Business Breakfast: Final hours to submit entries for the Stray Ferret Business Awards

Today is the final day to submit entries for the prestigious Stray Ferret Business Awards, sponsored by Prosperis.

The award night on March 9 at the Pavilions of Harrogate promises to be a glittering event which will celebrate success and best practice across the business community in the Harrogate district. The guest speaker will be the Chief Executive of the new North Yorkshire Council, Richard Flinton.

A distinguished, independent, judging panel made up of key business leaders in the district will meet on Wednesday to make decisions on ten categories – ranging from Unsung Hero and Business Growth to Sustainability.  Competition in each category will be tough with entries submitted from large organisations to very small operations.

With the deadline for entries closing at midday it is not too late to submit for an award. All entries are free.

Now is your time to shine with the Stray Ferret Business Awards. Get your entry in now!

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Women’s Business Club is launching a ‘Coffee & Co-Working’ initiative in Harrogate to bring more working women together.

The three hour event at Manhatta will be monthly and free to attend.  Women can come along, work and chat – there are also more structured sessions based on the needs of those who attend.

Founder of the Women’s Business Club, Angela De Souza said:

“The pandemic and various lockdowns has had a greater negative effect on women in business.

“Many women run businesses from home and had to shift their focus on to home-schooling and caring for children. Many women also did not qualify for any kind of government funding or support and therefore their business plans were put on ice or were stopped in their tracks from March 2020.

“It will take years for some women to get back to where they were while some women have realised throughout the pandemic that they want a different career path.

We believe collaboration is the key to this and we want to bring these women together.”

Pre-booking is required.


Asylum seekers given woodland conservation experience in Nidderdale

A group of asylum seekers has taken part in coppicing activities in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as part of a Farming in Protected Landscapes funded project.

This the second time the AONB has offered conservation activities for refugees and given them the opportunity to come together, and experience a “positive, welcoming experience in nature”.

This month, hedge-laying was planned but due to bad weather, the asylum seekers took part in a woodwork workshop hosted in the Harrogate and Nidderdale District Scouts activity centre, at Thornthwaite.

The group carved wooden spatulas and spoons and sharpened hedge stakes with help from tutors from the Leeds Coppice Workers.

All those who took part have fled violence, war and oppression in their home countries and are in the process of applying for refugee status.

Matt Trevelyan, farming in protected landscapes officer at Nidderdale AONB, said:

“Here in the UK, refugees suffer from acute anxiety about the complex asylum process. They worry about accommodation, money, education, access to legal advice. They fear detention, deportation, destitution and homelessness.

And there is a constant concern about loved ones left behind or missing. All this takes a heavy toll on their emotional and psychological wellbeing.”

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Asylum seekers have no right to work in the UK, while applying for asylum. Research shows 61% of them experience serious mental distress.

To date, asylum seekers from Syria, Iran, Turkey and Sudan have taken part in the volunteering scheme.

A further four outings are planned to take place throughout the year, with activities including dry-stone walking and visits to working farms.

Matt said:

“It is such a pleasure to work alongside people from other cultures, on this occasion, Kurdish, Eritrean and Iraqi.

I’m hugely impressed by the beautiful manners of these men, who show such resilience, embracing the unknown, and facing new challenges with real joy.”

The Nidderdale Way Café provided hot food for the asylum seekers on the day.


Freemason grants totalling £94,000 given to district charitable organisations

Eight organisations in the Harrogate district have benefitted from a share of £94,000 worth of grants provided by the Freemasons.

Freemasonry is a male only, fraternal organisation that traces its origins back to the local guilds of stonemasons.

A total of 40 grants have been distributed to organisations across Yorkshire, with many charitable organisations, including youth clubs, food banks, community groups and schools.

Those Harrogate District organisations benefiting from the latest round of grant giving were:

James H Newman, OBE, The Provincial Grand Master of The Province of Yorkshire West Riding, said:

“With these grants we are able to financially support 40 organisations, which are each integral to the local area in their own way, is something I am very proud of.

“Each year, we donate some £200,000 from this specific fund to good causes around the Province, with the money coming directly from our members, keen to help support the community they live and work in.

“These grants were a superb way to end 2022, and the money each of these 40 recipients is receiving will help them continue the work they do in their own individual communities.”

