‘Kafka’s Dick’ by Alan Bennett
Pateley Playhouse, Church St, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate HG3 5LB
Pateley Bridge Dramatic Society will be taking to the stage with their customary verve this coming spring, as they are set to perform ‘Kafka’s Dick’, written by the iconic and inimitable Alan Bennett.
Rarely performed, ‘Kafka’s Dick’ is an audacious and witty play that weaves together the literary legend Franz Kafka, his real-life and fictional legacy, and contemporary family dynamics. When Kafka and his best friend Max Brod materialise in the front room of an unassuming English couple, chaos ensues in a performance that blends existential comedy with farcical domesticity.
Bennett’s satire brings Kafka into the modern day, hilariously examining how great minds of the past are often remembered and highlighting the ridiculous propensity we have to show more interest in the meaningless details of artist’s private life than their actual work.
A sharp commentary on the nature of fame, identity, and human folly, this will be unmissable entertainment.
The performances will be held in the Pateley Bridge Playhouse from Monday 31st March to Saturday 5th April starting at 7.30pm, all tickets costing £12.