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A Harrogate primary school has been given a positive report from Ofsted.
Hookstone Chase Primary School was visited by Ofsted for an inspection in November to indicate whether it had maintained its standards set at the previous inspection.
The school was rated “good” in its last inspection in April 2019.
The recent report does not include the graded categories that previous Ofsted reports have done, as the organisation moves away from the use of these grades to examine schools.
The report determined that the school had “taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.”
The report praised the staff for their relationship with the pupils of this school.
It said:
Pupils enjoy coming to school and are happy here. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong and positive. Pupils value their friendships with each other, and warmly state that, ‘There is a friendship waiting for everyone at Hookstone.’
Pupils feel safe. They are clear that bullying is rare and when it happens it is dealt with swiftly by adults. Pupils know that a trusted adult will help them if they have concerns. Pupils are aware that they can report concerns confidentially using ways, such as the ‘worry boxes’.
Along with regular partnership with parents and carers to promote the importance of regular attendance, this means that pupil attendance has continued to improve.
The school was also praised for the breadth of its curriculum. The report said that work is well sequenced, and the pupils achieve well. It added:
The school has deliberately chosen a phonics programme to reflect the learning needs of pupils starting school. Staff deliver the programme effectively, including to children in early years, where there are also a range of opportunities to develop early language skills.
Teachers are well trained. They have strong subject knowledge and share this well with pupils. For example, in subjects such as mathematics and science, pupils enjoy using practical resources to support and secure their understanding of the concepts taught. Pupils’ work in mathematics shows they are given planned opportunities to develop their fluency and errors are identified by staff and corrected by pupils.
The report added that the school has a positive support system in place for pupils who are falling behind, or for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Inspectors said pupils’ understanding is checked frequently and pupils who are at risk of falling behind are identified and supported.
Finally, the school was praised for developing its pupils’ character.
The report said that pupils are proud to hold positions of responsibility, such as reading ambassadors and playground buddies.
The Stray Ferret has approached Hookstone Chase Primary School for comment.