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    Dec 2022

    Last Updated: 07/12/2022

    Council plans new crossing on Harrogate's Wetherby Road

    by Calvin Robinson

    | 07 Dec, 2022


    The Wetherby Road crossing will be installed at the Slingsby Walk junction here.

    A new crossing could be installed on Wetherby Road in an effort to improve walking and cycling in Harrogate.

    The crossing, which could include traffic lights, would be put in place next to Slingsby Walk on the Stray.

    North Yorkshire County Council has proposed the measure, which would cost £75,000, which it says could "double the number of people using a popular cycling and walking route".

    Cllr Keane Duncan, North Yorkshire County Council’s executive member for highways and transportation, is to consider the proposal at a meeting on Wednesday, December 14.

    Cllr Duncan said: 

    “We are committed to creating opportunities for people who want to walk or cycle for work, education, shopping or other reasons. This is clear in the Harrogate area through our Transforming Cities Fund gateway project and Active Travel Fund schemes to develop a safe, accessible network for cyclists and pedestrians.
    “The Slingsby Walk crossing could offer a significant addition to the town’s infrastructure, providing a safe, formal crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists who might be hesitant about using the link at the moment.
    “We recognise concerns around existing traffic congestion on this section of Wetherby Road. While an additional crossing would place extra pressure on the network, this needs to be weighed against the benefit to pedestrians and cyclists that already use this location and those that would if there was a formal crossing.
    “We need to consider the benefits a signalised crossing would bring to pedestrians and cyclists and the safety of vulnerable road users in this location to achieve a better balance between different modes of travel.”

    Read more:

    If approved, implementation of the crossing will be subject to a detailed design and safety audit before it could be introduced in 2023/24. 

    Funding of £75,000 for the crossing has been secured from Harrogate Borough Council’s sustainable transport budget.

    Cllr Phil Ireland, Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for carbon reduction and sustainability, said: 

    "If we want to achieve our zero-carbon economy targets, we need to invest in sustainable travel options and help make them as safe as possible.
    “Introducing a road crossing on Wetherby Road at Slingsby Walk will ensure people have safe access between the east and west of Harrogate town centre. Especially as this route is frequently used by young people accessing the nearby schools.
    “I’d like to thank North Yorkshire County Council as well as Councillor Keane Duncan for considering this proposal.”