BREAKING: Council officer resigns after Stray Ferret exposes abusive Twitter account

Harrogate Borough Council said today that it’s parking enforcement manager, Steve Rogers, has resigned with “immediate effect”.

It follows a Stray Ferret investigation that exposed Mr Rogers for being behind the abusive and obscene anonymous Twitter account @ChippyGlory.

Many victims of his abuse were Harrogate councillors and well known people in the town.

The Stray Ferret tracked the @ChippyGlory account for two years after being told from a source that it was run by a council manager.

Following our report on Tuesday, the council launched an investigation into Mr Rogers.

At the same time Liberal Democrat councillors called for Mr Rogers instant dismissal and Conservative councillor Nick Brown called for his immediate suspension during the investigation.

We will be publishing reaction to his resignation as we receive it.

The council has said it will not be making any further comment.

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Consultation launched over £540m North Yorkshire devolution deal

People across the Harrogate district will be asked from today for their views on a historic £540 million devolution deal for North Yorkshire.

In August, county council leaders agreed the long-awaited deal with ministers to devolve more powers, including an elected mayor, to North Yorkshire and York.

The deal will see £18 million year worth of funding devolved to the county over 30 years.

Now, as part of the process to bring more powers to North Yorkshire, the public, businesses and charity organisations will be asked for their thoughts on the deal.

Cllr Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire County Council, said: 

“We really need the public to come forward and give us their views on what is important to them and how devolution can benefit communities and businesses across York and North Yorkshire.

“The chance to secure these decision-making powers and millions of pounds in funding from the government is set to prove a life-changing opportunity for more than 800,000 people who live and work in York and North Yorkshire.

“Devolution will give local leaders the chance to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing people in York and North Yorkshire – whether that be providing more affordable housing, improving skills and education for better job opportunities, boosting transport infrastructure or tackling the climate crisis.”

Pictured: Cllr Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire County Council, Greg Clark MP and Cllr Keith Aspden, leader of City of York Council sign the document.

Pictured: Cllr Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire County Council, Greg Clark MP and Cllr Keith Aspden, leader of City of York Council sign the document.

Meanwhile, Helen Simpson, chair of the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, said: 

“This is a historic moment for York and North Yorkshire and creates the opportunity to deliver long-term investment to support business growth.

“I’d like to invite business leaders across the region to contribute to this consultation.”

Consultation on the deal will run until Friday, December 16. People can have their say at the York and North Yorkshire Devolution website here.

What is in the deal?

As part of the devolution deal, a mayoral combined authority would be formed with a directly-elected mayor by May 2024.

It would mirror similar arrangements in the Tees Valley, where Conservative mayor Ben Houchen oversees the combined authority.

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While the planned North Yorkshire deal brings £540 million worth of investment funding, it is lower than the original £750 million requested by local leaders.

However, more power over skills and transport will be devolved.

It will see whoever is elected mayor and the new combined authority have control over the adult education budget and the ability to draw up its own transport strategy.

Control over bus franchising has also been granted to the county and the power to set up Mayoral Development Corporations, which have the power to buy land for housing or employment to regenerate a defined area.

Much of the deal echoes what was given to Tees Valley in 2015, where mayor Houchen has since exercised his economic development powers to buy Teesside International Airport and Redcar Steelworks.

Liz Truss resignation: Harrogate district reaction

Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister today after just 44 days in office.

See how the Harrogate district reacted to the news this afternoon.

5.01pm – Harrogate and Knaresborough Lib Dems still searching for candidate

The lengthy process to find a prospective parliamentary candidate for Harrogate and Knaresborough remains ongoing.

The local party called today for an election but as yet it doesn’t have anyone to take on Conservative Andrew Jones.

It said in June it had started the process but four months on the matter remains unresolved.

David Goode, chair of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Lib Dems, said

“We are moving at pace to select a parliamentary candidate. It is a rigorous process for a target seat but be in no doubt we are planning to fight Harrogate and Knaresborough to win at the next election, whenever that maybe. We need a MP who will work for us, not just trot along behind the government.”

Monika Slater, a Lib Dem who represents Bilton Grange and New Park on North Yorkshire County Council, said

“Boris Johnson failed our country and Liz Truss trashed our economy.

“People in Harrogate and Knaresborough deserve better than this incompetent and chaotic government, which has sent mortgages spiralling while our NHS services are stretched to breaking point.

