ office is he voted for Mr Duncan but was told he was in meetings all afternoon and it might not be possible to contact him.

Council to pay additional £1m in North Yorkshire combined authority set-up cost

North Yorkshire Council looks set to pay an additional £1 million to set up a combined authority for the county and York.

The combined authority, which will be headed by an elected mayor, is scheduled to be launched in November this year.

It will include councillors from North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council and make decisions on matters such as economic development and transport.

So far, North Yorkshire Council has footed £582,000 worth of costs for consultation and staff redeployment to help set up the combined authority.

In a report due before a joint devolution committee next week, the council will be recommended to fund a further £1 million in costs ahead of its implementation in four months time.

The money would cover areas such as IT infrastructure, project management, human resources and contingency plans.

However, the council has said that it expects the cash to be paid back once government funding for the combined authority is released.

It said:

“North Yorkshire Council will continue to cash flow the implementation and set up costs of the combined authority on the understanding that these costs will be repaid once funding is released on creation of the combined authority in November.”

Councillors will discuss the funding at a meeting on July 24.

What is a combined authority?

A combined authority is a body set up for two or more councils to make joint decisions.

In this case, North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council would come together to make decisions on matters such as economic development and transport.

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It will be a separate body to North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council.

The closest example of this is West Yorkshire Combined Authority, which recently has led on the £11.9 million Harrogate Station Gateway scheme, as well as similar schemes in Skipton and Selby.

The combined authority would be headed by a mayor who is directly elected by the public.

An election for the Mayor of York and North Yorkshire is set to be held in May 2024.

The Conservatives selected Cllr Keane Duncan, the executive member for highways and transportation at North Yorkshire Council, at a meeting on Friday.

Selby and Ainsty by-election candidates have their say – Part 5

This article is the fifth of a series of six.

Voters across parts of the district will be heading to the polls on Thursday (July 20), when Selby and Ainsty holds a by-election triggered by the dramatic resignation last month of MP Nigel Adams. 

Most of the Selby and Ainsty constituency lies beyond our district’s borders – it stretches almost as far as Goole and Doncaster – but its northern end does encompass Huby, Follifoot, Spofforth and some of the villages in the Vale of York, such as Tockwith, Green Hammerton and Long Marston. 

There’s a broad field to choose from – there are 13 candidates – but who are they, and what do they believe? 

In the lead-up to the by-election, we’re spotlighting two or three each day, giving constituents the opportunity to read about the people who wish to represent them at Westminster – in their own words. 

So far, we’ve featured Andrew Gray (independent), Claire Holmes (Conservative), Mike Jordan (Yorkshire Party), Dave Kent (Reform UK), Keir Mather (Labour), Nick Palmer (independent), Guy Phoenix (Heritage Party), Sir Archibald Stanton (Official Monster Raving Loony Party), and Matt Walker (Liberal Democrats).

Continuing to take their surnames in alphabetical order, today’s candidates are Arnold Warneken of the Green Party, and John Waterston of the Social Democratic Party.

Tomorrow: Luke Wellock (Climate Party), and Tyler Callum Wilson-Kerr (independent).

Arnold Warneken, Green Party 

A progressive, left-wing environmentalist party that has been campaigning for environmental approach to legislation since it was founded in 1990. 

“I’ve lived and worked in the Ainsty area for nearly 40 years. Back in the 1990s I was branded ‘Harrogate council’s conscience’ by the then chief executive. I still have a reputation for getting things done, and I work hard for residents all year round, not just at election time. 

“I currently sit on Selby planning committee, Ainsty drainage board, and North Yorkshire Moors National Park Authority, so I have considerable experience of decision-making in local government. 

“I am already campaigning on 20’s Plenty to cut speed limits, and on river quality at North Yorkshire Council. 

“I am free to speak up in Westminster for this constituency, because I’m not told how to vote by Green Party bosses. 

“But being a candidate for a small party does not mean that I am a lone force. I lead a skilled team with wide expertise, and I could not be an effective MP without this team. 

“If you are usually a Labour vote, by voting Green you are telling Labour to put proportional representation in their manifesto, re-instate their green funding, and cancel new oil. 

“If you are usually a Conservative voter, by voting Green you are telling the Tories to allow onshore wind, fund the NHS, and stop dumping sewage. 

“The Green Party already has a well-respected MP, two members of the House of Lords, over 750 elected councillors, and four local parish/town councillors. 

