Model boaters in Valley Gardens call for public support to stop fountain
Last updated Nov 28, 2022

Claro Marine model boating club has called on the public to help stop a fountain being installed in the Valley Gardens’ boating pond.

Harrogate Borough Council plans to put the fountain in the pool next year at a cost of £6,000.  The boaters have argued it will stop their hobby as water from the fountain will damage the engines of their model boats.

The club’s secretary, Dave Finnegan, wrote to the council outlining its concerns and earlier this month received a response.

Head of parks and environment services, Alison Wilson, wrote:

“As the body [of the fountain] consists of a base and jets there is little infrastructure involved. Once in place, we will consider any protection required to ensure there is no damage to the jets from boats and vice versa.

“We do not wish to curtail your clubs activities, simply make the area more attractive and usable at other times of the week”.

Mr Finnegan told the Stray Ferret he was unhappy with Ms Wilson’s reply.

“You can’t use a model boat where there is a fountain. If your boat goes wrong or there is some interference with the remote control you can find the boat in the fountain area which damages the boat.

“If there is a fender cutting off the fountain, then you’re cutting off a huge area for the boats to go. It is a small pond really not a lake. The boats need the deeper water which is where they’ll put the fountain. “

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The council has also said it was working on a scheme where the club could disable the fountain but Mr Finnegan said it had additional concerns that in hot weather the fountain water could pose a public health risk. As a result it doesn’t want responsibility for operating it

“The pond is shallow and we’re concerned that if the water temperature rises above 20 degrees celsius the fountain could create the risk of spreading legionnaires disease.”

The council has rejected this, saying the pond will be monitored and tested in hot weather.

The boating pond in Valley Gardens, which is currently drained

The club though has its supporters — retired lawyer, Dr Trevor Dale, wrote to Harrogate and Knaresborough Conservative MP Andrew Jones, outlining concerns for the boaters and raising the legionnaires disease issue.

Mr Jones then contacted Alison Wilson and sent Dr Dale a letter with her response in it.

So the club felt it had got no further and it has left the boaters feeling frustrated and powerless.

Mr Finnegan said:

“We’ve no idea how to change their minds. When you consider it has been used as a boating pool for 98 years, it’s very sad.

“Nobody is helping us so I’d like the public to get involved and write to the council or to Andrew Jones and call for the fountain plan to be cancelled.”