Wellness and gifting brand set to open Harrogate store

A new store specialising in wellness and lifestyle products is set to open in Harrogate.

SELF.UK, which already boasts other stores in Lincoln and Woodhall Spa, has taken a unit on James Street.

The company sells a range of products, from homeware, gifts, and fragrances to clothing, stationery, and children’s accessories.

SELF.UK began its journey in lockdown when founder, Suzie Bateman, began curating gift boxes for customers and corporate clients. The brand rose in popularity, built a presence on social media,  and opened its first retail store only a year later in 2021.

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Ms Bateman who previously worked in sales and marketing, fell in love with Harrogate over ten years ago and has visited the town on the same weekend every year to Christmas shop ever since.

She told the Stray Ferret:

“I love what I do so much.

“I’m happiest behind the counter and speaking to customers in the shop.”

Shoppers can also find brands such as Plum & Ashby, Joma Jewellery, and St.Eval in store and online.

Ms Bateman aims to be in the Harrogate store at least once a week, while juggling home life and her other stores.

The Harrogate store is due to open on Saturday, July 8.

Harrogate Ladies’ College opens new theatre

Harrogate Ladies’ College has officially opened a new performing arts centre after a major refurbishment project.

The work included the installation of new sound and lighting technology and extensive redecoration of the venue.

The centre has been named the Swinton Theatre.

Parents and alumni who donated to the project, chose the name to recognise how the Swintons helped the school during World War Two.

With just 10 days notice, the school was relocated to what was then Swinton Castle for more than 6 years between 1939-1946.  The schools premises in Harrogate was requisitioned by the Ministry of Air Production for the war effort. The castle has since become a hotel and spa.

The Countess and Earl of Swinton attended the theatre’s official opening.

Principal of the college, Sylvia Brett said:

“The generosity of the Swinton Estate in providing a home for the school during the war, is echoed in the generosity of our alumni and current parents in funding the refurbishment of this beautiful space.

“It’s been wonderful over recent weeks to see pupils of all ages enjoying using the space to express themselves through performance. I never underestimate how brave pupils are when they step out onto a stage and I know that the confidence this gives them is something they will take with them beyond school and throughout life.”

The school has also recently formed the Harrogate Ladies’ College Dance Company.  Its aim is to provide additional opportunities for pupils in the performing arts.

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Business Breakfast: Harrogate’s Ashville College appoints head of prep school

Staff well-being and culture have rapidly risen up the priority list for many employers.  At the next Stray Ferret Business Club  we’ll hear from award winning employer, LCF Law, on how organisations can ensure their teams are productive and happy. 

The lunch event is lunch at Manahatta, on June 29th at 12.30pm. Get your tickets by clicking or tapping here.

Harrogate’s Ashville College has appointed Philip Soutar as head of prep school.

Mr Soutar will take up the role in September, having previously been head at Rosemead Prep School and Nursery in Dulwich, South London, for the past six years.

He is currently national chair of the Independent Schools Association. In this role, he serves on the Independent Schools Council, the overarching body of the seven associations representing over 1,400 independent schools nationwide.

Rhiannon Wilkinson, head of Ashville College, said:

“Philip’s passion for preparatory education, and inspiring and nurturing young people, shines through.

“He has dedicated the whole of his successful career to preparatory education and this unrivalled experience, coupled with his national high-level insight, makes him ideally-placed to lead Ashville through the challenges and opportunities in our sector.

Mr Soutar added:

“This is a return to the north of England for my family and I and we cannot wait to become part of the Ashville community.

“My philosophy is based around high academic expectations whilst achieving the balance of opportunity through art, sport, music and drama.

Founded in 1877, Ashville is an independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 2-18 years.

Johnsons of Whixley supplies £130,000 worth of plants for holiday parks

Plant nursery Johnsons of Whixley has supplied £130,000 worth of plants for two luxury holiday park developments

The local horticultural business has been chosen as the primary supplier of plants for the project by Darwin Escapes, which will see one, two and three-bedroom lodges constructed in the grounds of the Blenheim Palace estate.

Johnsons has also received an order to supply the grounds of Plas Isaf Lodge Retreat in North Wales, another project by Darwin Escapes.

Eleanor Richardson, marketing manager at Johnsons of Whixley, said:

“We are thrilled to continue our partnership with Darwin Escapes.”

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Stray Views: Stranded in Leeds thanks to shambolic trains

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk.

For my 72nd birthday, my son purchased tickets for us to attend a T20 game at Headingley on June 22.

Having consulted the timetable we found we had two options for our homeward journey to Knaresborough: the 21.34 train from Burley Park to Knaresborough or the 22.44 train from Burley Park to Harrogate.

