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Mar 2020
This is the full version of the email letter sent to the Stray Ferret's Editor:
Dear Madam,
In splendid isolation I look forward to today’s 5pm televised press conferences held by the Prime Minister, flanked by his impressive scientific and medical experts. Like millions of Brits I am anxious for knowledge, for guidance and for reassurance in the daily battle against the silent killer, Covid 19.
Our economy, society and the communities that comprise it are faced with Britain’s greatest peacetime challenge. A situation in which poor decisions and confusing communication will…not might…but will cause thousands of deaths and untold human suffering. A time, if ever there was one, for individual leadership, serious communication and bold example from our elected politicians in order to bring people together in common action and common cause.
Many of the measures announced in parliament and at the Prime Minister’s daily press conference to tackle Coronavirus are to be implemented by our local councils, in this case Harrogate Borough, working with their respective MP’s.
Since the advent of Covid 19, both Harrogate’s MP Andrew Jones and the leader of our borough council Richard Cooper have been nigh on invisible and practically silent.
Andrew Jones, our MP, needs to take the lead and grab the council by the scruff of its neck and get it moving. The people of Harrogate are crying out for it. No time now for limp lettuce consultation and back room intra-party squabbles. We need a local leader to match the energy, clarity and accountability being shown by our national leader, Boris Johnson.
Mr. Jones’ efforts so far appear to be a “Be the best neighbour you can be” round robin email asking the people of Harrogate to volunteer their ideas and help by email or by phoning his office. For those who respond to his office with an offer of help, a second generic email arrives saying thank you for your offer and we are working on matching these individual offers of help with the need for help and we’ll be in touch again. This is well meaning but seems oddly out of step with the scale, urgency and impact of the challenges we all face. So, in the absence of leadership here are a few ideas offered in helpful spirit. All practical, all costing virtually nothing but time and effort.
Mr. Jones could and should provide a daily briefing for the people of Harrogate, this to join the dots between national government policy and local government implementation. By so doing, he will energise and amplify our local efforts.
He should work with local radio station Stray FM to comment immediately – “down the line” - following the PM’s daily briefing. This could become an opportunity for local residents to dial in and discuss their concerns with their elected representative. Mr. Cooper, the leader of the council should join him too. They could live stream these from their respective isolations so we can see them, as well as hear them, becoming truly accountable.
Following Boris Johnsons’ lead, Andrew Jones and Richard Cooper could and should bring together relevant local experts, such as the Chief Executive of Harrogate Hospital, the Head of Mental Health charity Mind in Harrogate, or local employment lawyers or employee representatives, to provide clear and objective information and advice, free from partisan political concerns.
Using virtual meeting technology such as Zoom or Houseparty, Andrew Jones should be calling together the local Church, Third Sector and business leaders of Harrogate to place himself visibly at the head of a volunteer army to help deliver care, food, virtual conversation, to provide a loudspeaker for the myriad of local initiatives, Facebook pages and support groups springing up around town. Jones’ army should be morning briefed and tasked everyday with an urgency worthy of the consequences of Covid 19.
So come on Mr. Jones and Mr.Cooper. Get up and onward, get brave, get visible, get creative and give us the energetic leadership and accountability you were both elected to provide, for Harrogate in Westminster and for Harrogate Borough at home. This is not a time for business as usual. Nothing will ever be the same again. We need and deserve better, now and tomorrow.
Paul Baverstock
Former Director of Communication for the Conservative Party