“Greens have solutions which marry environmental and social justice, enabling lower energy bills AND saving the planet, by investment in renewables and home insulation. We believe in universal basic income, renationalising public utilities, a minimum wage of £15/hour, and ending NHS privatisation. 

“Drax must move from ‘burning stuff’ to become a genuinely renewable energy supplier, with long-term employment prospects. Drax’s current subsidy of £1.7m/day could power a resilient carbon-neutral future. 

“Farming payments need switching to nature-friendly systems to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, encourage wildlife, and end factory farming. 

“Voting Labour or Conservative won’t change this government yet, but another Green MP will make a huge difference in Parliament, so please give me that opportunity.”

John Waterston, Social Democratic Party 

A Eurosceptic, socially conservative party that espouses centre-left economic policy and supports a social market economy. 

“I have lived here for 31 years and raised two children alongside my wife, Ruth, and we have both worked in the area all of that time.

“I believe the role of a constituency MP is exactly that – a representative for constituents and an influencer on their behalf. 

“Crime and Justice: I want to help address the inefficiencies in local policing who deal with public nuisance and anti-social behaviour. I live in the centre of Selby and witness how it strangles the activity and economic success of the town.

“Youth: There is very little to interest, stimulate or engage them. I grew up in a community that had similar challenges and have a range of ideas that could meet this challenge, which directly links with the public nuisance concerns.

“Transport: The bus services post-lockdown have essentially collapsed, from a position that was already inadequate.

“Communities are left with one or two routes per week, restricting movement to daytime hours. It restricts the economy, and crucially, employment opportunities are lost, because without a car, it is impossible to get to work for most shifts. I want to address this urgently.

“Failure to support our economy: There has been no effort and no imagination in how to stimulate a new economy for the 21st century. Tourism could be a key asset. Making connections in Asia and elsewhere, if coordinated with more quality hotel accommodation, would pay great dividends. 

“We are a hub for the boating community and that needs to be supported and encouraged. We are geographically blessed by way of transport links to Manchester, Edinburgh and London, all within two hours. The A1(M) is 10 minutes away, providing access to the M62 and the M18. We are the gateway to the North Yorkshire coast. It is a tremendous place to set up a business or set up a home, as I discovered 31 years ago, and the people here deserve better support than they are getting.

“This is why the people of Selby and Ainsty should vote for me.”


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Local by-election candidates accuse BBC of bias

The three Independent candidates in this week’s Selby and Ainsty by-election have accused the BBC of bias.

Harrogate-based Andrew Gray, Tyler Wilson-Kerr and Nick Palmer issued a joint statement last night claiming they had been marginalised by the broadcaster.

The statement said:

“Absence of the Independent candidates from BBC coverage gives the electorate the impression that they are not able to win; that they are not working hard.

“Nothing could be further from the truth. The mood of the constituency is one of change. Most people we speak to do not align with any political party.”

Opinion polls suggest the by-election is a two-way fight between the Conservatives and Labour.

Betting company OddsChecker has Labour 1/7 to win, with the Conservatives at 11-2 and the Liberal Democrats at 100-1.

Conservative Nigel Adams, who won the seat in 2019 with a 20,137 majority in 2019, triggered the by-election when he resigned last month. It is one of three by-elections being contested on Thursday.

If Labour wins, it will be the biggest ever overturn of a Conservative majority. The party is expected to send several front bench heavyweights to the constituency this week as part of a final push.

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Thirteen candidates are standing in Thursday’s ballot.

The joint statement highlight how Independents came third at last year’s  local elections in Selby and adds:

“With so many candidates, the likely margin of victory is likely to be small. The State Broadcaster’s position could sway this election.

“Tyler, Nick and Andrew all bring valuable experience to this election. The habit of mainstream media to treat elections as a largely binary choice is both insulting to Yorkshire voters and damaging to democracy.”

Stray Views: Unelected council officers should not be making planning decisions

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Your piece today (councillors raise concerns about the role of planning committees) highlighted that fact that planning officers are now making most of the decisions on applications.

This is just one example of many of the way in which our elected councillors are being side-lined and it is so wrong. As officers are unelected they are barely accountable for the decisions they make and in fact they are unreachable and almost immune from the views of us, the residents and tax payers.

We vote for our representatives, we hold them to account at the ballot box, and it is they who should be making these decisions.

Tom Paul, Pannal 

A more flexible approach to 20mph limit

I agree all schools should have a 20mph speed limit but only in the hours where danger may be present. In Scotland there are flashing road signs for the relevant periods during the day and school term times. For the rest of the day and school holidays it reverts to 30mph.

