Harrogate artist sells paintings to help Yemen

Local painter Clive Wilson is selling 10 of his paintings to raise money to help children affected by the civil war in Yemen.

Mr Wilson paints impressionistic and dreamy landscapes. Most of his paintings show the Northumberland coast, where he has a holiday cottage. Although he was born and grew up in Leeds, he has lived in Harrogate for 32 years.

He began painting as a teenager, when he would make pocket money by painting shop signs. Now he works as a life coach and environmental consultant.

He has written two books on business performance and sustainable development, and is also chair of the Harrogate branch of the United Nations Association, an organisation dedicated to promoting the work of the UN.

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The Yemen conflict has become the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world, leaving more than 12.4 million children in need of assistance. All proceeds from sales of Mr Wilson’s paintings, which cost from £40 to £110, will go towards Save the Children’s Yemen Appeal.

The paintings can be seen in the cafe of the garden rooms at auctioneers Tennants in Leyburn, which is open for takeaway. Alternatively paintings can be viewed and bought on the auctioneer’s website.

Mr Wilson also has a JustGiving page for those who wish to make a donation to the Save the Children appeal.

Hospitality has lost ‘sexiness’ due to covid, says Harrogate hotel boss

Hospitality has “lost a bit of its sexiness” due to covid but reopening has given a sense of hope for normality, says a Harrogate hotel boss.

Anthony Blundell, commercial manager at Provenance Inns and Hotels, which runs the West Park Hotel, said the rule of six and asking people how to behave made staff feel “a little bit like the police”.

However, he added that 2,000 guests had booked in with the hotel since reopening last week and that the hotel had kept staff engaged with things like online training while it was closed to keep spirits up.

Speaking at a North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum press briefing, Mr Blundell said he hoped bars and restaurants could return to some form of normality after June 21.

He said:

“Over the past kind of 12 months, hospitality has lost a bit of its sexiness. Quite often, hospitality is usually about ‘yes’ and what we can do for our guests.

“We have almost had to become a little bit like the police ourselves. Telling people how to behave and that you’ve got to sit down in your rule of six, things like that. We need to maintain that to keep everybody safe.

“But, hopefully, as things are easing and reopening now and hopefully we’re on track for June 21, things will start to get back to some form of normality.”

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Legal limits on social contact are due to be lifted on June 21.

Mr Blundell added that although the last 12 months had been “a bit weird”, he felt the lockdown had gained the sector a newfound respect from people.

“During these periods of closure, I feel our industry has gained more respect from our guests and they realise just how much they miss us.”

As part of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown, bars and restaurants reopened on April 12.

Until May 17, people can only sit outside in groups of six to have a meal or a drink.

Bishop of Ripon has ‘grave concerns’ over care home isolation

The Bishop of Ripon has written to five MPs asking for the removal of a requirement for care home residents to isolate for 14 days if they leave their homes.

The Rt Revd Dr Helen-Ann Hartley’s intervention comes after Richard Webb, director of health and adult services at North Yorkshire County Council, also expressed concerns about the issue.

The more restrictive guidance for care homes was issued shortly after restrictions eased on the hospitality sector last week and non-essential shops were allowed to reopen.

The five MPs who received the letter included local Conservatives Andrew Jones, Nigel Adams and Julian Smith. It says:

“I am very concerned indeed about the impact on the physical and mental well-being, and indeed the human rights of individuals of diverse ages and vulnerabilities.

“I note that John’s Campaign for example focuses on principles and attitudes rather than procedures and protocols.

“With that in mind, I ask what sort of society we wish to be as we emerge from the pandemic crisis?

“Given that it is further likely we will be living with covid for a long time, it is of grave concern that our most vulnerable citizens will be treated in such a restrictive way.

“That has, in my opinion, a corrosive impact on our society and has implications that far outlast our own lives.”

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Last week a care home run by Disability Action Yorkshire on Claro Road, Harrogate, said it would defy the guidance because it was a “clear breach” of human rights.

