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    Dec 2020

    Last Updated: 15/12/2020

    North Yorkshire GPs begin delivering covid vaccine

    by Suzannah Rogerson

    | 15 Dec, 2020


    A handful of GP practices began administering vaccines today although it is not believed any are from the Harrogate district.

    Picture: Creative Commons.

    North Yorkshire GP practices administered their first covid vaccines today.

    A handful of practices are believed to have begun the process, although none from the Harrogate district are believed to have done so yet.

    The district is still awaiting news of the first person to be vaccinated.

    The closest hospital to have administered the vaccine so far is Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Now GPs are joining the mass vaccination effort.

    The Stray Ferret revealed today the Great Yorkshire Showground will be used as a vaccination site from next week.

    Local vaccination services, which are based on Primary Care Network groupings, will be delivering the vaccine from all types of venues, from GP practices and health centres, to sports halls and community venues.

    Dr Charles Parker, clinical chair of NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, which buys medicines for the county, said:

    “This is a significant milestone in the vaccination programme, but just the start of a process that will likely take several months.
    “It’s been a successful first day, with patients commenting on how well organised clinics have been."

    The NHS is asking patients not to contact their GP practices directly for a vaccine appointment.

    Amanda Bloor, NHS North Yorkshire CCG accountable officer, said:

    “We understand patients’ enthusiasm to have the covid vaccine but it’s important those at most risk from coronavirus are vaccinated first.
    “Please do not contact your local GP practice or local hospital to ask for an appointment for a vaccination and please do not turn up at your surgery or hospital – the NHS will proactively contact individuals as part of the vaccination programme and nobody will miss out.”

    Have you had the covid vaccine? Or have you been offered a vaccination appointment? If you're happy to tell us about your experiences please get in touch via email on 

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