For some strange reason only known to Northern, the 22.44 service terminates at Harrogate. Why?

To resolve this issue we decided for our outward journey we would drive to Hornbeam Park Station, park up and then get the train to Burley Park Station.

During the Yorkshire Vikings innings (they batted second), luckily my son checked on his phone and found that both of the trains we could have got home had been cancelled.

Stranded in Leeds. Car at Hornbeam Station. Possible £40/£50 taxi back to Hornbeam.

A solution was an earlier train home that hadn’t been cancelled at 20.34, which would mean missing the last hour of the game. The problem was the train departed in 10 minutes.

At 72 years of age, running to catch a train is not much fun but we made it.

How many people attending this event got stranded in Leeds by Northern Rail? I can see why they have had their franchise taken over by the government.

Did any other readers get caught out by this pathetic excuse of a train company?

They completely ruined our day out and we missed a very exciting end to the game.

Robbie Payne, Knaresborough

Boy racers at Conyngham Hall 

Malcolm Wood’s letter on the A59 Badger Hill race track caught my attention. It isn’t the only race track which is a noise nuisance.

There is a big problem in Conyngham Hall car park in Knaresborough. Each evening it becomes a mecca for anyone with a souped-up engine/exhaust. They start at one end of the car park, rev up, backfire, then race to the other end where handbrake circles, skidding and revving are performed.

This happens well up to and sometimes beyond 11pm. It’s not a recent thing, it’s been happening for at least three years, together with drug usage, drinking parties and fire lighting. The police have been informed and a crime number issued, but do we see any action from them or the council — what do you think?

Jean Butterfield, Knaresborough

Bond End also a race track

I am in absolute agreement with Malcolm Wood’s letter of June 16 about speeding in Knaresborough at Badger Hill. It is a problem on Bond End too.

Noisy, modified  cars and motorbikes use Bond End as a slingshot before breaking the speed limit on the dual carriageway of Harrogate Road, from Mother Shipton’s towards the golf club. This has been ongoing since spring.

The beginning of this area has a lot of pedestrians. Alas, a police presence, acting as enforcement and deterrence, is absent.

Dr. David Oldman, Knaresborough 

And so is York Place…

I can concur with Malcolm Woods regarding boy racers. I live on Iles Lane, I walk my dogs every night and I can say that boy racers race in town up York Place through the High Street nearly every night between 9.30pm and 10.30pm. No police visible

Maggie Boyd , Knaresborough

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Full marks for promptness to local politician

I have no political allegiance or affiliation, but when I raised an issue concerning his ward, Matt Walker responded almost immediately. This was even though his contact page on the council website said he was on holiday at the time. Full marks, and good luck, sir!

Colin Harrison, Knaresborough

Station Gateway: we expect better from councillors

A couple of issues in particular discussed by councillors at the area constituency committee meeting on June 8 should be raised.


A Conservative member attending this meeting queried the petition’s veracity, saying its signatories included people from as far away as South Africa.  According to people who are more computer literate than I am, it is reportedly an anomaly where the IP address of people’s computers shows up on the petition rather than their postal address.  So I have been told, it occurs when a virtual private network is used to provide additional security and privacy rather than that afforded by the normal internet connection.

For example, two people I know who certainly live in Harrogate had their addresses displayed on the petition as Sunderland.  It therefore seems to confirm that the councillor who announced in a sarcastic manner at the North Yorkshire Council executive meeting that he had rigorously checked the petition and that it proved nothing as at least 20% of the signatories lived outside the Harrogate area was quite wrong.

Surely there must be some way in which these misleading discrepancies, fabrications and exaggerations can be taken into account as they were extremely misleading. I find it hard to comprehend the technology wizards at the council have not come across this anomaly before.


Another Conservative member attending the meeting pointed out even 500 local signatures, the threshold needed to have the petition debated by the committee, were not representative of all views from local residents.  Just over two years ago quite extensive coverage was given in the local media of the survey results following public consultation on the gateway project including the pedestrianisation of James Street.

A report commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council claimed the gateway project still had more supporters than detractors.   I understand the overall population of Harrogate at the time was in the region of 75,000 residents, from which there were some 1,101 respondents to the online survey.   This equates approximately to 1.5% of Harrogate town’s total population – some 45% of the 1,101 participants voted in favour of this proposal or in real terms somewhere in the region of 0.75% of Harrogate’s population.

So, if you adopt this councillor’s theory, it is less representative of all the views from local residents even though at the time Cllr Phil Ireland from the then Harrogate Borough Council claimed “we have EVERYBODY’S feedback and ideas to feed into the next phase of detailed design work”.  And yet, they dare to trash the recent petition which reached over 2,000 signatures and continues to increase.

