Stray Ferret Business Awards Inclusivity

Vital recognition for a company that has demonstrated working practices with a proactive approach to inclusivity, giving people a chance to thrive.

The name of the person making the entry.

Provide details on your organisation's policy for inclusivity. If applicable, give an example of where your organisation has given significant support to a member of your workforce.
Check list
Does your submission include the following:

One file upload only of no more than 5 pages (any more and they will not be included). Max file size 10MB. If the file size exceeds the limit then please use a document sharing tool (eg dropbox, onedrive, wetransfer...) and add the link in the entry description field above.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5.

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