Harrogate council defends decision to transfer audit staff to Veritau

Harrogate Borough Council has defended its decision not to transfer some staff to the new North Yorkshire Council.

Five audit services staff recently discovered they would transfer to Veritau, a shared service group owned by local authorities in Yorkshire and north-east England.

Public services union Unison said on Tuesday it was “dismayed” by the decision, which it said came after more than a year of talks in which it was expected all staff would transfer to the new super-council under TUPE terms.

Unison Harrogate branch secretary Dave Houlgate said it had raised a dispute and called on Harrogate Borough Council to “stand by its staff and resist this late change”, adding:

“We object in the strongest terms to this late change of plan which shows total disregard for the staff involved, denies them the opportunity to move on to new terms and conditions negotiated and agreed by Unison and ignores established procedures and protocols that are in place.”

A council spokesperson said today:

“Engagement with staff, and consultation with trade unions, has taken place at every stage of the transition to North Yorkshire Council. This will continue, ensuring staff are kept informed of progress and have the opportunity to raise concerns. All staff also continue to be offered support.

“The audit service for the new council will be provided by Veritau, a company created in 2009 by North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council. Veritau has provided audit and other specialist services to the authorities, as well as other organisations, for many years. Providing income that will continue for the new council. Veritau already provides services to five of the seven district and borough councils that will be replaced by North Yorkshire Council.

“It is proposed staff currently providing the service in Harrogate will move to Veritau on April 1. Employment protection ensures that they will transfer on their existing terms and conditions. Individuals will have the option of choosing Veritau’s terms and conditions, should they wish to do so.”

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Judges shortlist finalists for the Stray Ferret Business Awards

A judging panel made up of leaders from top local businesses and organisations have shortlisted finalists for the Stray Ferret Business Awards 2023, sponsored by Prosperis.

It wasn’t a simple task, with more than 100 entries across 10 categories, which highlighted the strength of the local business community.

Our four judges were Marcus Boardall, chief executive of Reed Boardall, Black Sheep Brewery chief executive Charlene Lyons, Cloud Nine founder and chief executive Martin Rae, and James Farrar, chief operating officer of York and North Yorkshire LEP.

The judging panel met at West Park Hotel in Harrogate in the morning and debated well into the afternoon.

On Friday, January 20, the Stray Ferret will announce the shortlist for each of the 10 categories.

From growing businesses to the up-and-coming stars of the future, the categories are designed to allow businesses to showcase their strengths.

The glittering, black tie awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, March 9 at Pavilions of Harrogate. To book your tickets, click or tap here.

More pictures from the judging day:

There were lots of entries for the judges to get through.

Our judges enjoyed debating about each of the entrants.

Marcus Boardall of Reed Boardall and Martin Rae of Cloud Nine.

James Farrar of the York and North Yorkshire LEP and Charlene Lyons of Black Sheep Brewery.

Harrogate burglar jailed after ‘audacious’ raid of £10k worth of clothes

A prolific Harrogate burglar has been jailed for two years after stealing £10,000 of clothes from a warehouse in two audacious break-ins on the same night.

Aaron Herbert, 49, and an unnamed man drove from Harrogate to the commercial warehouse in York in a stolen VW Golf, York Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Michael Cahill said CCTV footage showed Herbert and the driver getting out of the vehicle and being joined by two other people including a woman outside the warehouse in an industrial compound on Malton Road, Stockton-on-the-Forest.

One of the men used bolt croppers to cut the lock of the warehouse doors to break in. 

Mr Cahill added:

“A short time later, the two who arrived on foot left, leaving (Herbert) and the driver in the warehouse,

“CCTV showed the defendant and his accomplice going in and out of the warehouse…with stock from the warehouse, particularly coats.”

The burglars got back in the car and drove off after bagging £5,000 of loot in the raid, which occurred at about 11pm on December 11 last year. Herbert, who was a disqualified driver, was at the wheel. 

Shortly afterwards, in the early hours of the following morning, Herbert drove back to the warehouse and was again with another man. 

Mr Cahill said:

“The men made numerous trips in and out of the warehouse, stealing various items of clothing.”

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CCTV showed Herbert coming out of the warehouse with a bundle of coats – one of which he was wearing. 

Mr Cahill said that about £5,000 of clothes were stolen in this second raid, and £10,000 in total.

