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A woman who admitted to a string a of drink-driving offences has been spared jail.
Harriet Swift, of Front Street in Wetherby, previously pleaded guilty to three counts of drink-driving.
The case was adjourned and Swift returned to Harrogate Magistrates Court today (March 14) for sentencing.
Mel Ibbotson, prosecuting, told the court the first offence happened on November 19 last year.
Police officers on patrol were called to an incident on Follifoot Road in Harrogate shortly after 9.40am.
The court heard when officers got to the scene, they found Swift – the driver – “slumped over the wheel”.
Ms Ibbotson said paramedics were also at the scene and told police officers they believed the defendant was "in drink".
Police could smell alcohol on Swift, who then told officers she had been drinking wine the night before.
The 40-year-old defendant was taken to the police station, where she recorded 318 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, the court was told. The legal limit is 80 milligrams.
The court heard police officers saw a car being driven poorly on Wetherby Road in Harrogate on December 4, 2024.
Officers stopped the car shortly after 4.30pm and noticed the driver was "in drink".
Ms Ibbotson told the court Swift was taken to the police station, where she was described as being “calm and understanding”.
She provided a breath sample, which recorded 157 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is just 30 micrograms.
On Christmas Eve, officers saw a car driving from York Place to Victoria Road in Harrogate.
Officers stopped the car and could smell alcohol on the driver. Swift was taken to the police station, where she blew 89 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.
Andrew Tinning, defending, told the court character references had been provided on Swift’s behalf, which “testify to her previous good character”.
He said defendant could not offer any excuses for her actions and she “did not appreciate that she was misusing alcohol” at the time of the offences.
Mr Tinning cited a pre-sentence report prepared ahead of the hearing, but this was not read aloud in court.
However, he told the magistrates Swift had previously been made redundant from a “stressful and important” job, and her relationship had broken down.
The circumstances had a big impact on Swift, which led to her struggling with her mental health and misusing alcohol, the court heard.
The court also heard Swift has expressed remorse and recognises the seriousness of the situation.
Mr Tinning said the defendant has sought help from an alcohol agency and has seen her GP about her mental health.
“She got into such a state at the time she just was not thinking full stop”, he added.
The chair of the bench told Swift her behaviour and her driving put the public at “extreme risk”.
“You are lucky to be here today”, he added.
The magistrates handed Swift an 18-week custodial sentence, suspended for one year.
She must complete 20 rehabilitation activity days, a six-month alcohol treatment requirement and 50 hours of unpaid work.
Swift was also banned from driving for 40 months and ordered to pay £239 to the court.