Jackie Snape, chief executive of the charity, has written to Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones, warning he will receive furious e-mails as a result of the guidance.

She said:

“For the people that live at 34 Claro Road this is devastating. They are young people who just want to have the same freedoms as everyone else.

“They are seeing pictures of groups enjoying a beer outside the pub and they are being told they can’t even go for a walk around the block.”

Does this story affect you or your loved ones? Write to contact@thestrayferret.co.uk to tell us about your experience.

Ex-teachers from Knaresborough support calls for children to start school aged 7

Two former teachers who live in Knaresborough are supporting calls for children to start formal education aged seven.

Husband and wife Shan Oakes and Bill Rigby said starting at seven, as opposed to four or five, would improve wellbeing and attainment in later years.

The couple, who taught at secondary schools in East Yorkshire, said they had seen children burnt out from learning by the time they were teenagers and believe the UK should adopt an approach inspired by countries like Norway and Finland.

In these Scandinavian countries, children learn through play at kindergartens or nurseries until they are seven.

The proposal is part of the Scottish Green Party manifesto for the upcoming Scottish Parliament election. Education philosophies such as Montessori and Steiner also advocate starting school at a later age.

The couple are both members of the Harrogate & District Green Party and Shan said she knew parents of young children in the Harrogate district who had decided to adopt home schooling to prevent stress.

She said:

“Starting school later puts an emphasis on the child instead of being forced into the template of state schools.”

Bill added:

“We start far too young here. Lots of countries who start later perform much better than ours.”

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In the Harrogate district last week, parents of three and four-year-olds were informed which primary school their children will be starting in September.

But Shan and Bill believe children should spend longer outside of formal classrooms and learn more about nature.

Shan was full of praise for Harrogate schools but said the system often let children down by focusing too much on learning facts and excessive testing.

She added:

“Harrogate schools do wonderful things often in spite of the system.

“But all the testing of children is ludicrous. You can put children off learning.

“Our system is focused on what we think children need to learn rather than drawing out a child’s unique perspective.”

Harrogate smart parking scheme could cost £144,000 over four years

Senior councillors look set to extend a smart parking scheme in Harrogate, which could cost up to £144,000.

The scheme, which is run by London-based AppyWay, was launched in 2019 on an 18-month trial basis.

It uses sensors to give app users a real-time map of available spaces.

The app, which allows motorists to pay for the exact minutes they are parked, now looks set to be extended. Council figures showed there is support for it to be made a permanent solution, with 93% of users saying they found it easier than pay and display.

Now senior councillors from both North Yorkshire County Council and Harrogate Borough Council look set to extend the scheme for an initial two years at a cost of £18,000 a year to each authority.

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A report due before the borough council’s cabinet said the agreement with AppyWay would also have two optional 12-month extensions at the same price, meaning the contract could cost up to £144,000 in total for both councils.

Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive county councillor for access, said:

“We committed to the smart parking trial, in partnership with Harrogate Borough Council, as part of our continuing efforts to use innovative ways to improve traffic flow in Harrogate for the benefit of residents and visitors.

“Analysis of the trial shows a high level of satisfaction, with the smart parking option proving less stressful and encouraging people to stay longer.

“Providing visitors and shoppers with this more convenient and enjoyable experience will be a huge benefit to the town’s retailers and other businesses as they recover from the impact of the covid pandemic.”

The county council’s business and environmental services executive members will consider the extension on Friday and the borough council’s cabinet will consider it next week.

If approved by both authorities, the company will be appointed and start from the end of July.

Cllr Phil Ireland, the borough council’s cabinet member for sustainable travel, said: 

“When we first implemented this comprehensive smart parking solution, we were the first local authorities in the county to do so. It is clear we have led from example as this award winning app is now being adopted by other authorities across the country.

“The data from the trial period has shown it not only can make parking easier and more convenient for people, it can also save people money and encourage them to visit the town centre and stay longer.