Herbert then drove the Volkswagen away from the loading-bay doors to make way for his 

accomplice to drive out in a “mini” vehicle which he had stolen from inside the warehouse. 

They then carefully closed the warehouse doors to make it look “as if nothing had happened”.

Herbert drove off in the VW and his accomplice drove away in the stolen warehouse vehicle. 

However, it didn’t take police long to coming knocking at Herbert’s door as he was immediately identified from CCTV footage. 

The two stolen vehicles were both found in Harrogate’s Fairfax Avenue.

‘Audacious’ raid

Herbert, of Deane Place, Harrogate, was arrested on December 15 and charged with two counts of burglary, taking a vehicle without consent and driving while disqualified and without insurance. 

He admitted the offences and appeared for sentence today.

Mr Cahill said Herbert had taken the VW car after a sneak-in burglary at a named woman’s home in Harrogate in which her car keys were stolen.

Herbert’s 22-year criminal career comprised 27 previous convictions for 85 offences including burglary and 24 theft and kindred offences. 

Defence barrister Harry Crowson said that Herbert, a long-standing heroin addict, had spent most of his time in prison in recent years. 

Judge Simon Hickey described the burglaries as “audacious”.

He told Herbert: 

“You were seen emptying the warehouse of a significant amount of clothes (which represents) a significant economic loss.”

He said the burglaries involved “significant planning” and that Herbert was now at risk of becoming “institutionalised”.

Herbert will serve half of the two-year jail sentence behind bars before being released on prison licence. He was also given a two-year driving ban.

Fly-tipped jalapenos could solve mystery of Harrogate couple’s missing van

A Harrogate couple who run a mobile business selling tacos hope the discovery of some tinned jalapenos by the side of a road will lead them to whoever stole their van.

Tom and Emma Peak set up Tacoporium six years ago and sell their Mexican treats at weddings, festivals and corporate events.

But the business suffered a blow when one of the two vehicles they use, a white Ford van, was stolen from the back of their house just off King’s Road on Sunday night.

Fortunately, it isn’t their main vehicle but it contained numerous items including cutlery, trays, a cooking back — and jalapenos.

Today the couple received an email from Ryedale District Council accusing them of fly-tipping a list of items that had been dumped near Malton.

Mr Peak explained to the council the van had been stolen and now hopes that knowing where the goods were deposited will help narrow down the police search of where to look for the still-missing van.

He has even seen the funny side, posting on Instagram:

“Now let’s find that van and nail these fools who don’t appreciate a good quality pickled pepper.”

He told the Stray Ferret:

“They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. They put no value on my jalapenos whereas they are the best money can buy.”

Mr Peak plans to drive to Malton this week to collect the abandoned items — and reassured customers the business would continue despite the missing van.

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Harrogate’s affordable boutique gym goes from strength-to-strength

This story is sponsored by Coach.

Harrogate’s £1.5m Coach gym is continuing to go from strength-to-strength following its launch in the town a year ago.

The affordable boutique gym boasts more than 200 pieces of state-of-the art equipment, as well as over 200 instructor-led fitness classes across four studios.

Surge Padel, where members can play one of the world’s fastest growing sports, can also be found on the first floor of the building at Hornbeam Park.

Stuart Perrin, owner and CEO of Coach, which opened in January 2022, said:

“Coach is a boutique health and fitness concept, which in a nutshell means everything is very high end. From the fixtures and fittings, to the experience.

“It’s something very different and is the biggest gym in Harrogate by a long way.”

Coach boasts a bar area, which serves bespoke shakes and smoothies. There are also luxury changing rooms, including GHD straighteners and solid oak benches.

The gym itself features a range of equipment – from cardio and resistance machines to free weights, squat racks, battle ropes, tyre flips and a sled.

Mr Perrin said:

“If you’re a real gym-goer, the equipment we have is really quite special. We have the best the brands have to offer, including Nautilus, Schwinn, StairMaster and Concept, all under one roof. We make sure we have the best possible pieces of kit.”

Boutique fitness studios

Coach’s four boutique fitness studios offer something for everyone. They include:

Coach Spin: A spinning studio that can take up to 30 people in a session.

Coach Class: A group exercise studio, which hosts everything from Body Pump to yoga and Pilates. Classes are delivered and programmed by highly-qualified, passionate and respected instructors.

