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Jun 2022
A new planning application has been submitted for 35 homes in the Crimple Valley to the south of Harrogate.
The outline application is for 14 affordable homes, seven first homes and 14 self or custom build plots at Almsford Bank Stables.
The site, which lies to the east of the A61 at the foot of Almsford Bank, is currently used for equestrian purposes, with stabling and barns.
Supporting information in the application said:
The application includes information about the provision for self and custom build (SCB) homes, which it argues are in short supply in the Harrogate district.
It is the third application to build housing on the site, and is the first time the suggestion of SCB homes has been put forward.
The first proposal, in 2018, was for 65 homes and was withdrawn after 132 objections were submitted by members of the public.The Almsford Bank site, outlined in red, is less than half of the area owned by the applicants.
In 2019, plans for 35 homes were submitted, including 21 open market houses and 14 affordable homes.
That application attracted more than 100 comments from members of the public, none of whom supported the plans. Many cited concerns about access to the site from a fast and busy road, as well as objecting to the development on land designated a special landscape area in the local plan.
The proposal was again withdrawn.
To view or comment on the plans, visit the Harrogate Borough Council planning website and use reference 22/02233/OUTMAJ.
A date for the application to be decided by the council has yet to be set.