“The Conservative party have proven time and time again they are not fit to lead our great country.

“This country needs a general election and Andrew Jones and other Conservative MP’s cannot prop up more chaotic Governments.

“At the next election people across Harrogate and Knaresborough will be backing the Liberal Democrats to get a fair deal on the NHS and the cost of living instead of more Conservative chaos.”

4.35pm – Andrew Jones MP: Truss departure ‘inevitable’

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones has published a statement on his Community News website.

Mr Jones said:

“As difficult as today is for her it has, I’m afraid, been inevitable and it is the national interest that matters.

“It was an enormous and unforced error to bring forward the mini-Budget without an assessment by the Office of Budget Responsibility and an accompanying statement on departmental spending.

“It was a mistake for her to surround herself with just supporters and not form a broader-based team.

“Ms Truss began to undo the damage with the appointment of Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor who jettisoned a lot of the mistakes she had made, calmed the markets and emphasised the need for stability.

“But the personal damage to her was done and too severe for her to have any hope of recovery.  It has felt in parliament that over the last week her authority had been seeping away. That is why she had to go.”

Mr Jones, who said there was “plenty to be positive about here in Harrogate and Knaresborough” when the government announced its mini-budget last month, did not reveal who he supports as a successor.

But he said whoever it is “needs to bring on board all the talents available to them, adding:

“Our politics and our country need a period of calm stability and I look forward, at last, to that being delivered.”

4.17pm – Could North Yorkshire be home to the Prime Minister by next Friday?

Richmond MP Rishi Sunak is the clear bookies’ favourite to succeed Liz Truss as Prime Minister. Oddschecker currently has him at 10/11, with Penny Mordaunt second favourite at 11-4. But the odds against third favourite Boris Johnson have been slashed to 9-2.

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones and Skipton and Ripon MP Julian Smith both supported Mr Sunak in the leadership contest against Liz Truss.

3.50pm – Nigel Adams ‘not doing any media at the moment’

Minutes after posting that none of the local Conservative MPs had replied to us, one of them responded. But it isn’t exactly hold-the-front-page stuff.

Selby and Ainsty MP Nigel Adams’ senior parliamentary assistant emailed to say:

“Nigel is not doing any media at the moment.”

3.41pm – Silence from Harrogate district MPs

We asked the three Conservative MPs whose constituencies include parts of the Harrogate district whether Liz Truss was right to resign and who they supported to be her successor.

We asked Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones, Skipton and Ripon MP Julian Smith and Selby and Ainsty MP Nigel Adams to reply by 3.30pm today. So far none has replied.

3.06pm – Are local opposition parties ready to fight an election?

Local Liberal Democrats and Harrogate supporters have been quick to call for an election but would they be ready to fight one?

Currently only the Green Party has a prospective parliamentary candidate to take on Andrew Jones in Harrogate and Knaresborough.

We have asked the Liberal Democrats and Labour for details of their search to find PPCs and will report their responses.

2.50pm – Yorkshire Party calls for end to ‘London-centric’ politics

The Yorkshire Party says ‘Yorkshire has been left to fend for itself’.

As the government continues to collapse around Liz Truss, Yorkshire is left to fend for its self.

Time to end London-centric politics and join the Yorkshire Party

— Yorkshire Party (@Yorkshire_Party) October 19, 2022


2.33pm – Tories ‘have lost mandate to govern,’ says Green PPC.

Paul Ko Ferrigno, the prospective parliamentary candidate for the Green Party in Harrogate and Knaresborough, has added his voice to calls for an election. He said:

“The Conservatives are unable to govern themselves and have lost any mandate to govern the country.

“People are worried about the cost of fuel and the cost of energy and rising mortgage rates and rising inflation and their dwindling quality of life.

“We don’t need another week of Tory navel gazing, we need a General Election and a government that puts people first.”

2.11pm – Ripon-based Lib Dem leader in House of Lords calls for election

Dick Newby, the Liberal Democrat peer and party leader in the House of Lords, has tweeted for an election.

The Conservatives no longer have any shred of credibility left. Their MPs should do their patriotic duty and call a general election.

— Dick Newby (@RichardNewby3) October 20, 2022

2.05pm – Harrogate Labour campaigner calls for election

Chris Watt, local Harrogate Labour party campaigner, has also called for an election.

He told the Stray Ferret:

“The Tory government are a shambles. They’ve trashed the economy and presided over 12 years of stagnation.

