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Dec 2024
Horse remains have been found at a household waste recycling centre in Ripon.
North Yorkshire Police today said the animal remains were found by workers at the site.
The force believes the remains to be that of a horse or a pony.
Police are investigating the circumstances that led up to the remains being taken to the recycling centre and are appealing for information.
Today’s brief statement said:
[The disposal of the remains] is contrary to regulations about how animal by-products should be disposed of.
We would like to hear from anyone with information. Please email
You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for PC1452 David Mackay. If you wish to remain anonymous, you an pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Quote reference number 12240228207 when passing on information to the police.
The Stray Ferret asked the police for more information on the incident, including what remains were discovered and when.
A spokesperson said police were called to the scene just after 4pm on Saturday, December 14.
They also said small parts of skin and several bones were discovered. Horses can sometimes be identified by microchipping in the neck or dental records, but these areas were not found, meaning it is difficult to identify the horse.