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    Apr 2023

    Last Updated: 11/04/2023

    Developers resubmit plan for new homes in Crimple Valley

    by Calvin Robinson

    | 02 Apr, 2023



    Developers have resubmitted plans for new homes in the Crimple Valley.

    The application by Square Feet Ltd and Antela Developments Ltd would see the homes built at Almsford Bank Stables on Leeds Road.

    Harrogate Borough Council rejected proposals for 35 homes in the area back in November 2022.

    However, the developer has now reduced the number of homes to 17.

    It includes 10 self or custom build homes and seven affordable houses.

    The council had previously refused the plan on the grounds that the site was not allocated for housing under the Harrogate district Local Plan 2014-35, which outlines where development can take place.

    It added that the plan “would result in harm to the character and appearance of its surroundings”.

    However, the developer said in its planning documents that it had submitted a “wide range of technical and assessment works” in support of the proposal.

    It added:

    “It is concluded that there are no technical reasons relating to these matters why planning permission should not be granted.”

    Read more:

    The development has long been opposed by local residents as part of the Save Crimple Valley group.

    The group has argued that the site is “unsafe” for such a scheme and urged the council to reject the plan last year.

    The previous scheme was met by more than 240 letters of objection.

    A decision on the new plan will be made by the new North Yorkshire Council at a later date.