Stray Views: Signing up to social care scheme ‘irresponsible’
Last updated Jul 29, 2022
Stray Views

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to [email protected].

Signing up to social care scheme ‘irresponsible’

In response to the county council’s pilot scheme for social care. Isn’t it irresponsible to sign up to a scheme when you know it could bankrupt you? And is this the same authority which will shortly control Harrogate’s finances? Heaven help us.

Diane Stokes, Harrogate

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Concern over new Knaresborough junction layout

Whoever was responsible for designing the new layout and the subsequent flow of traffic through the Chain Lane and Wetherby Road junction needs to be severely reprimanded for failing to think out the consequences of their actions due to a lack of knowledge on such matters.

Every time you attempt to cross the A59 from Chain Lane you are faced with trying to avoid a collision. The inside lane is for turning left or crossing the A59 to enter Wetherby Road. The outside lane is for turning right to travel in the direction of Knaresborough town centre. Due to the poor standard of the road markings, the number of vehicles that still try and cross into Wetherby Road from the outside lane is astonishingly high causing vehicles having to take action to avoid a collision. 

Horns beeped, hand gestures etc from those in the outside lane who think they are in the correct lane. Travelling the other way from Wetherby Road there is a temporary road sign that indicates no right turn. Try telling that to the individuals who have always turned right at this junction and continue to do so, 

Today I was confronted by a youth who was following the instructions of a driving instructor who insisted that you can still turn right onto the A59 in the direction away from Knaresborough. The signage needs to be much larger and clearer and needs to be rectified before somebody ends up in the cemetery that is situated at his junction. North Yorkshire Council sort it out.

Robbie Payne, Knaresborough

Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at [email protected]. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.

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