Based on the old West Riding, the Province has around 5,000 members and reaches from Sheffield in the South to Ripon in the North, Goole in the East to Bentham in the West.

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Mixing modern and traditional – Harrogate’s Sunday Series concerts 2023

The Harrogate International Sunday Series has announced its line up for next year.

Hosted by Harrogate International Festivals and staged in the Old Swan Hotel, the Sunday Series “coffee concerts” were an annual fixture on Harrogate’s classical music calendar before covid.

Now it is back with a programme that includes the return of a festival young musician alumnus.

The 2023 series opens on Sunday, January 29, 2023, with the current director of music at the Yehudi Menuhin School, Ashley Wass.

The internationally-renowned pianist won the London International Piano Competition in 1997, and was a prize winner at the Leeds International Piano Competition in 2000.

Ashley-Wass. Image credit: Patrick Allen, Operaomnia

February features Trio Balthazar, a new chamber group, committed to imaginative, diverse programming.

Since their launch this year at Wigmore Hall, the group has appeared at the City Music Foundation’s Wigmore Hall Gala, the Rye Festival and Petworth Festival.

At the Sunday Series, the Trio present a programme where central masterpieces sit alongside diverse repertoire.

Also in February pianist Jeneba Kanneh-Mason will be making her Harrogate debut.

Jeneba will perform a work for solo piano by Price, Beethoven’s Piano Sonata in D major, and an exclusive performance for the Sunday Series.

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In March there is a performance by Japanese violinist, Coco Tomita, who first gained recognition after winning the BBC Young Musician 2020 strings category.

She will be accompanied by pianist Simon Callaghan, who performs internationally as a soloist and chamber musician.

Their programme will include music from Coco’s debut album, Origins, plus works by Ravel and Beethoven.

Sharon Canavar, Harrogate International Festivals chief executive, said:

“At the heart of the 2023 programme is the idea that innovation goes hand-in-hand with tradition.

“For our latest programme we are joined by a previous Young Musicians, have two of the fastest rising stars in the business making their Harrogate debut – plus it features a brand new ensemble project.

“A key aim of ours is to introduce classical music to new audiences, and I believe the line-up we are bringing to the 2023 Harrogate International Sunday Series will help achieve that.”

For further information about the Harrogate International Sunday Series 2023, and to book tickets, visit the Harrogate International Festivals website. 

Rossett sixth formers turn orange in global campaign to end violence against women and girls

Sixth form students and teachers at Rossett School in Harrogate turned orange as part of a global campaign to end violence against women and girls.

The students partnered with the Harrogate & District Soroptimists for 16 days of activism to end gender-based violence as part of the Orange the World Campaign.

The students developed a short presentation which focussed on three issues: female genital mutilation; violence against disabled women and a national day of remembrance.

Over each of the 16 days Harrogate & District Soroptimists have joined soroptimists worldwide in in promoting gender equality and calling for an end discrimination and the violation of human rights.

President Val Hills said:

“We are delighted to be working with Rossett School on the Sharing our Skills project. Younger people are our future. This is a fantastic example of how we educate, empower, and enable young women to find their voice.

“The students have embraced the challenge of their first project by spreading the word about important global issues that are around us in our communities every day.”

Head of Rossett sixth form Mr Keyworth said:

“I am incredibly proud of all of the students for supporting Harrogate and District Soroptimists.

“The Orange the World Campaign with the 16 days of activism has given our students the opportunity to discuss, share and campaign in relation to these important issues. Students have had both assemblies and Personal Development lessons focussed solely on these issues.

“Educating students in these real world issues is vital for both the students’ education and development, and also for the future and ending gender based violence”.

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resurrected Bites Christmas appeal 2022

Stray Ferret Christmas Appeal hits £5,000 target in less than a week

There’s been an overwhelming response to the Stray Ferret’s Christmas Appeal for local food charity, Resurrected Bites.

Our target of £5,000 was reached over the weekend – less than a week after we launched the appeal. Public donations now stand at £7,638.

With Harrogate firm Techbuyer generously match funding the first £5,000 of public donations – it means our overall total is now £12,638.

Many of the donations have been given anonymously so whoever you are, we would like to thank you and everyone else who has generously given money in these difficult economic times.


