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Jul 2024
North Yorkshire Council has approved an extension at Knaresborough fish and chip shop The Wharfe.
The plans will see a two-storey extension added onto the Chain Lane property and will be used as a seating area for customers.
According to planning documents submitted to the council, the extension will also provide teas, coffees and snacks during the mornings, when staff are on site preparing for the lunchtime service.
One resident of nearby Park Lane objected and said the outdoor seating area would lead to an increase in noise for residents living near to the fish and chip shop.
Knaresborough Town Council, which has an advisory role for local planning applications, issued no objections but asked if North Yorkshire Council could impose restrictions on when the outside seating area can be used following concerns about noise.
However, the council placed no restrictions on the business when it approved the application on July 4.
It said:
The proposal will not detrimentally affect neighbouring residential amenity, nor the character and appearance of the area.
The proposal therefore accords with the provisions of the development plan and there are no other material considerations in this instance that warrant setting aside local planning policies.