French vs English Cheese tasting

Coldbath Club House, 44 King's Road Harrogate HG1 5JW

30th - 30th September
7:00 pm


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English and French cheese are awesome – but which is best?

1 The same origins?
French and English cheesemaking has similar origins – probably first brought by the Romans, with the monasteries that followed helping to refine techniques. Over centuries, regional specialities emerged, reflecting unique climates, terroirs, and local livestock. Both countries saw an explosion of production in the Middle Ages, the rise of cheese cooperatives (often led by women), and industrialisation in the 19th Century.

2 Amazing variety
France is home to an astonishing 1,000+ varieties of cheese, England some 750. Each has its own unique flavour and texture profiles. The French are proud to have invented all kinds of very different cheeses down the centuries, soft white rinded ones like Brie, and huge wheels of Alpine Gruyere…. Meanwhile, England created the mighty Cheddar as well as some classic crumbly cheeses like Wensleydale and the world-famous blue Stiltons.

3 Incredible quality
Both French and English cheesemakers use only the highest quality ingredients, many are seasonal – only made when the time, and the milk, is just right. Life is too short to eat mediocre cheese. Specific breeds of cows, sheep and goats are selected and carefully nurtured to deliver the very best milk.

4 The 20th Century?
The French have an incredible, almost unbroken tradition of cheesemaking with recipes protected and any change very slow to take place. World War One and Two decimated British artisan cheesemaking, couldn’t stop the production of French cheese. England’s artisan cheese traditions took 50 years or so to get back on their feet.

5 Regulation Vs Innovation?
Cheese production in France is governed by stringent regulation and tradition – which means people are less likely to mess around with their cheeses, the quality is set in stone and production allowed by only a chosen few. On pain of death. England still values its traditions, but has a more innovative approach, bringing new cheese to life through entrepreneurial energy and the clever modification of recipes from other regions.

So, which is best?
There is only one way to decide which is the ultimate cheese nation – and that is to taste their finest cheeses. You’ll be able to do just that at our forthcoming tasting event at Coldbath Brewing Co on September 30th. Tickets are right here…