Ofsted praise for ‘warm and welcoming’ village pre-school near Harrogate
Last updated Feb 16, 2023
Pannal Primary School
Busy Bees Pre-School is based in the grounds of Pannal Primary School

A pre-school in Pannal has received praise from Ofsted for its “welcoming” setting and care for its children.

Busy Bees Pre-school, based in the grounds of Pannal Primary School, retained its ‘good’ grading in the report published this month.

Inspector Amy Whiting, who visited the setting in January, said:

“Children are happy and enjoy spending time in this warm, welcoming setting. New children settle quickly and soon become familiar with their surroundings.

“Staff are attentive to children’s needs. Children show they feel comfortable with the staff. For example, they climb onto staff members’ knees during play, and seek out staff for cuddles.”

She also praised the way the manager leads the team of staff, offering support and mentoring to new and more junior people, with relevant online training.

Ms Whiting said staff had “high levels of well-being and feel supported”, and there was a clear plan for improving the pre-school.

She highlighted the “effective” development of children’s maths skills, and use of additional funding to bring in teachers for extra activities such as yoga and rugby. She said children were encouraged to take turns at activities, but instructions could be clearer so they always know what is expected of them.

The report also praised the manager’s understanding of the safeguarding and referral process, saying anyone left in charge in her absence was suitably knowledgeable, and all staff had regular safeguarding training.

But Ms Whiting added:

“However, in some cases, staff’s understanding of, and confidence to talk about wider safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and ‘Prevent’ duty [relating to terrorism], is not fully developed.

“Similarly to this, plans for staff’s continued professional development in this regard are not yet fully developed.”

The report and grading have been welcomed by the pre-school, which cares for 30 children aged between two and four.

Pre-school manager Tina Morley said:

“We feel the inspection went very well and I couldn’t be prouder of my amazing team.

“The inspector commented during the feedback meeting how confident and well-settled the children were and how the staff seemed genuinely passionate about their care, education and welfare.

“We were delighted to retain our Good grading across all aspects of our provision.

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