Coach Box: A boxing studio, which can take up to 20 people in a full cardio and bodyweight resistance class, where you learn the fundamentals of boxing in the process.

Coach Evolution: A High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) studio which has 10 treadmills, 10 airbikes and 10 HIIT benches. Coach Evolution is designed using HIIT to give you a full cardiovascular exercise and full-body resistance workout.

Mr Perrin said:

“Within Coach itself we have four studios and we offer a timetable of more than 250 classes a month, which are included in membership if you are on our top tier.”

Coach is offering Stray Ferret readers a free day pass to come and try the facilities, which can be accessed here.

Mr Perrin added:

“Members love the feel, the experience, the quality. Come and try it for yourself with a free day pass.”

Coach Gyms is redefining affordable luxury. Join now from only £18.99 a month. Find out more and join the fitness revolution today!


Harrogate hospital pays six-figure sum to patient left severely disabled

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust has paid a six-figure sum to a patient who suffered a stoke and cardiac arrest after an operation, leaving him severely disabled.

The trust and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust were found jointly responsible for the treatment of the 74-year-old patient, who suffered a minor stroke in January 2016.

Having developed some slurring of speech and a headache, he was taken to Harrogate District Hospital by ambulance, where he was admitted to the stroke unit and underwent a CT scan of the head.

As part of the legal case against the two trusts, solicitors acting on behalf of the man made several allegations of negligence. It was alleged imaging was wrongly reported and surgery was unnecessarily performed.

During the surgery the patient suffered a stroke and later a cardiac arrest from which he was successfully resuscitated.  He was left severely disabled and brain damaged.

Solicitor Elizabeth Maliakal, a specialist in medical negligence claims at Hudgell Solicitors, led the legal case on behalf of the patient, whose daughter was appointed his deputy by the Court of Protection to manage her father’s affairs.

Ms Maliakal alleged the operation had been carried out without the patient or his family being fully informed of the risks involved, and without being informed that the benefits of surgery were small. She said the case centred on two key aspects of care and treatment:

“Firstly, there was no need for surgical intervention and, had my client not undergone surgery, he would have avoided the stroke which occurred during surgery and the later cardiac arrest.

“Secondly, he was inadequately consented over the decision to operate and, given doubts about his mental capacity to consent, his family were not consulted over the decision either.

“Had an appropriate discussion taken place regarding the relative risks and benefits, neither my client nor his family would have consented.

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elizabeth maliakal hudgell-solicitors

Ms Maliakal (pictured above) added:

“Whilst our medical experts felt that he may well have gone on to suffer further strokes in the near future, had he not undergone the surgery, they were of the opinion that he would not have been left as profoundly disabled as he is now.

“He has been left with a catastrophic injury.  He is paralysed, has little vision in his right eye and reduced vision in his left eye. He is unable to talk, he is doubly incontinent, needs to be fed through a tube and requires hoists to be moved.  He now lives permanently in a nursing home.”

‘Denied liability’

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust agreed a six-figure sum for damages. The precise amount has not been revealed.

The compensation agreed covers the cost of future care, nursing home fees, private medical treatment, medication expenses and aids and equipment.

Mrs Maliakal added:

“This was a hard fought case. Initially both trusts denied liability and it was only after court proceedings were commenced that settlement discussions took place. The negligent treatment left my client severely disabled, and in need of round the clock care, which could and should have been avoided.

“As part of our investigations into the case we instructed independent medical experts, including a vascular surgeon, a stroke physician and neuroradiologist. The Trusts agreed to compensate

A joint statement for Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“The trusts sincerely regret the difficulties experienced by the claimant and are pleased to have been able to reach an amicable compromise of his claim.  The trusts wish the claimant and his family well for the future.”

First ever nurses’ strike begins at Harrogate hospital

Nurses at Harrogate District Hospital have gone on strike today for the first time ever.

A picket line is in place outside the hospital on Lancaster Park Road for the first of two 12-hour strikes called by the Royal College of Nursing.

Surgical nurses, paediatric nurses and accident and emergency nurses were among those taking part in this morning’s industrial action. Some passing vehicles sounded their horns in support of the strikers.

Amanda Brown and Andy Law, RCN officers from Leeds who joined Harrogate nurses on the picket line this morning, told the Stray Ferret the action was necessary because the NHS is “broken”.