We do not expect this standard of behaviour form councillors who were elected to represent us the residents of Harrogate and a public apology on both issues would be appropriate.

The simple fact that the signatories to the petition may not be representative of all views from local residents rests firmly in the lap of the council. It is quite disturbing to find out even now how many local residents and businesses still have not heard of or do not know what the station gateway involves.  Whilst I appreciate it will always be a problem to ensure everyone is aware, I believe the council and the highways team in particular has a history of poor consultation, ignoring the democratic process; not listening and dismissive of public comment, and hiding behind a meaningless excess of words in press releases.  If only they had involved us much earlier in the democratic process more of us would have shared in ownership of a gateway project.

Barry Adams, Harrogate 

Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at letters@thestrayferret.co.uk. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.

Ex-Rossett student publishes war-time novella set in Harrogate

A former Rossett School student has recently published a novel that takes place in early 20th Century Harrogate.

Gary Baysinger lived in Harrogate more than 30 years ago and has now written a war-time novella set in the town.

In the space of just ten days, he lost his mother and was diagnosed with skin cancer so took up writing “as a distraction”.

The book, A kind of Homecoming, was inspired by the 1969 film, “Oh What a Lovely War” – a musical about World War One.

A scene in the film depicts the Christmas truce of 1914, during which a German soldier tells a British solider about his love for a British girl he left behind when he went to fight.

Mr Baysinger said:

“The scene left me with more questions than answers; who is this young man? Who is the girl? Did he survive the war? Did they end up together?

“I decided to write a story and answer those questions — I set it in Harrogate because I am fond of the place.

“I think we all sometimes wonder what would have happened if life had gone different at a young age.”

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Mr Baysinger’s family moved to Harrogate in the late 1970s, where his father took a position at Menwith Hill. Despite his short stint in Yorkshire – moving back to America in 1981 – he said he “wouldn’t want to be anywhere else” at the time.

He told the Stray Ferret:

“I spent my weekdays at Rossett High School, my Saturdays at Elland Road, and my Sundays kicking a football around a muddy pitch in Hampsthwaite, or on the Stray”.

Mr Baysinger is hoping Harrogate library will keep a copy  so locals can read the war-time novel.

“I recently visited Harrogate for the first time in nearly three decades.

“I met up with some old friends and was astounded by the warmth and hospitality they showed me.”

A Kind of Homecoming is available to buy now on Amazon.

Photo of the Week: Pikorua

This week’s photograph was taken by Alison Sturdy, capturing the New Zealand Pikorua sculpture in the Valley Gardens.

Alison Sturdy

Photo of the Week celebrates the Harrogate district. It could be anything from family life to capturing the district’s beauty. We are interested in amateur and professional photographs, in a landscape format.

Send your photographs to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk for a chance to be featured next week, we reserve the right to adjust and crop images to fit into our format.

Town centre living trend gathers pace in Harrogate

New plans have been submitted to change the use of a former Harrogate shop into flats as the trend towards town centre living gathers pace.

York-based Andrew Farr has applied to create six flats on West Park above the former Orvis store, which closed in April 2022 after 25 years of trading in the town.

It follows similar recent planning applications to change the use of town centre retail units into flats.

The former River Island shop on Cambridge Street is in the process of being converted to 15 flats and similar residential schemes have been proposed for the former main post office on Cambridge Road and the ex-King’s Club strip club on Oxford Street.

Work has begun on converting the former River Island shop into flats.

This is the second time Mr Farr has brought forward the scheme.

He withdrew plans in March to convert the upper floors of the former Orvis to six flats and create bin and bike storage. Planning documents say that application was halted “following the receipt of the comments from the council’s private section housing officer”.

They add the “revised proposal is largely identical” except for amendments to the internal layout.

It would see the upper floors of numbers 21a, 21 and 22 West Park converted.

Since Orvis closed, a bridal shop has opened on the ground floor of the premises.

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A planning and heritage statement sent to the council in support of Mr Farr’s application says future residents of the flats would be able to apply for monthly or annual parking pass for West Park multi-storey car parking.

It adds the scheme would “enhance the vitality of the Harrogate town centre” and bring vacant floors back into use “without any identified harm to the character of the host building and the neighbouring Harrogate Conservation Area”. It concludes:

“It is considered that the proposed scheme responds to the constraints of the site, planning policy constraints and its heritage context and should fall within the parameters of acceptable development.”


13 candidates to contest local parliamentary by-election

Thirteen candidates will contest the Selby and Ainsty parliamentary by-election next month.

Nominations for candidates closed on Friday and voters will go to the polls on Thursday, July 20.

