Berwins Salon North

The Crown Hotel, Crown Place, Harrogate

10th - 10th April
7:30 pm


The world is changing: Are we keeping up?

From the way we grow our food to the way we communicate, our systems are shaping the future. Mike Berners-Lee, Stuart Gillespie and Louisa Guise will uncover what needs to change in our approach to sustainability, nutrition, and digital culture – offering sharp insights and fresh perspectives on how we can do better.

In a world dominated by other people’s opinions, Salon gives you the knowledge to form your own.

This cabaret-style evening will enlighten, entertain and excite your curiosity. Showcasing the most stimulating ideas in science, technology, psychology and the arts, each scintillating speaker has the challenge of engaging the audience within a 25-minute set, interspersed with intervals where you can chat, get a signed book from the speaker, or grab a drink at the bar.

Voted number six in the ‘Top 100 Things to do in the World’ by GQ magazine, Salon is a night out that will enlighten, entertain, excite your curiosity and change your life for the better.

Tickets and more information