Mr Law added the NHS was short of 47,000 nurses — up by 7,000 on a year ago.

Although the strike will disrupt some services for patients, Ms Brown said people requiring urgent care would not be affected:

“We’ve ensured staffing levels are safe.”

Today’s action is the latest wave of industrial action in the Harrogate district. Ambulance workers, rail workers and postal workers have all been on strike this winter.

Pat Cullen, the RCN’s general secretary and chief executive, has warned the strikes could escalate in the weeks ahead if a settlement isn’t reached.

Health Secretary Steve Barclay has said “unaffordable” pay rises for nurses would prevent investment in the NHS.

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Maltkiln developer still ‘confident’ in new town near Cattal

The developers behind a planned new town of up to 4,000 homes said they “remain confident” the project will go ahead, despite one of the landowners pulling out.

Caddick Group, which has submitted plans for a settlement called Maltkiln near Cattal, said it is continuing to work with other landowners and local authorities on the project.

It comes after Harrogate Borough Council announced yesterday it was “pausing” its work to submit a development plan document (DPD) to the Secretary of State for a new settlement in the area because one of the pieces of land was no longer available.

A spokesperson for Caddick Group said:

“As with most large and complex developments, the proposed new settlement at Maltkiln involves several landowners and we have been working with them for a number of years.

“It is regrettable that one of the landowners has now expressed their intention to withdraw their support for the development. However, we continue to have positive relationships with the other landowners and we remain confident that development can progress in accordance with the policy objectives of Harrogate Borough Council’s Development Plan Document for the new settlement.

“The Maltkiln site was established as the preferred option by Harrogate Borough Council based on its location, accessibility and relative freedom from constraints.

“In parallel with the council’s DPD process, we have undertaken thorough community and stakeholder consultation as part of defining our proposals to deliver much needed new housing and associated amenities for this part of North Yorkshire.

“We intend to continue a positive dialogue with all the landowners in the vicinity of our site and any updated proposals will be publicised after we have discussed with the borough and county councils how the amended site area may best be developed in accordance with the proposed DPD.”

Caddick put forward plans last year for two primary schools, a GP surgery and shops as part of its proposal. It also said the homes would be built to “very high environmental standards” with communal air and ground source heat pumps, solar power generation and electric vehicle charging points in every home.

Several “mobility hubs” are planned to offer fast charging for vehicles as well as repairs and storage for e-scooters and bicycles, and flexible working spaces available to hire.

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Cllr Arnold Warneken, whose Ouseburn division includes the proposed site, said he was concerned that changes to the land available could impact the viability of the whole development.

The Green Party councillor said he was “not surprised” one of the landowners had pulled out, as any of them could be considering other uses for their land that might be “more viable”. He added:

“I’m not surprised but I’m concerned about the impact that might have on the rest of the development.

“My concern is that the viability would be an excuse for changing the specification to not being an exemplar for carbon neutrality and so on. At some point, we could end up with a developer wanting a standard housing estate.”

Cllr Warneken said he would work to bring together all the affected parish councils in the area again to discuss any changes to the proposals as a result of the piece of land being withdrawn.

Business Breakfast: Judges face tough task today in first Stray Ferret Business Awards

A panel of four leading business people faces a tough task today as judging takes place in the first ever Stray Ferret Business Awards.

More than 100 entries have been submitted across 10 categories, highlighting the strength of the business community in the Harrogate district.

The four judges are Marcus Boardall, CEO of Reed Boardall, Black Sheep Brewery CEO Charlene Lyons, Cloud Nine founder and CEO Martin Rae, and James Farrar, COO of York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (pictured).

They will meet in central Harrogate to spend today going over all the entries, selecting those most deserving of our 10 awards.

From growing businesses to the up-and-coming stars of the future, the categories are designed to allow businesses to showcase their strengths. Each is sponsored by a leading local business, and the headline sponsor for the awards scheme is Prosperis.

The shortlists will be announced this Friday, January 20.

The spectacular awards ceremony takes place on Thursday, March 9 at Pavilions of Harrogate. To book your tickets, click here.

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New appointments boost Harrogate law firm

McCormicks managing partner Stephen Hopwood, centre, with, from left, Stuart Farrar, Helen Ramsden, Kate Develly and David Leuchars.Managing partner Stephen Hopwood, centre, with, from left, Stuart Farrar, Helen Ramsden, Kate Develly and David Leuchars.