“They can keep changing their leader but we need a change of government.

“The choice is clear: more of this incompetent Tory government, which the MP here has consistently supported. Or a Labour Government led by Keir Starmer. We need a General Election now so the people can decide.”

He has also been tweeting:

The Tories can keep changing leader but we need a change of Government and a General Election now. @UKLabour stands ready to serve.

BBC News – Liz Truss resigns as prime minister after Tory revolt

— Chris Watt (@ChrisWatt4) October 20, 2022

2pm – Call from Liberal Democrats for General Election

Skipton and Ripon Liberal Democrats have called for a General Election following the departure of Liz Truss.

Surely, there must now be a General Election?

— Skipton and Ripon Liberal Democrats 🔶 (@SkiptonRiponLD) October 20, 2022

1.55pm – Harrogate politicians reaction

Following the announcement of the resignation of Liz Truss, the Stray Ferret has contacted the Harrogate district’s three Conservative MPs for their reaction.

We have also contacted opposition parties for their thoughts on this afternoon’s news.

Heavy rain floods some Harrogate district roads

Heavy rain has led to flooding on some Harrogate district roads today

The Met Office issued a yellow weather warning for thunderstorms this morning and warned some roads could be flooded.

It proved accurate as drivers across the district, which is still under drought, struggled in many of the usual highway trouble spots for flooding.

Pic: Lynne Hardcastle

Church Lane in Hampsthwaite, pictured here, remained open despite treacherous conditions.

Pot Bridge, where there is a sharp double bend, on the B6161 was also difficult due to the conditions.

The weather warning ended at 1pm but driving conditions are expected to remain difficult this afternoon due to spray and standing water.

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Man arrested after intruder breaks into Harrogate district house

A man has been arrested following two burglaries in a village near Boroughbridge

North Yorkshire Police said they responded to a report of a man breaking into a house in Marton-cum-Grafton in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The suspect broke into the house while the owner was asleep, but later fled after the occupant woke up and startled them.

The man was later arrested after officers found them in a hedgerow nearby.

Later, police received reports of garden tools being stolen from a property nearby.

A man in his 40s from Barnsley was arrested on suspicion of burglary. Enquiries are ongoing for both incidents.

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‘Get jabbed’ plea as ‘wave of covid’ predicted in North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire health bosses are urging people to get their flu and covid vaccines ahead of the winter period.

NHS officials say they are preparing for a busy winter of respiratory illnesses, which may overwhelm hospitals.

Dr Bruce Willoughby, Harrogate GP and part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, said he expected to see more cases of covid in hospitals in the coming weeks.

He said:

“Health and care services in North Yorkshire and York, like everywhere, are already extremely busy. We do expect to see more cases of covid in the coming weeks as people mix freely again and spend more time indoors as the weather gets colder. The risk of catching covid is highest indoors and in crowded places.

“More people are likely to get flu this winter as fewer people will have built up natural immunity to it during the pandemic. The best time to have the flu vaccine is in the autumn or early winter before it starts spreading. 

“You can help though. Your actions during the pandemic made an enormous difference and we need people to look out for each other in the same way again.”

Louise Wallace, North Yorkshire’s director of public health, added that there was also a risk of a wave of flu hitting hospitals.

She said:

“We expect to see a wave of covid in North Yorkshire during October/November and possibly another in January.

“There’s also the risk of being hit with a wave of flu cases at the same time so it’s particularly important that people take up the offer of vaccinations as soon as they can.

“Please also remember the basics – hands, face, space and fresh air. They protect against covid, flu and lots of other nasty viruses that can make you feel quite unwell.”

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People aged 50 and over, pregnant women, carers, frontline health and care workers, care home residents and people of all ages who are vulnerable are eligible for a covid booster jab now.

Those who are able to book their vaccinations can do so via the NHS website.

Most groups are eligible for a flu vaccine and have been offered a free vaccine. People do not need to wait to be invited for a flu jab and can book at their GP surgery.

Traffic and Travel Alert: Harrogate district traffic update

Drivers should be aware of upcoming roadworks on Skipton Road in Harrogate.

Meanwhile, long term works in Harrogate town centre remain in place this morning.

Here is your Stray Ferret traffic update.


Traffic is moving as normal in the Harrogate district during rush hour this morning.

However, motorists should be aware of temporary traffic lights which are expected to be put in place on Skipton Road.

North Yorkshire County Council is carrying out work to replace light columns on the road. According to the authority’s roadworks map, the lights will be in place until October 25.

