Plan approved to create five flats above Cambridge Street shops

Harrogate Borough Council has approved plans to convert space above shops on Cambridge Street into apartments.

Aegon Property Income Fund lodged the proposal to create five flats on the upper floors of 6-14 Cambridge Street.

The ground floor of the properties is currently occupied by the Card Factory and two empty units which were formerly the Phone Doctor and Smiggle. For many years the site was home to Carphone Warehouse.

Under the proposal, the upper floors would be converted into three one-bedroom and two two-bedroom apartments.

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The developer said the flats would be designed with “modern living” in mind. They will be open plan and include dining and kitchen arrangements.

In documents submitted to the council, the developer said:

“The site is in a highly sustainable location within the town centre, accessible by a range of sustainable modes of transport including train and bus as well as walking and cycling.

“The proposal creates additional accommodation within the town centre which will help to contribute to an improved range and distribution of housing and will increase activity in the town centre beyond the normal working day leading to greater natural ‘surveillance’ through a more vibrant after work environment.”

Michelin-starred chef’s new cafe to open at Killinghall nursery this month

Michelin-starred chef Frances Atkins is to open her new Paradise Cafe at Daleside Nurseries in Killinghall this month.

The cafe, run by Ms Atkins, chef Roger Olive and front of house manager John Tullett, will be open six days a week from 9am until 5pm. It will be closed on Mondays.

The trio, who have all worked together for 20 years, have been operating out of a wagon at the garden centre for the last 18 months.

The Paradise Cafe wagon at Daleside Nurseries in Killinghall.

The Paradise Cafe wagon has served its last meal.

The wagon has now finished trading as attention turns to the new venture.

A post on the Paradise Cafe Facebook page said:

“It has taken longer than we anticipated to finish the cafe given the various curveballs we have all been thrown in the last two years.

“From today we are using all our time to be fully prepared for our opening date.”

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The post added:

“To begin with, Friday evening will be open for a series of special dinners, these will be bookings only and there will be more information coming shortly.

“We look forward to progressing our opening times and our takeaway business in the future as we develop.”


Harrogate Lib Dems call for sewage tax to clean-up rivers

Harrogate and Knaresborough Liberal Democrats have called on the government to introduce a sewage tax to raise money to clean rivers.

The party said a 16% tax on water companies would help to create an emergency fund to improve rivers which had sewage dumped into them.

The Stray Ferret reported in November that Yorkshire Water released raw and untreated sewage into Harrogate district rivers and becks on 3,800 different occasions in 2020.

The worst affected local river is the River Nidd, prompting health concerns from wild swimmers that use the river in Knaresborough.

Water companies are legally allowed to release sewage through overflow pipes when the sewage system becomes too full, which can happen during increased rainfall.

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The Liberal Democrats highlighted that Yorkshire Water made an operating profit of £241 million last year.

Hannah Gostlow, the Liberal Democrat councillor for Scriven Park in Knaresborough, said:

“Rivers should be safe for sustaining wildlife, swimming and leisure. They are a precious source of drinking water for some. 

“So why are they filled with raw sewage and human waste, destroying them for decades to come?

“It is disgraceful to see a company which pollutes our local rivers with sewage make so much money last year. I think Yorkshire Water should pay to clean up the mess they make here. This Conservative government is once again too slow to act and doing nothing to protect our local rivers.”

The Stray Ferret contacted the Conservative leader of Harrogate Borough Council, Cllr Richard Cooper, to ask for his response to the proposal. He referred us to the council press office. We await a response.

Harrogate council should have acted quicker on Dunlopillo housing plans, review finds

A review has found Harrogate Borough Council should have acted quicker on controversial housing plans for the derelict Dunlopillo building in Pannal.

Residents, councillors and Harrogate and Knaresborough Conservative MP Andrew Jones all criticised the council when it approved plans for 48 apartments at the site last September.

The decision was made at officer level and without a vote from councillors, which led to the council launching an internal review into how it handled the plans submitted under rules called permitted development rights.

A report has now concluded a “longer period of time than ideal” was spent on parts of the process.

It also said residents should have been consulted with sooner and that this could have allowed time for a vote from councillors.