In addition children should be taught more road sense. In Ripon we have a situation where at the end of the school day staff have to stand outside the school gates and supervise 11+ pupils leaving school!

Sandra Theobald, Ripon

EV car spaces should be for EV cars only

I agree that 10 chargers is a bit much for Chapel Street at the moment but it’s wrong to suggest its OK for non-evs to park there if they are empty.

You could say the same for disabled parking bays but that’s obviously wrong. It would be better to have chargers at the long stay carpark off York Road.

Ralph Armsby, Knaresborough

Big thank you for 10k Race for Life

Please thank everyone on duty at the Harrogate Stray 9/7/2023.
Unfortunately I signed up for the 10k walking but my asthma got the better of me and wasn’t able to finish. The medics were called to me at the 7k mark to whom I thank.
To hold an event like this successfully and safe depends on volunteers
Many thanks to the Marshal who walked with me as I was the last of 10k walkers.

Margaret Beckingham, Harrogate

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North Yorkshire Council awarded £830,000 to support Ukrainian refugee housing

North Yorkshire Council has been awarded £830,715 by the government to support Ukrainian refugees living in the county move into their own homes.

Ukrainian families fleeing war have found places to live through the government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme with UK sponsors agreeing to house refugees for a minimum of six months.

However, there have been concerns that if it doesn’t work out between refugees and host families some may fall into homelessness, so the government is offering all local authorities money through its Homelessness Prevention Grant (HPG).

The council’s Conservative executive member for culture, arts and housing, Cllr Simon Myers, welcomed the grant in a statement to councillors ahead of a meeting next week.

Cllr Myers said:

“We welcome the additional funding which recognises the commitment of sponsors and the work we have already been doing during difficult economic times and will provide additional support and reassurance to Ukrainian families as they rebuild their lives and seek to overcome the trauma of war.”

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According to NYC, there have been 1,336 arrivals to North Yorkshire since the start of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

This includes 49 refugees who arrived between April and the end June this year.

The number of people still living with a sponsor is 616 and there has been 720 who initially arrived in North Yorkshire but have moved on from their sponsors’ accommodation.

A total of 371 of these have moved onto private rented accommodation and 172 have moved back to Ukraine.

The council said 47 have moved on to another sponsor family outside of North Yorkshire.

Over the winter, the council increased the ‘thank you’ payments for sponsors from £350 to £500 a month and this will be extended until October 2023 when it will again be reviewed.

To help new arrivals settle in, the council also has two dedicated employment advisors who work with Ukrainian residents to help them find training and apply for jobs.

Nationally, more than 117,000 Ukrainians have moved to the UK through the resettlement scheme.

32,000 chickens killed in fire in Harrogate district

More than 32,000 chickens have been killed in a fire on the edge of the Harrogate district.

Firefighters from Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon were called to commercial premises near Upper Dunsforth yesterday afternoon.

The water bowser from Boroughbridge was also summoned.

Station manager Tony Walker tweeted:

“No injuries reported but sadly over 32,000 chickens have perished in the blaze.

“Significant damage to the building. Fire Investigation underway.”

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s incident report said the fire occurred to a shed measuring about 250ft x 50m and help was requested at 3.37pm.

Station manager Tony Walker tweeted several photos of the incident, including these below.

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Selby and Ainsty by-election candidates have their say – Part 4

This article is the fourth of a series of six.

Voters across parts of the district will be heading to the polls on Thursday (July 20), when Selby and Ainsty holds a by-election triggered by the resignation last month of MP Nigel Adams. 

Most of the Selby and Ainsty constituency lies beyond our district’s borders – it stretches almost as far as Goole and Doncaster – but its northern end does encompass Huby, Follifoot, Spofforth and some of the villages in the Vale of York, such as Tockwith, Green Hammerton and Long Marston. 

There’s a broad field to choose from – there are 13 candidates – but who are they, and what do they believe? 

In the lead-up to the by-election, we’re spotlighting two or three each day, giving constituents the opportunity to read about the people who wish to represent them at Westminster – in their own words. 

So far, we’ve featured Andrew Gray (independent), Claire Holmes (Conservative), Mike Jordan (Yorkshire Party), Dave Kent (Reform UK), Keir Mather (Labour), Nick Palmer (independent), and Guy Phoenix (Heritage Party).

