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- Ripon Cathedral planning application - are you for or against?
- Cathedral development would see loss of veteran Beech and 10 other trees
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Jan 2024
Ripon Cathedral is to pause its controversial annexe planning application following a request by city councillor Andrew Williams.
The proposed £6 million development, which would house a refectory, song school, shop and Changing Places Toilet, will be put on hold 'for a number of months' to allow further consultation with all interested parties.
These include campaigners with a 2,100-name petition raised in a bid to save a veteran beech and 10 other mature trees from being cut down to make way for the two-storey standalone building on Minster Gardens — a green public open space currently owned by North Yorkshire Council.
A statement issued this afternoon, on behalf of the Dean of Ripon the Very Revd John Dobson and the Cathedral Chapter said:
A petition by Ripon resident and save our trees campaigner Jenni Holman has already been signed by 2,100 people, some of whom attended this peaceful protest on November 25.
Cllr Williams approached the cathedral seeking a three-month pause following a vote taken last month by city councillors to withdraw its 'in principle' support for the scheme and formally object to the proposal.
The vote to object was carried by four votes to three at the December 11 meeting. Councillors Williams and Barbara Brodigan, who sit on North Yorkshire Council's Skipton and Ripon area constituency committee planning committee, absented themselves from the meeting and did not take part in the debate that preceded the vote.
Cllr Williams told the Stray Ferret:
The veteran Beech tree.
He added:
The cathedral said in a statement the Dean was "pleased that Cllr Williams' views were consistent with the thoughts of Chapter", adding it had been "listening to many voices and working constructively with planners". It added: