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Jan 2023
Councillors on the new North Yorkshire Council will have a 50% pay rise in April if proposals are approved next week.
The suggested increase has been put forward to "reflect their significantly increased workload" as the new unitary authority takes over from North Yorkshire County Council.
Councillors sitting on NYCC currently receive £10,316 per year as a basic allowance. If proposals are approved, this would increase to £15,500 for the next financial year.
Allowances for special responsibilities - those with portfolios for transport, health and other areas - would also increase by at least 4% under the plans.
The chair of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP), John Thompson, said:
The proposed new allowances will be considered by NYCC's executive next Tuesday, before being put to the full council for a final decision in February.
While Mr Thompson said he accepted that "in absolute terms this may be seen as a large increase", the number of councillors was reducing from 319 to 90, so there would be savings to the taxpayer.
The cost of basic and special responsibility allowances at present is £2,553,319. Under the proposals it would fall to £1,845,686 - a saving of just over £700,000.
The leader of North Yorkshire County Council, Cllr Carl Les, said: