Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.
Beware of dogmatic assertions on pedestrians are cyclists
Marilyn Stowe is right in her article for criticising the dogmatic assertion that "if you build it, they will come" when the council dreams up fantasy numbers of extra pedestrians and cyclists.
It rains in Harrogate. There are hills. Electric bikes are legal up to 25 kilometres per hour (that's 15 miles per hour) on a bike path shared with pedestrians and with house entrances peppered along the pavement.
E-scooters, Segways, hover bikes are all illegal to use anywhere in the UK except on private land. And if everyone shifts to bikes anyway, where will all the bikes be parked when people are going about their shopping or having a coffee? We will need loads of 'toast racks' on pavements for bikes to be secured against theft, and these obstructions on the pavements will make it harder for pedestrians, not easier or more enjoyable.
The destruction of Otley Road environs is inevitable if the council forces in two cycle lanes, two pedestrian walkways and two lanes of traffic. What will go? Trees, hedges, common sense and money.
Just because there is a grant of £8 million, it does not have to be spent.
A small fortune has been spent at the Harlow Moor Road / Otley Road junction; minimal benefit for large disruption and large cost.
It seems that any amount of traffic disruption is justifiable now if some trivial improvement can be made.
Councils used to be good stewards of the taxpayers' and ratepayers' money. Now the approach seems to be to grab money from any source and spend it on pet projects — but keep most of the discussion papers secret.
Bob Hankinson, Harrogate
Salon was right to refuse customer with no face mask
I fully support the actions of the salon that
refused to admit a customer who wasn't wearing a face mask.
People who enter a shop without a face mask, whether they are disabled or not, present an unacceptable health risk to everyone else in that shop.
Coronavirus has put restrictions and loss of liberty on all of us. Disabled people cannot be excluded from this.
Those granted exemption from wearing a face covering are not exempt from catching or spreading coronavirus and are a risk to the health of everyone else.
We cannot allow the needs of the few to put at risk the health of the many.
Mike Monkman, Bilton
I fear for the future of Harrogate
I am sad to have to say it, but, I fear for the future of this lovely town, which is being steadily damaged by the council's 'no common sense' plans.
I wonder what percentage of the population here is too old to cycle everywhere? What are we elderly people to do, when all this pedestrianisation is completed?
With the number of shops vacant, something serious must be done straight away to attract future visitors.
I could go on for ages on poor maintenance etc. But anyone who cares about Harrogate, will see that clearly for themselves.
Sheila Macdonald, Harrogate
"Shocked" and "depressed" at Stray litter
Just walked back from Harrogate town centre this evening and shocked and depressed to see all the litter left by the kids on The Stray near the Tewit Well.
This isn't the first time. I just don't understand it - this is an area to be enjoyed by everyone. Why can't the kids just tidy up after themselves?
I don't know what the answer is but I would like to see some attempt being made to stop this happening over and over again.
Nicola Barnett, Harrogate
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