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    Sept 2020

    Last Updated: 24/09/2020

    Montpellier Parade pedestrian plans may contravene Stray Act

    by John Plummer

    | 25 Sept, 2020


    The owners of the Blues Bar have asked North Yorkshire County Council to close the highway and let businesses put tables there. But this may not be legally possible.

    The Blues Bars, Harrogate.

    Plans to pedestrianise Montpellier Parade and allow bars and cafes to put tables there may not get off the ground because they appear to contravene the Stray Act.

    North Yorkshire County Council told the Stray Ferret on Wednesday it was was considering a request by Simon and Sharon Colgan, the owners of the Blues Bar, to close the highway.

    But although Montpellier Parade is a highway it still forms part of the Stray, which is covered by a 1985 Act of Parliament.

    The Act says the 200 acres of Stray land should not be used for commercial gain.

    Judy d'Arcy Thompson, chair of the Stray Defence Association, which upholds the Act and safeguards the Stray against building, said individuals were free to enjoy a drink on the Stray but commercial gain was prohibited. She added:

    "Presumably Harrogate Borough Council will have to do what the Stray Act dictates."

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    A spokesman for HBC, which is responsible for management of the Stray, said: "Montpellier Parade is part of the Stray. We will consider the recommendations provided by the highways authority."

    A spokeswoman for NYCC, which is responsible for highways, said it was still investigating the possibility of closing Montpellier Parade.

    The Colgans sent their request to NYCC after HBC ordered it to remove tables from Stray land opposite its premises.