Despite this, the council said the plans were still “appropriately considered”.

A council spokesperson said:

“The lessons learnt review regarding the former Dunlopillo site in Pannal found that the case was appropriately considered by officers and determined in-line with the appropriate legislation.

“It was acknowledged that some internal process areas could be strengthened, including prioritisation of such applications in the future and a greater overview by senior officers.”

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The report explained that extra time was spent on the application because it was the first the council had received under permitted development rights, which fast-track the conversion of empty buildings into homes.

Since the plans were passed new proposals have since been submitted for the Station Road site with a reduced number of apartments to replace the derelict office building which has been described as a “monstrosity”.

Echo Green Developments now wants to build 38 apartments at the site, which pillows and bedding manufacturer Dunlopillo moved out of in 2008.

The proposed building is still two-storeys higher than the existing offices – something which has been a key concern for residents who are fearful the development will have a major visual impact on the area.

‘Improvements could be made’

Mr Jones had urged residents to make their voices heard on the latest plans and has now welcomed the conclusion of the review.

He said: 

“I was pleased to see that the council had done an internal review on the matter and concluded that, although all the correct factors were taken into account in reaching a decision, there were improvements in the process that could be made.

“I know planners have a difficult job with ever-changing laws and guidance. I know too that they rarely have to take decisions on issues which are uncontroversial.

“That is why I am really encouraged that they have taken the time to look back, evaluate and implement changes in regard of this brand-new class of permitted development.”

Mr Jones added: 

“After the initial submission which prompted my concerns over the decision-making process, the applicants submitted a new proposal for the Dunlopillo site.

“This superseded the earlier decision and time was available to get the application before a planning committee.

“I think this shows that not only did planners critically evaluate what had been done previously, but they implemented the positive changes identified in the report.

“I am grateful that they took this approach irrespective of the outcome of the process.”

A decision on the latest plans is expected this month.

North Yorkshire in line for education support under levelling up agenda

North Yorkshire has been designated as an area in need of further educational support as part of government plans.

Under its levelling up agenda, ministers will announce 55 new education investment areas designed to focus resources on schools where “educational outcomes are weakest”.

The Department for Education has listed North Yorkshire as one of the areas in its upcoming levelling up white paper.

Ninety-five per cent of those areas are outside London and the south east. Besides North Yorkshire, they include places such as Rochdale, Kirklees and Blackpool.

Ministers plan to offer retention payments in those areas to keep the best teachers and prioritise them for new specialist sixth form free schools.

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According to the white paper, the inventive would help “to ensure talented children from disadvantaged backgrounds have access to the highest standard of education this country offers”.

The paper will set a new national target to ensure 90% of children leaving primary school in England are reaching the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths by 2030.

Nadim Zahawi, education secretary, said:

“This white paper sets out our blueprint for putting skills, schools and families at the heart of levelling up. It focuses on putting great schools in every part of the country, training that sets you up for success in a high-skilled, well-paid career and ensuring no one misses out on opportunities simply because of where they live or their family background.

“Raising our expectations and aspirations for children, as well as creating a high-skilled workforce, will end the brain drain that sees too many people leaving communities in order to succeed. These plans will help create a level playing field and boost the economy, both locally and nationally.”

Liberal Democrats push for creation of Harrogate Town Council

Opposition Harrogate councillors have said they will push for the creation of a town council before the authority is scrapped.

Harrogate Borough Council is set to be scrapped in April 2023 to make way for a single county-wide authority as North Yorkshire’s two-tier system is abolished.

However, along with Scarborough, Harrogate has no town council and will be left with no lower-tier authority.

Council officials are due to “strongly recommend” that the new North Yorkshire Council triggers a governance review of the area.

But Cllr Philip Broadband, Liberal Democrat councillor for Starbeck, said the opposition party wants a town council created.

He said:

“That is something that we will be pushing for. We will be looking at ways for getting this thing done.”

Conservative leader of the council, Cllr Richard Cooper, said previously that a town council for Harrogate was “inevitable”.

He told a Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce meeting last month that a ballot could be carried out to decide whether to set up a town council.

