Why are we introducing a subscription fee to read The Stray Ferret?
Last updated Apr 11, 2024

Dear Stray Ferret reader,  

This week we announced that we will be introducing a small monthly charge to read the Stray Ferret when we launch our new website and app in May.   

I’d like to explain why we’re doing this and hope that you consider subscribing.  

For the past four years, we have worked hard to give people living in the Harrogate district as much information as possible. We believe in the power of good local journalism, how it can highlight issues and encourage debate.   

I hope you feel the Stray Ferret is doing this and has kept you very informed.  

We have tried to fund our work solely through advertising but over the past year it hasn’t been enough to meet our costs.  

After much thought, I took the decision to improve what we do and ask readers to contribute. The alternative option was to cut down the number of journalists and reduce the quality. But I know from talking to readers that, above all, it’s the quality of the news we provide that you value the most.   

We live at a time when quality, local news across the UK is in danger of ceasing to exist. If this happens people will either get no local information, or have to rely on what is posted on social media group chats and channels. It is not reliable. We are trained journalists whose work is as accurate, fair and balanced as we can make it. We carry out investigations on behalf of the tax payer, check our sources and ask questions.  I believe it will be a bad day for local democracy if local news services don’t survive.  

As well as covering daily news and investigations we also work to celebrate the area – its beauty and the wonderful things people are doing who live here. I personally love our Photo of The Week every weekend. We want to support our community by both asking questions and celebrating success.  

I hope my explanation helps you understand why we’ve taken this decision.  

In May, the new website and app will have many of the features that you, as a regular reader, have asked for. It will have images that you can expand, the ability to comment on the website and join the debate, it will have more lifestyle stories and exclusive discounts just for subscribers.  

We will not stop having adverts – they help keep the cost of subscription as low as possible to £4.99 a month or £49.99 if you wish to pay annually.  

So I would ask that you please consider subscribing because you value what we do. By doing so you will be investing in quality, local journalism for your area.   

We are in the centre of Harrogate now and can help you subscribe and answer any questions you have, so please come and see us.  

Best Wishes


Founder, The Stray Ferret

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