But we keep going. As we have a few weeks to go before the appeal ends at midnight on Christmas Eve, we have now raised the overall target to £20,000.

This would give Resurrected Bites almost three months of operating costs, as each month costs the charity a minimum of £7,500 to run the cafes and grocery stores. If you want to know more about the charity please read the stories below.

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Michelle Hayes of Resurrected Bites says to hit the target so quickly is amazing:

“I am blown away by the generosity of so many people who have got the total to £7,558 in under a week. This equates to a month’s basic operating costs and with Techbuyer’s amazing donation of 5k match funding on top, we are heading towards covering our costs for two months. We have a lot of anonymous donors and so I have not been able to thank them directly but please know that every penny means so much.

I know there was a significant amount of anxiety amongst some of our service users when they saw the headline that Res Bites might close and I said at the time, I was determined to ensure we wouldn’t close as we know so many rely on our services.

In the same way that we need to talk about mental health more, we also need to talk about food poverty more..I hope these articles [on the Stray Ferret] help to end the stigma and encourage more people to come forward for help as we don’t want anyone to go hungry.”

Please don’t let anyone go hungry this Christmas — Resurrected Bites needs your support.

The more money raised, the more people it can feed at a time of rising demand for its services.

Thank you again. To donate click here. 


Business Breakfast: Harrogate marketing agency get sore feet for mental health charity

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal

A team from Harrogate marketing agency, Big Bamboo, has raised more than £2,500 for the mental health charity, Mind.

Staff completed the 23-mile-long Harrogate Ringway trek and also walked barefoot across red-hot embers on the Leeds Mind firewalk.

Some of the bolder members of the group spent a hour training and then walked across the red-hot embers.  The company said the challenge was more mental than a physical, and  felt it was an appropriate way to raise money for a mental health charity.

Jen Winterschladen, Operations Director at The Big Bamboo Agency, said:

“We are thrilled to have exceeded our fundraising target for this year, raising £2,572 for Mind…

“..The fundraising challenges we undertook emphasised the importance of mental health: walking in the countryside around Harrogate took us away from our screens and gave us a chance to have a proper talk, while the firewalk was a lesson in the power of the mind and believing you can do anything you put your mind to.

“We felt Mind was a truly fitting charity to support, and we look forward to supporting another amazing charity in 2023.”

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ASE Computer Services Ltd is to sponsor the Digital Innovation category at the Stray Ferret Awards 2023.

The award ceremony on March 9 at the Pavilions of Harrogate will recognise excellence in a wide range of business practices with 10 coveted awards.  The judging panel comprises some of the most influential business leaders in the district.

Chris Dickinson Managing District ASE said:

“As an IT consultancy with support services, ASE works in a wholly the digital space. We’re delighted to sponsor the Digital Innovation category in the Stray Ferret Business Awards 2023.

“Technology moves so fast that keeping up and making it bring benefits to a business can seem daunting.  We’re here to help with that.

“So celebrating and sharing digital best practice, new ideas and creativity is something we are very interested in promoting, both for our clients and the wider Harrogate business community “

Entries are open now until mid January. Put your business or team forward for an award that recognises their achievements.

Free Christmas holiday clubs for low income families in Harrogate district

Eight holiday clubs, which are free for those receiving benefits-related free school meals during term-time, will operate in the Harrogate district over Christmas.

The clubs provide food and activities for pupils during the holidays and are available to all children but free for families whose children receive free school meals.

North Yorkshire County Council invests more than £135,000 in its holiday club programme, known as FEAST. During the summer holidays, 12,000 children in the county took part in the initiative, which included activities ranging from sports and forest camps to dance and drama workshops.

The FEAST programme aims to tackle the financial strain school holidays have on family finances amid the cost-of-living crisis.

Activities in the Harrogate district run from December 19 to January 2.

King James School in Knaresborough is among those taking part. Its ‘Dopeamin programme’ helps young people take care of their wellbeing and develop a positive mind-set through fitness, nutrition and other techniques.

Here is the calendar for the upcoming clubs across Harrogate district:

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The FEAST programme is run by North Yorkshire Together, a partnership between North Yorkshire Youth, North Yorkshire Sport and Rural Arts.