“What we weren’t aware of at the time, was that the contactless payment element would also prove beneficial during the covid pandemic.

“The app will play a role in the recovery of the high street and I will be recommending the approval for a further two years.”

‘We’re not giving up on our Harrogate B&B dream’

It’s been a difficult year for the many bed and breakfasts that depend on Harrogate’s Convention Centre, which has been an NHS Nightingale for the last year.

But the owners of Scotia House on King’s Road are now excited about better times ahead.

In the months before covid, South African couple Mark and Gill Church travelled the length and breadth of the UK looking for their perfect location before buying Scotia House, opposite the convention centre.

The couple left careers in marketing and event management to take over the business in December 2019 — but little did they know what would be around the corner.

Instead of a busy conference and tourist season, the convention centre was swiftly turned into a Nightingale hospital in March last year, with the two large oxygen tanks by the Royal Hall a grim reminder of what might have been.

Mr Church said it was a “blessing in disguise” that the Nightingale was never used to treat covid patients.

Not going to run away

Some longstanding hotels nearby shut their doors for good during the pandemic, including The Kimberley Hotel and Alexa House.

But Mr Church said they never thought about selling up and were determined to get to the other side. The hotel will reopen on May 17.

He said:

“These times were sent to test us but we were not going to run away.

“We’re incredibly blessed to still be here.”

He called the last 12 months “horrendous” but said they had used the time to find different ways to help the business, including going on courses to better equip them for life as hoteliers.

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Harrogate Borough Council, which owns the convention centre, is working on a £50m plan to upgrade the ageing facility.

The council hopes the investment will help Harrogate better compete with other conference venues across the country.

Mr Church is looking forward to conferences and events finally returning to the town.

“More money spent on the convention centre is a fantastic thing. We’re also hoping to get tourists in too who will use Harrogate as a base.

“Friends always wonder why would you leave sunny South Africa, but it’s fantastic here in Harrogate. We absolutely love it.”

Plans approved to build 95 homes at Harrogate’s Granby Farm

Harrogate councillors have approved controversial plans to build 95 homes on a grass field described by residents as a “vital green corridor” connecting the town to the countryside.

Redrow Homes were awarded planning permission to build the homes at Granby Farm at a meeting today despite complaints from residents that it would result in the loss of the last remaining link between the Stray and the town’s surrounding scenery.

Those who have contested the plans over the past year also pointed towards an assessment report published in 2016, which said around half of the site should be maintained as a green corridor under any housebuilding plans.

This, however, was only a recommendation and not made an official policy when the Local Plan was adopted last year.

Speaking at today’s Harrogate Borough Council planning committee, Liberal Democrat councillor Pat Marsh voiced her objections to the plans and questioned why the assessment of Granby Farm was ever carried out.

She said:

“I won’t be supporting this – I don’t think it is achieving what the council set out when it went to the effort of pulling together a site assessment for inclusion in the Local Plan where it clearly puts into perspective what this site was meant to achieve.

“If we didn’t want to take note of it, why have it assessed?”

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Today’s approval of the plans also follows warnings from worried locals that a planned access road connecting the nearby Devonshire Gardens development would “decimate” a parkland created for residents less than two years ago.

Richard Clark, an agent for Devonshire Gardens Residents’ Association, said the new street set to be built over Pickering Gardens would “split” the popular outdoor space in two.

He said:

“While this proposal includes replacement open space, splitting the existing space in two to allow access undoubtedly reduces its usefulness. Simply providing more does not address this.

“The access route proposed would of course be cheaper for the developers than securing access via Kingsley Drive, but being the cheaper option does not justify granting permission.”

Locals living south of the site on Roseville Gardens had also lodged complaints that the proximity of the new homes would “severely compromise” their privacy, although council planning officials said all guidelines had been met and that a cycle lane and landscaping measures would reduce the impact.