All 13, except the Conservative candidate Claire Holmes, are male.

This will be the first local election to require photo ID following recent changes introduced to prevent fraud.

The candidates are:

Although Selby and Ainsty is centred on Selby and reaches almost as far south as Pontefract, its northern portion includes Spofforth and many of the villages in the Vale of York, such as Great Ouseburn, Green Hammerton and Tockwith.

Voting will take place from 7am to 10pm with the election count taking place in the evening after the close of polling.

The by-election has been called following the resignation of Conservative MP Nigel Adams, who had held the seat since 2010. The Tories will be defending a 20,137 majority.

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The electorate in the Selby and Ainsty constituency have until midnight on Tuesday, July 4, to register to vote and until 5pm on Wednesday, July 5, to apply for a postal vote.

If someone is unable to vote in person or by post, they have until 5pm on Wednesday, July 12, to apply for a proxy vote.

Voters will need to bring photographic identification to be able to vote.

Accepted forms of ID include a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence, full or provisional, a UK passport or a passport issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man, or any of the Channel Islands, and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or blue badge.

Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone without an accepted form of ID can apply for a free voter authority certificate by 5pm on Wednesday, July 12.  You can do so here.

You can register to vote here.

More information on the by-election is available here.

Student to run 100km around the Stray at night for charity

A student from Harrogate is aiming to run 100km – 62 miles – around Oatlands Stray to raise money for charity. 

Morgan Glazier, 21, will run for 12 hours through the night of Friday, June 30 to Saturday, July 1 – and will then cap it off by completing the 5km Harrogate Parkrun.  

Morgan, who left Rossett School in 2020, said: 

“I’ve been out practising a lot over the last couple of months, building up my mileage and getting used to the pace I’ll be keeping on the night. My route around Oatlands Stray is about a mile long, and I’m hoping to manage as many as 62 laps, but if it gets really tough, I may have to make do with 52, but that’s still a double marathon.” 

The run is part of Morgan’s longer-term fundraising plan. He has just finished the final year of his degree in economics at the University of Bristol and plans to mark the achievement by running the Budapest Marathon in October in aid of the Meningitis Research Foundation.  

But to secure his place, he must raise 80% of his £1,000 fundraising target by the end of July, and he is hoping his epic Stray all-nighter will be a way of hitting his target fast. He will be supported through the night by friends and family, some of whom plan to keep him company for a few laps. 

This is not the first time Morgan has set himself an ambitious target to raise money for charity. In 2020, aged just 18, he ran 465 miles in 30 days, raising over £9,000 for mental health charity Mind.

Morgan said:  

“I’ve been running for years, but this 12-hour challenge is new territory for me – I’ve never run this far in one go before, but that’s part of the fun.” 

Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It can kill, and survivors can be left with long-term effects, such hearing loss, brain injury and limb loss. 

Students are the second-biggest group at risk of contracting meningitis, after babies and toddlers. 

The Meningitis Research Foundation funds work to find new ways of preventing meningitis and septicaemia, and to mitigate their effects. 

To support Morgan and help him on his way to his £1,000 fundraising target for the Meningitis Research Foundation, go to his JustGiving page and make a donation. 

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Harrogate man’s colourful garden is ‘biggest display yet’

Harrogate man Paul Ivison is once again opening his garden to the public with the aim of raising money for charity and getting a visa for his fiancé.

Paul has lived on the corner of Mayfield Grove and Mayfield Terrace for more than 15 years. He has changed his garden’s design many times and become something of a local celebrity.

Previous displays have raised money for North Yorkshire Horizons, the Disasters Emergency Committee and many more charitable causes.

This year’s garden will feature a number of themes: mental health, LGBT Pride and the danger of plastic to our oceans.

He said:

“This year’s display… is the biggest I have done in three years”

At the garden’s opening there will be information available on where to get help for those suffering with poor mental health.

As well as this there will be a colourful LGBT section. Gnomes have been painted in the six colours of the pride flag and there will be a number of other rainbow painted  items on display.

On the topic of plastic in our oceans, Paul has installed a fully working bathroom suite which will be filled with plastic waste. Red water will be flowing out of it to symbolise the danger of discarded plastic.

This is all with the aim of raising money for the Samaritans.

He also wants to raise money for his partner, who lives in the Philippines, to get a UK visa and move to Harrogate.

The garden is opening Sunday 25 June at 3pm and Paul has invited neighbours and friends round to enjoy it.

Entrance is free but there will be a box by the gate for any charitable donations. Paul also has a GoFundMe page for his partner’s visa, which you can find here.

Paul Ivison's newest garden on themes including mental health.

Paul Ivison's newest garden on themes including mental health.

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