The programme is also funded by the Department for Education’s Holiday Activities and Food programme.

North Yorkshire County Council leader, Cllr Carl Les said:

“We are delighted at the number of organisations who have come forward to provide a varied programme of holiday clubs and activities. The funding ensures children on free school meals receive at least one nutritious meal while they attend the activities.

“The holiday club programme has been running for just over two years in North Yorkshire and has quickly expanded to include a very varied selection of activities focusing on sports, arts and wellbeing right across the county.”

More information regarding the holiday clubs can be found on the FEAST programme website.

Business Breakfast: Harrogate Chamber holds ‘Business Safari’ on Monday

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal

Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce will hold a December ‘Business Safari’ meeting.

The event at Harrogate Ladies College on Monday, December 12,   is also being opened up to Harrogate BID levy payers.

Sue Kramer, Harrogate Chamber of Commerce President, said:

“Our December Business Safari will be fun, fast and furious. Business owners or their representatives are tasked with delivering short pitches that encapsulate the essence of their business, including any special offers and samples.

“We are excited as, for the first time, we are opening it up to BID Levy payers, so our members will get the opportunity to meet with even more local businesses.

“It is also an ideal opportunity to market their goods or services to a room full of potential customers and expand their business contacts.

“The event is a highlight of the Chamber’s calendar, and we are grateful to Harrogate Ladies College for hosting this latest instalment of the ‘Business Safari’.”

The event is from 5.30- 8pm.

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Thompsons’ chartered accountants is to sponsor the Rising Star Under 30 category of the Stray Ferret Business Awards 2023.

The Stray Ferret Business Awards on March 9 in the Pavilions of Harrogate will celebrate business excellence across the district. The ten awards will recognise all aspects of business practice. Four of the regions top business leaders make up a stellar panel of judges.

Managing Director of Thompsons, Gyles Behhood, said:

“Having been given the opportunity and trust to head up Thompsons back when I was 26 years old, the firm is a huge advocate for youth success in all forms. The value of recognition, hard work and achievements by young individuals is vitally important to all of us.

The Rising Star Under 30 award gives the drive, inspiration and encouragement to those who will soon be the key driving force in our everyday lives and who we will rely upon to continue improving and breaking through new boundaries.

“We are thrilled to be able to support driven entrepreneurs through The Stray Ferret Business Awards”.

If you want your business or staff to get the recognition they deserve enter now. 

Business Breakfast: New partnership for Masham’s Theakston brewery

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal.

Masham based brewery, T&R Theakston has partnered with Newcastle’s Blackrose Pubs as the brewery seeks to broaden the appeal of cask beer to a new generation.

The partnership will make Theakston Best Bitter available in the group’s 27 cask-serving pubs.

Alongside supplying the group’s venues, the brewery has also provided training at its brewery on conditioning, tapping the casks, cellar maintenance and achieving the perfect pour.

Simon Theakston, joint managing director of T&R Theakston, said:

“As a brewery we’re passionate about our product and about championing the wider cask market, so it’s fantastic to be working with Blackrose Pubs who appreciate the craftmanship that goes not just into creating the beer, but also ensuring it’s delivered in prime condition to customers.

“With almost two centuries of brewing expertise behind us, we know how important it is to pass on the skills of conditioning, tapping casks and cellar maintenance to the next generation of pub leaders. We’re very excited to see where our journey together takes us.”

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Harrogate legal firm, Raworths is to sponsor the Business Growth category of the Stray Ferret Business Awards 2023.

The Awards on March 9 at the Pavilions of Harrogate will celebrate business excellence across the district with 10 prestigious awards.

The judging panel is made up of four of the most influential leaders in the area.

Simon Morris, Managing Partner at Raworths said:

“We’re delighted to be sponsoring the Business Growth category at the inaugural Stray Ferret Business Awards 2023. This category offers businesses who have experienced unprecedented growth and expansion, in a challenging economic climate, a fantastic opportunity to recognise and celebrate their achievements.

“Here at Raworths, we are extremely proud of our Harrogate roots, having been based in the town for more than 125 years, and we are excited to have this opportunity to champion the incredible business community we have in the district.”

Entries are open so if you have a positive business story to tell apply now.