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Jan 2024
A bid to create a dog walking field on agricultural land between Ripon and Masham looks set to be refused.
Plans were submitted to North Yorkshire Council in June to install 2.2-metre high fencing around the perimeter of the field near Hackfall Woods, and create a gravel car park.
The applicant, Ms L Furlong, said the site would create a safe and secure place for up to 12 dogs to exercise off their leads.
But concerns about issues including the location, noise and the impact on nearby grazing sheep and breeding ewes led council officer Amy Benfold to recommend it be rejected.
Her reasons are contained in this report which the council's Skipton and Ripon planning committee will discuss on Wednesday next week (January 17) before voting on whether to accept her recommendation.
The report said:
It praised the applicant for attempting to address the concerns but added "it is not considered that any level of mitigation in this instance could eliminate the issues which will likely arise surrounding sheep worrying and noise disturbance".
The National Sheep Association said the proposal would "cause unacceptable disturbance, stress, and anxiety to the sheep and the farmer".
But planning documents submitted in support of the scheme said the proposal would not "alter the appearance nor the character of the field" and would promote wellbeing and health among owners and their dogs.
The council received 93 letters of representation about the scheme, of which 63 were objections and 30 were supportive,