‘Ideal location for new housing’

The plans – which include 38 affordable homes – were voted through by seven votes for and four against.

Once construction is completed, there will be a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom properties.

Mike Ashworth, planning manager at Redrow Homes, told today’s meeting:

“The Granby Farm site forms a natural extension to our previous development at Devonshire Gardens and has been proposed for development since the drafting and eventual adoption of the Local Plan.

“It sits in an ideal location for new housing within walking distance of the town centre but also the extensive amenity space at the Stray. We will improve this relationship further through new and improved pedestrian and cycle links.

“The proposals have been subject to a number of changes in consultation with officers, consultees and neighbouring residents.

“The development of the site will lead to significant benefits, not least the delivery of housing to meet identified demand.”

Firefighters called after Harrogate BBQ sets alight petrol can

Firefighters were called to an address in Harrogate last night after a barbecue caused a petrol can to ignite.

Crews from Harrogate and Knaresborough were summoned to a home on Rosewood Crescent.

According to the incident summary, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service was alerted at 9.14pm and used one hose reel to extinguish the fire, which spread to the back door of the property

The blaze caused 5% heat damage to the door. Firefighters gave the homeowners advice.

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Later that night, a Harrogate crew attended another fire when an armchair was set alight in a home on Cold Bath Road.

The incident, at 1223am, was caused by a dropped cigarette. The resident had already extinguished the fire before the crew arrived.

The officers ventilated the property and gave advice.

Two hours later, two Ripon crews responded a to a fire that spread to nearby trees and bushes after a car was set alight.

The car, on St Wilfrids Crescent, is believed to have been deliberately torched.

The crews used a 45m jet, two dry powder extinguisher and a thermal imaging camera.

Slight increase in Harrogate district unemployment

The number of people on out-of-work benefits in the Harrogate district increased slightly after the third lockdown was imposed, according to latest figures.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics for February show 3,625 people were claiming out-of-work benefits — 3.8% of the population aged 16 to 64.

The number is a slight increase on 3,460 in January.

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This is in contrast to UK-wide figure of 6.5% claiming support.

Financial support for those out of work include Universal Credit and Job Seekers’ Allowance.

Figures in the district have remained stable throughout the pandemic, which suggests the government furlough scheme has protected many staff from redundancy.

What has Harrogate council spent its High Street grants on?

Harrogate Borough Council has so far spent £90,000 of government grants which aimed to support businesses on the high street to reopen.

Last June, the authority was given £144,714 as part of the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund to help support businesses to open up after the first lockdown.

Ministers have also allocated further funding, which will also be £144,714, as part of the Welcome Back Fund to help the council support the town centre after the third shutdown.

Both grants have been funded from the European Regional Development Fund.

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The Stray Ferret asked the borough council how much of the first grant has been spent and what it had been used to fund.

A spokesperson for the council said £90,000 of the funding has been spent so far on:

They added that plans for the new funding, which was announced last month, have yet to be confirmed.

Government guidance published as part of the grant scheme says councils should “engage with stakeholders including local businesses, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Destination Management Organisations (DMO), town and parish councils”.

When asked who it consulted with on the measures, the authority said its business development team had a “distribution list for businesses” which it said it would use for plans for the next grant.

Sara Ferguson, chair of Harrogate BID, said she hoped the authority would listen to ideas from the businesses:

Ms Ferguson said:

“It is great news that Harrogate Borough Council has been awarded this money on top of the funds it received last year.

“In terms of the £144,000 Welcome Back Fund, we look forward to working with HBC and other business organisations, such as the Chamber and Independent Harrogate, to make Harrogate more welcoming to visitors and residents alike.

“Whilst we recognise the pot of money it has been awarded is to help the District’s ‘high streets’, we have a number of proposals which we believe will help our town centre retail and hospitality businesses get back on their feet and bring in customers.

“These include discounted parking and public transport to encourage residents to shop, eat and drink local.”