Temporary traffic lights on the A61 near Daleside Nurseries in Killinghall remain in place. Drivers should expect delays in the area this morning.

The lights have been put in place by Yorkshire Water and are expected to end today.

In Harrogate town centre, long-term work on Crescent Road means motorists are unable to turn left at the Parliament Street junction. Traffic coming the opposite way on Ripon Road is unable to turn right.

Work to to reconstruct the B6265 at Red Brae Bank, Bewerley, near Pateley Bridge, has been delayed and is now expected to start on Monday (October 24).

North Yorkshire County Council said this is so the authority can “finalise legal arrangements around access across private land to facilitate the work”.

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The scheme requires the road to be closed and a diversion will be in place via Pateley Bridge; the B6451 Dacre; Menwith Hill Road; Duck Street and Greenhow Hill village. Temporary traffic lights will be in place during the remainder of the work.

Also, lights will be installed on the B6265 at Red Brae Bank, Bewerley. The road suffered a landslip during storms in February 2020 and a weight limit has been in place since.

It was expected that the work will be carried out until December 9.

Details of the scheme are here.

Trains and buses

Northern services between Harrogate and Knaresborough going to York and Leeds are scheduled to run as normal this morning.

The Harrogate Bus Company is currently reporting cancellations on its 7 and 36 services this morning. You can get updates here.

Boroughbridge couple’s three-year new build nightmare

A Boroughbridge family has been left in limbo for three years after ongoing problems with a new build property.

Chris and Katie Eve bought the house on Hockley Croft estate in December 2019.

But they still have items stored in a shipping container outside because of unresolved issues.

The new build estate, constructed by Harron Homes, consists of eight properties.

Speaking to the Stray Ferret, Mr Eve said his family, which includes two young children, had looked forward to leaving Harrogate for a new home in Boroughbridge.

He said:

“We moved there because we wanted something slightly more rural.

“We liked the development itself and thought it would be good for the kids.”

Lack of insulation

But numerous problems, particularly with the insulation, has led to a three-year nightmare, including the couple having to store clothes and belongings in shipping containers on their drive. Other properties on the estate also have to use containers.

The Eves’ garage ceiling has been taken down four times because of problems with the insulation and fire board, and damp has also been found in the property.

Mr Eve said the couple could “see their own breath” in the front room because of the cold temperature, and had endured “countless” other problems, including uneven bedroom floors and roof trusses being weathered and warped.

Site managers from Harron, council building control and customer service managers have been to the property to inspect the property.

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On two occasions, the family have had to move items stored in the garage into shipping containers — the latest container has been there for a year.

The couple said they are still waiting for Harron to fix the problems and, as a result, have been forced to employ their own structural engineer to look at the house.

Currently, they are staying in the living area above their garage. But despite the ongoing problems, Mr Eve said the family is determined to make the house work.

He said:

“We like the location and we get on really well with the people around us.

“I do not feel like we should move because Harron would buy it off us and sell it off with the same issues.”

Harron Homes response

The Stray Ferret approached Harron Homes for a response to the complaints made by the family.

Tony Lee, managing director for Harron Homes Yorkshire, said:

“Harron Homes prides itself on creating quality homes so we are disappointed that we’ve not reached that standard on Hockley Croft in the past.

“We are currently working with a small number of residents to agree start dates and convenient times to rectify defects. We are committed to resolving matters as swiftly as possible and I am confident that our operations are robust, and our teams have the resources to deliver the service and quality I expect for our customers.”

Harrogate councillor calls for officer to be sacked over abusive Twitter account

The leader of Harrogate and Knaresborough’s Liberal Democrats has called for the dismissal of a senior council officer after the Stray Ferret revealed yesterday he was behind an anonymous, abusive Twitter account.

Steve Rogers, Harrogate Borough Council’s parking enforcement manager, used the handle @ChippyGlory to send abusive and obscene tweets -— many directed at Liberal Democrat councillors.

Pat Marsh says she will be raising the issue as a matter of urgency with the council’s chief executive, Wallace Sampson, at a meeting tomorrow.

Cllr Marsh says the revelation that the tweets came from a council officer are deeply unsettling.

“”I am deeply, deeply concerned. The tweets I have seen are deeply offensive. How’s he got away with it without other people knowing it was him?

“I need to know what process he is undergoing. He can’t be in the role he is in. He has lost trust from all sides. Isn’t this instant dismissal?

