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Feb 2024
Anyone who has driven along the A59 to the east of Knaresborough could hardly fail to have noticed hundreds of new homes going up in recent years.
More are coming. Housebuilder Taylor Wimpey held a public consultation event yesterday (Tuesday, February 13) at which it revealed the latest designs for a 402-home scheme called Highfield Farm.
Staff from Taylor Wimpey and planning consultants Pegasus Group discussed the plans with members of the public.
The Stray Ferret went along to find out more about the new development, and what it means for housebuilding in that corridor along the A59 just outside Knaresborough town centre, towards the A1.
Yesterday's consultation event.
Here is a 10-point guide.
1 The 1,000 homes are being built at two adjoining sites: Manse Farm and Highfield Farm.
2 Some 600 homes are being built at Manse Farm by two developers. Taylor Wimpey's Trinity Fields site accounts for 324 properties while Linden Homes' Castle Gate site accounts for the other 276. All 402 homes at Highfield Farm will be built by Taylor Wimpey.
3 Many homes at Manse Farm are already built and people have moved in. But construction has not started at Highfield Farm. Taylor Wimpey has outline planning permission for the site, which means the principle of development has been established. It now intends to submit a reserved matters planning application giving details of the layout and design by mid-March. After a public consultation, North Yorkshire Council will decide whether to approve it.
Taylor Wimpey's Trinity Fields development at Manse Farm.
4 The section 106 legal agreement between the council and Taylor Wimpey for Highfield Farm commits the developer to pay for the impact of the scheme on local services. The sums awarded to the council include £1.8 million for junction 47 of the A1(M); £1.4 million for education, £874,000 for local highways; £350,000 for bus services and £330,000 for open spaces.
5 A layby on the A59 will be converted into a roundabout, which will provide access to Highfield Farm.
How Highfield Farm will look.
6 The estate will consist of three clusters of homes. Each cluster will be connected by a main road that will be built from the roundabout at the entrance to the estate.
7 A total of 40% of the Highfield Farm homes are classed as affordable.
8 A primary school and community centre are supposed to be built to cater for the influx of thousands of new residents. But there is no sign of work beginning on either yet. An Aldi is the only new shop serving the area so far.
How Highfield Farm will look.
9 Details of how many trees that will be felled and planted as part of Highfield Farm have yet to be revealed.
10 To reduce the impact of flooding, sunken basins will be constructed in the land to collect water in the hope that it will then be released more slowly into watercourses.