A Harrogate law firm has begun the year with a series of appointments and promotions.

McCormicks Solicitors has added David Leuchars to its corporate and commercial department, assisting its head, James Towler in business law matters.

Stuart Farrar joins the residential conveyancing team, bringing more than 40 years’ experience, while Kate Develly has been offered a training contract in the crime and fraud department.

She joined McCormicks just over a year ago and has recently become accredited to advise clients at the police station. Her former role has been filled by Helen Ramsden, who has been promoted to criminal law executive.

Managing partner Stephen Hopwood said:

“It is always good to welcome new talent to the team and these appointments and promotions will help to bolster some very busy departments.”

Harrogate district police inspector reveals local crime hotspots

A Harrogate district police inspector has revealed the district’s crime hotspots — and what police are doing to tackle them.

Inspector Ed Rogerson addressed members of Harrogate Borough Council’s overview and scrutiny committee last night.

Insp. Rogerson, who works for North Yorkshire Police’s Harrogate outer area, identified five areas as causes for concern.

1 Around McDonald’s in Harrogate

Insp. Rogerson said the area around McDonald’s and Oxford Street in Harrogate had “always been an issue” and attracted “lots of anti-social behaviour reports”. He attributed this to it being a meeting point for young people plus the fact the restaurant is open 24 hours and includes free WiFi. He said police were working with businesses to take a ‘more active role’ to address problems.

2 Strawberry Dale, Mayfield Grove and Nydd Vale Terrace in Harrogate

Insp. Rogerson said “some particular residential streets” had issues, and named Strawberry Dale, Mayfield Grove and Nydd Vale Terrace. But he said these streets had “seen a considerable reduction” after the main problematic property in that area was subject to a closure order obtained by the multi-agency community safety hub, which works collectively to address crime. He said police continued to liaise with the landlord and would continue to hold ‘community surgeries’ at which local people could talk to officers and “pass on concerns”. Insp. Rogerson also said there had been an increase in tackling traffic offences on Strawberry Dale and the nearby Asda as part of the police’s Operation Chrome operation.

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3 Bower Street in Harrogate

Insp. Rogerson said Bower Street was the only location reported more than once as making people feel unsafe. Police experts on long-term crime solving were considering what to do. He added:

“It’s still an open case with the community safety hub who are seeking funding for environmental improvements in the area to reduce reports of anti-social behaviour.”

4 Boroughbridge

Insp. Rogerson said “a small group of young people in Boroughbridge are causing anti-social behaviour and crime problems at the moment”. He said police were working with social care and schools and there were likely to be “some charges coming in the future” which would enable the perpetrators to get support from youth offending teams. He added:

“We don’t want it to escalate. We want to help the children so it protects them and the community as well.”

Councillor Robert Windass, a Conservative who represents Boroughbridge, told the meeting he had received “numerous reports” of drug taking in the Back Lane car park and urged police to “up patrols and get rid of drug dealers”. Insp. Rogerson said two new police community support officers were joining his team and he would ensure everyone was aware of the problem.

5 Knaresborough housing sites

Insp. Rogerson said there had been a spate of burglaries from new build housing developments in Knaresborough and surrounding areas. Boilers and new white goods were particularly targeted, he said.

“There’s a lot of new build sites in and around Knaresborough and these locations are vulnerable. It’s hard to keep an eye on everything even with 24-hour security.”

He said the force was “updating its problem solving plan and will be working with housing developers to reduce” such incidents.

Insp Ed Rogerson and Lisa Winward

Inspector Ed Rogerson and chief constable Lisa Winward at last night’s meeting.

‘Still one of the safest places’

North Yorkshire chief constable Lisa Winward, who also attended the meeting, said overall crime levels were “fairly consistent” in the Harrogate district but reports of anti-social behaviour were down by 43% and the number of fatal road traffic collisions had fallen by 50%.

The chief constable said North Yorkshire remained “one of the safest places in the country” and some 200 extra officers were being recruited as part of the UK government’s bid to get 20,000 more police.

She added 101 and 999 response rates were “still not where we want to be” but added she had recently signed an agreement with the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for an additional budget of £1.9m to increase staffing in the force control room.