Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to
It is absolutely unbelievable that anyone can possibly see any reason to build houses on that site. We need a green space between Harrogate and Pannal.
The access onto that busy steep hill would be incredibly dangerous, so do no building there at all.
Alison Roscoe, Burn Bridge
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Time for a 'rethink' on Harrogate's roads
It has been written and discussed recently that the council has been unable to deliver on active travel projects in Harrogate. This is largely true, apart from the Otley Road cycle path, but we might be best to leave that there.
There have been consultations and bids for various projects that might improve active travel in the town, but very few have come to fruition. Now that North Yorkshire Council are in charge, maybe it’s time for a short to mid-term rethink.
I have often believed many cycle schemes are veiled road improvements that are being paid for by active travel schemes. But things have come to a point whereby the roads are now becoming unsafe to cycle on due to the state of the road, not because of the vehicles.
Many roads around Harrogate have deep holes in them that a bit of surface dressing will not fix. The stones and small rocks that are coming out of the pot holes litter the road and the gutter is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate safely.
The road surface is dangerously pitted and uneven making it doubly dangerous for a cyclist to traverse. These road hazards are causing cyclists to swerve or take a different line on the road and this adds further dangers to all concerned. If you need a good example, look at Pannal Ash Road. This is a road with schools on it, where we expect our children to ride their bikes.
I don’t think there will be many arguments with these statements. What I would like to see in the short to mid term is for the council to make a concerted effort to return our roads to a state whereby they don’t cause risk or damage just by using them. Resurface badly damaged roads properly (not just surface dressing), sweep the gutters to remove the debris, and at least allow all road users to be able to travel safely. Active travel schemes are nice to have, but let’s not forget about what have already.
Scott Mordue, Harrogate
Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.