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Apr 2023
Residents on the south side of Harrogate are rallying against another application to build housing on the edge of a treasured stretch of countryside.
The Save Crimple Valley group is urging people to object to plans for 17 homes at the bottom of Almsford Bank, just off Leeds Road.
A message put out by the group said:
Residents say access to and from the site via the A61 would be dangerous, while the housing itself would spoil the area.
The application site includes an area that has been used as stables for many years, but it is not included in the local plan, which guides development across the Harrogate district.The development boundary in red and housing areas in orange, with the owners' land outlined in blue
Since plans were published at the end of March, 22 objections have been submitted to North Yorkshire Council. Nearby resident Penny Robinson said:
They added:
However, many of those objecting have said they would not accept any number of homes on the site, which they argue is unsuitable for development.
Another local resident, Victoria Draper, wrote:
To view or comment on the plans before the deadline of April 23, visit the planning pages of North Yorkshire Council's website and use reference 23/01082/OUTMAJ.