Cllr Cooper said:

“Some people think there should be a ballot on whether to have a town council. That’s something that happens quite a lot.”

Town council review ‘could be started now’

The creation of a town council will require a community governance review, which would have to be taken on by either the county council or the upcoming North Yorkshire Council.

Cllr Carl Les, Conservative leader of North Yorkshire County Council, told the Stray Ferret that a review could be carried out now.

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However, the borough council has decided to write to the upcoming North Yorkshire Council instead.

He said:

“It [a governance review] could be started now.

“It would require a poll of residents and if they decide that they do want it then it would be carried out.”

The Stray Ferret asked Harrogate Borough Council whether it had considered to request a community governance review from the county council, but did not received a response by the time of publication.

What would a town council do?

Town and parish councils run services such as community centres and play areas, as well as maintaining bus shelters. Councillors are elected to serve on them.

The councils can also charge a precept as part of council tax bills to fund the services provided.

Under its plans for a new county-wide council, North Yorkshire County Council promised further powers for towns and parishes in a move it describes as ‘double devolution’.

It would see the councils able to run services and take on additional responsibilities.

Number of covid patients at Harrogate Hospital increases sharply to 34

The number of positive covid patients at Harrogate District Hospital has increased significantly in the last seven days.

Currently 34 patients are confirmed to have covid — nine more than last week.

The figures come as the district’s seven-day covid rate stands at 1,290 per 100,000 people. The rate has steadily increased since dropping to 1,171 on January 17.

The North Yorkshire average is 1,090 and the England rate is 1,082.

UK Health Security Agency statistics now include figures for reinfections.

Latest figures show that since January 24, the Harrogate district has recorded a total of 1,953 infections.

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Meanwhile, the number of deaths from patients who tested positive for covid at Harrogate District Hospital since March 2020 stands at 220.

Latest NHS England figures show that two patients died on January 28.

The government lifted Plan B restrictions, which included mandatory face coverings and vaccine passports for major events, last Thursday.

Harrogate council housing company Bracewell Homes won’t pay any dividends this year

Harrogate Borough Council has insisted its housing company is performing well despite it not paying any dividends this year.

Bracewell Homes launched two years ago with the aims of turning the council a profit and intervening in Harrogate’s pricey property market to deliver much-needed rental and shared ownership homes at affordable prices.

Its developments are Horsa Way, Dishforth and The Willows on Whinney Lane in Harrogate.

It was set up with the backing of a £10 million loan from taxpayers and the council had budgeted to receive £267,000 in dividends this financial year.

However, the council has now said it won’t receive any of this money in a revelation which sparked questions over whether Bracewell Homes is underperforming.

Speaking at a meeting on Monday, Cllr Pat Marsh, leader of the opposition Liberal Democrat group, questioned if the dividend shortfall was being addressed as she said the company should be a benefit to the council and not a “drain” on its finances.

‘Extremely profitable’

But Paul Foster, head of finance at the council, responded to say the company was still “extremely profitable” and that it had continued to sell properties, although at a smaller percentage of shares than expected.

He said: 

“The company isn’t able to pay a dividend this year and the reason for that is a proportion of the shared home properties it has sold have been at shares of 25% and 30%.

“It would need to have sold shares of up to 50% for them to have enough cash to provide a dividend.

“In December, four or five properties were sold at a lower share than the company was forecasting and as a result there is less cash in the company.

“The company is not underperforming in particular. It is just not selling the larger shares which make it more cash rich.”

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According to documents filed with Companies House, Bracewell Homes had £459,565 in the bank as of March 2021.

Mr Foster also told Monday’s meeting that the council does not only benefit from the company through dividends, but also through cash coming from other areas.

He said: 

“There are three elements that the council benefits from Bracewell Homes – there is a recharge of staff salaries, interest charges on the loan that the council made to the company, and a payment of a dividend if the company is able to.

“The first two continue and we are still making money out of the company in that regard.”

40 properties by 2024

Since it was set up Bracewell Homes has so far acquired 26 homes and sold 22, which means it is on target to meet its initial aim of delivering 40 properties by 2024.