Continuing to take their surnames in alphabetical order, today’s candidates are Sir Archibald Stanton of the Monster Raving Loony Party, and Matt Walker of the Liberal Democrats.

Tomorrow: Arnold Warneken (Green Party), and John Waterston (Social Democratic Party).

Sir Archibald Stanton, The Official Monster Raving Loony Party 

Urging the electorate to “vote for insanity”, the party’s policy proposals include preventing identity theft by calling everyone Chris, and introducing a Board of Bribery which would set standardised rates on the principle of “sleaze for the many, not just the few”. 

“Good people of Selby and Ainsty, Sir Archibald Stanton is the Official Monster Raving Loony Party candidate for your constituency on July 20, 2023. 

“We are a party that’s on everyone’s side, no matter what your political persuasion may be. Yes, just like you, we have seen it all before, heard it all before and still don’t believe it. 

“Let’s shake them up, between us we can show them that we do care about our country. 

“Here’s a brief selection from our Manicfesto:- 

“Together we can make your constituency very proud, the wonderful district that changed the face of modern-day politics. 

“The Monster Raving Loony Party are the only OFFICIAL Party all the rest are unofficial. 

“Don’t let apathy win this election. 

“Please remember the only wasted vote is one that’s not used, so if you don’t usually vote then vote unusually. 

“Look out for the top hat symbol on your polling card and put a large X in the box for Loony, in the certain knowledge that you have carried out your democratic duty. You’ve got nothing to lose. 

“Look out for Archie and his right-hand man Gilly on the campaign trail. 

“And don’t forget a vote for Sir Archibald is a vote for the future. 

“Vote Sir Archibald Stanton on July 20, 2023 you know it makes sense.”

Matt Walker, Liberal Democrats 

Matt Walker currently represents Knaresborough West on North Yorkshire County Council. The Liberal Democrats have usually come third in Selby and Ainsty, so will need to benefit from a considerable shift in the electoral landscape if they are to win this time. 

“I’m delighted to have been selected as the local Liberal Democrat candidate for Selby and Ainsty. As a candidate I will be a passionate campaigner for the area, listening to residents’ views and championing their issues. 

“Residents across Selby and Ainsty have been let down, our NHS is on its knees. In my professional life I am a manager in the NHS, and in one of my previous roles I spent time managing the GP out-of-hours and minor injuries unit at Selby Memorial Hospital. I’ve seen first hand just how amazing our NHS is and just how much damage the Conservatives have done to it. 

“The Liberal Democrats will be fighting for every vote at this election. Whether it’s the crisis in our NHS or the cost of living, the government has taken North Yorkshire for granted for too long and it’s time for a change.”

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Sell-out Great Yorkshire Show proves resilient in cost of living crisis

Harrogate BID logo

This story is sponsored by Harrogate BID

Despite the cost of living crisis, the 2023 Great Yorkshire Show was a sell-out with the rain appearing to have a bigger effect on sales than the economic climate.

The UK’s largest agricultural show saw 140,000 people pass through its gates over four days this week.

The four-day event sold out two weeks in advance even though ticket prices increased, setting you back £32 for an adult or £80 for a family. By comparison, they cost £29 and £75 last year.

Alistair Nixon, chief executive of Yorkshire Agricultural Society, the farming charity that organises the show, said:

“It is a difficult time – cost of living means prices are going up all the time and we do have to reflect that in our prices.

“However, we support our farmers as much as we can through the show, and I’ve seen the same level of loyalty this year as with any other year.”

Mr Nixon explained the charity “has hit its target and done what we needed to do” when asked if the economic state had caused a dip in sales.

Show director Charles Mills added:

“Everywhere I’ve been it’s been very busy.

“I’ve seen a lot of people with food and drinks, or walking out with bags, so that must be a good sign.”

Clothing trader Joules noted sales to be “around the same as last year”, but said its demographic “tend to come to the show and only shop here during the show”.

The Pavilions of Harrogate‘s outdoor bar saw record sales on the Thursday, but Friday’s rain slowed down final sales.

Fraser Holmes, event manager of Pavilions, told the Stray Ferret:

“In terms of what we’ve taken this year, I believe it to be around the same as last year.

“Thursday was our record day ever for sales – the sunshine really helped with that – and Friday’s rain then brought things back down a bit.

“People are still spending money I think.”

The show also saw a record number of sheep class entries that surpassed 3,000, as well as over 1,000 cattle and equine entries too.

Find more information on Yorkshire Agricultural Society here.

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