“This has damaged the relationship councillors have with officers. You start to become concerned – it might be one rogue person but you don’t know.

“It raises issues of whether there is a toxic culture at the council – it is very unsettling. We have got to have a relationship of trust between councillors and officers. “

Many of Mr Rogers tweets were sexist and some explicit and obscene towards women.

Cllr Marsh, said she is angry that Mr Rogers has been tweeting for so long and will asking the council to take the following action:

In yesterday’s report, the Stray Ferret published a particularly abusive tweet Mr Rogers posted about the New Park Liberal Democrat councillor Matthew Webber.  It was done with the consent of Cllr Webber to illustrate the nature of @ChippyGlory’s posts.

Cllr Marsh paid tribute to Cllr Webber and said he was brave to agree to the tweet being published:

“It impacts on people hugely – Matthew Webber has had a difficult year with the loss of his father. His tweets were personal – it is not acceptable.

“It was very brave of him to let the Stray Ferret show the tweet about him. We will give him every support at this time. It is totally, totally unacceptable.

“To have this thrust out into the public arena is not acceptable – let alone if it’s done an officer of the council.”

She added that Cllrs Philip Broadbank and Chris Aldred who were also targeted by Mr Rogers have given years of service to the town of Harrogate:

“Philip has given more than 40 years service to this town. Chris has also worked very hard and I feel really angry on their behalf.”

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Conservative councillor Nick Brown who was also the subject of Mr Rogers’ derogatory tweets has called for his immediate suspension whilst the council investigates him.

“I am totally opposed to anonymous twitter accounts – it is a cowardly thing to do.

“I think he needs help, as do his 146 followers.

“What he is doing is totally obnoxious and he should be suspended immediately until a full investigation is completed.”

The Stray Ferret will ask the council for a response to the councillors’ demands.

Yesterday a spokesperson said:

“The council will consider any concerns in relation to the conduct of any of its officers and where appropriate investigate the matter in accordance with its policies and procedures.

“The council will not be commenting further at this time.”

Investment zones ‘won’t harm environment’, claims Andrew Jones MP

Harrogate and Knaresborough Conservative MP Andrew Jones has rejected claims that investment zones could harm the environment.

North Yorkshire County Council revealed last week it had submitted expressions of interest to the government to create investment zones at three Harrogate district sites.

They are Harrogate Convention Centre, junction 47 of the A1 and Potter Space Ripon, a business park at Junction 50 of the A1.

The zones will benefit from liberalised planning laws and tax incentives for businesses, which has sparked concerns from environmental groups such as the Wildlife Trusts that they will put wildlife and wild spaces at risk.

But Mr Jones told the House of Commons this week:

“These are sites where we have existing commercial activity which were already earmarked for further investment. Investment zones give us the opportunity to lever in funding from the government.

“I understand that individuals and some groups were concerned that the new investment zones would see the development of huge swathes of countryside. I would not have supported their introduction were that the case.

“But it is clear from the sites that are being brought forward that this is far from the case”

Read more:

Green Party rejects Mr Jones’ claims

Paul Ko Ferrigno, Green Party.

Paul Ko Ferrigno

But Harrogate and District Green Party prospective parliamentary candidate Paul Ko Ferrigno criticised Mr Jones’ stance.

“Like his government, Mr Jones has had 12 long years to establish his green credentials, and it is on that track record that he must be judged, not some aspirational scheme that has been rushed in so quickly that councillors have not been given time to scrutinise the detail.

“It isn’t even clear that these investment zones are needed because we haven’t been told which regulations are potentially holding schemes back.”

Business support

Lilla Bathurst, manager of Ripon Business Improvement District, backed the county council’s submission. She said:

“Whilst the Potter Space is outside the Ripon BID area, we welcome any investment into the Ripon city region.

“The potential for more businesses and employment in the area, and therefore further footfall and spend in our BID businesses, can only be a positive and we fully support Cllr Carl Les and North Yorkshire County Council in their submission.”

However, the North Yorkshire branch of Unison took a different view:

We share the concerns of @WildlifeTrusts, and our branch committee has voted unanimously to oppose #InvestmentZones and we arw asking @northyorkscc to withdraw its interest.@AJonesMP @nadams @JulianSmithUK @JulianSturdy @RishiSunak @kevinhollinrake


— North Yorkshire UNISON (@NYUnison) October 15, 2022