But with house prices continuing to soar and around 1,700 households on the council’s housing waiting list, there have been calls for the company to set much higher ambitions.

Cllr Marsh previously told the Local Democracy Reporting Service that the company should be aiming to deliver “hundreds” of homes to ensure low-income earners can afford to live in Harrogate where average house prices paid rose to £395,526 in 2021.

Cllr Marsh previously said: 

“Forty homes in three years will barely make a dent in the need for the 1,700 on the waiting list, some living in very difficult circumstances.

“We need Bracewell homes to set targets to achieve hundreds of houses per year otherwise this crisis will never come to an end.”

Plans approved to expand Harrogate district business park

Plans have been approved to expand a Harrogate district business park to create five new buildings in an effort to boost the local economy.

Springfield Farm, on Cold Cotes Road at Kettlesing Head, just off the A59, will expand to include a new warehouse and office space.

The site’s car park will also be extended and will include electric vehicle charging points.

Harrogate Borough Council approved the proposal last week.

Quarters Commercial Ltd, the developers behind the application, said the scheme will help to “enhance an already important commercial site”.

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As part of the plan, a 9,000 square foot warehouse will be built to provide additional storage space for Kirsty’s, a gluten-free food supplier, which is based at the site.

Masterplan for the Springfield Farm business park expansion.

Masterplan for the Springfield Farm business park expansion.

Meanwhile, three buildings will be built to provide nine separate units for smaller businesses. A further building will also be provided to offer office space for companies.

The developers said in its planning statement:

“Springfield Farm presents a fantastic opportunity to sensitively expand the already established commercial centre and ensure its future success and ongoing contribution to Harrogate.

“This is an exciting chance to enhance an already important commercial site, preserving the character of the area, with a quality masterplan, and well designed buildings where businesses’ can thrive, within a sustainable environment.”

Ripon MP Julian Smith urges Prime Minister to withdraw Jimmy Savile ‘slur’

Skipton and Ripon MP Julian Smith has urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to withdraw a “slur” he made against Sir Keir Starmer yesterday relating to Jimmy Savile.

Mr Johnson accused the Labour leader in the House of Commons of failing to prosecute Savile while he was Director of Public Prosecutions.

He claimed Sir Keir spent his time “prosecuting journalists and failing to prosecute Jimmy Savile”.

The accusation has been described as “false and baseless” by Conservative MP Mr Smith. He said such “baseless personal slurs are dangerous”.

In a tweet this morning, Mr Smith said:

“The smear made against Keir Starmer relating to Jimmy Saville yesterday is wrong and cannot be defended.

“It should be withdrawn. False and baseless personal slurs are dangerous, corrode trust and can’t just be accepted as part of the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate.”

The smear made against Keir Starmer relating to Jimmy Saville yesterday is wrong & cannot be defended. It should be withdrawn. False and baseless personal slurs are dangerous, corrode trust & can't just be accepted as part of the cut & thrust of parliamentary debate.

— Julian Smith MP (@JulianSmithUK) February 1, 2022

Mr Smith has joined Nazir Afzal, who was assistant chief crown prosecutor in London during the Savile allegations, in condemning the remark.

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Mr Afzal said the accusation was not true and said Sir Keir “had nothing to do with the decisions taken”.

‘He drags everybody into the gutter’

The Labour leader was head of the Crown Prosecution Service when the the decision was made not to prosecute Savile in 2009. However, he was not the reviewing lawyer for the case who dealt with the allegations.

Sir Keir later commissioned an investigation into matter, which criticised both prosecutors and police for their handling of the allegations.

In response to the claim by the Prime Minister, the Labour leader told ITV Good Morning Britain:

“It’s a slur, it’s untrue, it’s desperate from the Prime Minister.

“I was really struck yesterday in the House at how many Conservative MPs were disgusted at that untruth from the despatch box.

“Of course on our side, people were disgusted. But his own MPs couldn’t believe their Prime Minister had stooped that low.

“He’s degraded the whole office. And this is how he operates. He drags everybody into the gutter with him.

“Everybody he touches, everybody that comes into contact with him is contaminated by this Prime Minister.”