Long read: Is a new vision needed for Harrogate Convention Centre?

Debate has continued this week over the future of Harrogate Convention Centre.

After Harrogate Borough Council‘s (HBC) bid for £20 million from the levelling up fund was unsuccessful, council leader Richard Cooper expressed his disappointment.

He said the council will look to bid again in the next round of funding, as part of plans to carry out a £49m improvement to the convention centre (HCC).

It has long been argued that the centre is vital to the economy of the Harrogate district. HBC says it brings around £30m each year to local businesses – though that has fallen from a claim of £60m before the covid pandemic.

The benefit to the hospitality businesses closest to HCC is easy enough to see: guesthouses booked up during major events, and bars buzzing at the end of each day of a conference.

Harrogate BID agrees the centre is essential to the town. Manager Matthew Chapman said:

“Harrogate Convention Centre is a vital component of the local economy, and I’m confident in saying that the vast majority of businesses recognise its importance, not just to Harrogate but the whole district.

“Its exhibitions benefit our shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, guest houses, and many local suppliers.

“Annually, it brings more 150,000 visitors to the district, boosts the economy to the tune of £30m and it supports hundreds, possibly thousands, of jobs.

“Last year, Harrogate BID was happy to back Harrogate Convention Centre in its fight against the development of a rival venue in Leeds.

“Investment is needed to ensure its continued viability which will enable it to compete against venues around the country, securing Harrogate’s position as the conference and exhibition capital of the UK.”

Guesthouses and B&Bs near Harrogate Convention CentreGuesthouses and B&Bs near Harrogate Convention Centre

HCC’s impact further out into the district is less easy to measure.

The Stray Ferret spoke to Jonathan Rose, who owns Kell House B&B in Pateley Bridge with his wife, Heather.

He said:

“Nobody has used us who is visiting the convention centre in Harrogate, as far as I know. A lot of people have gone to Harrogate for different things but not specifically for that.

“I think we’re a little bit too far out if someone is visiting for for business reasons or for exhibitions and so on. There’s so much choice in Harrogate.”

The couple renovated the building in 2021, only opening for a couple of months. Last year was their first full season welcoming guests, so Mr Rose acknowledged it was too early to fully assess the impact of HCC on their trade.

However, Sarah Cannon, who owns The Old Smithy B&B on the outskirts of Knaresborough, said she does welcome some guests who have been to HCC.

Public events like the Knitting and Stitching show in November seemed to bring her more custom, she said, though she has welcomed delegates from trade fairs for groundskeepers, golfers and jewellery specialists.

She said there was also a benefit to other businesses in the area:

“I’ve got a document with all the restaurants in Knaresborough, but also the Guy Fawkes at Scotton because it’s my favourite. I’ll email that out when people book with me in case they want to book a table.

“Generally, my guests either go to the Guy Fawkes or somewhere in Knaresborough. Very occasionally, they say they have gone into Harrogate of an evening, regardless of whether they’re in Harrogate during the day.”

Every news story about HCC brings a range of responses. There are those who would see the site flattened and given over to housing, and others who say there is no option but to keep pushing through the planned redevelopment for the sake of the local economy.

The centre has run at a loss over many years. In the decade to April 2019, it only made a profit in three years: £269,215 in 2009-10, £741,000 in 2016-17, and £3,000 in 2017-18.

Its losses in the other years ranged from £212,631 to £1.2 million. Total losses for the 10 years were just over £4 million.

The question is do the benefits of the HCC outweigh the amount of tax payers’ money that props it up and would investment change that?

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Even in a difficult week for HCC, it has had good news: Harrogate Christmas and Gift Fair has confirmed it has agreed a five-year deal to remain at the venue each January. Other multi-year deals have also been done in the last 12 months.

Harrogate Borough Council continues to underpin the centre on the basis of its contribution to the district’s economy.

However, under devolution, its running will transfer to North Yorkshire Council on April 1.

Its chief executive Richard Flinton suggested last week that the new authority will not continue to support a drain on public finances and that it will “consider it again with a fresh pair of eyes”.

His comments came in response to a question from Cllr Michael Schofield, a Liberal Democrat who represents the Harlow and St George’s division on North Yorkshire County Council.

Cllr Schofield said he was frustrated that there was no open discussion about the future of the centre at Harrogate Borough Council, as councillors and directors “do not wish to engage”. He told the Stray Ferret:

“I firmly believe that there is an opportunity to repurpose parts of the Convention Centre that will bring them an income stream all year round and also attract visitors to Harrogate.

“HCC is a vital part of Harrogate town centre, however I fear current HBC councillors and directors are not looking at the bigger picture.

“Let Leeds push for conferences. Let’s look at re-marketing and look at the markets we can bring to Harrogate. Our offer is so strong as a town that can give the personal touch to emerging markets. The scope is huge if only HBC councillors and directors opened their eyes.

“I see it very much being in partnership with external bodies. I am having quite a heated debate with my party as I believe it can work but my HBC friends are not prepared to open their eyes.”

Nurses and ambulance workers set to strike in Harrogate on same day

Nurses and ambulance workers in the Harrogate district are set to strike on the same day in just over two weeks’ time.

Picket lines could be organised within yards of each other on Lancaster Park Road in Harrogate, where the hospital and the ambulance station are both located.

Unless strikes are averted, the Royal College of Nursing plans to carry out two days of industrial action on February 6 and 7.

Unite has scheduled another ambulance strike in Harrogate on February 6.

picket line ambulance strike GMB Unison

Ambulance workers striking in Harrogate this year.

There is also the prospect of schools being affected on February 1, when members of the National Education Union plan to strike before staging further walk-outs in February and March. A union official has predicted some schools will have to close.

Sandy Lay, a nurse at Harrogate District Hospital and a Liberal Democrat councillor representing Otley and Yeadon on Leeds City Council, told a full council meeting on Wednesday the government rather than striking nurses were harming patients.

But he added arrangement for patient care were often better on strike days than non-strike days because minimum service levels were in place,

He said:

“We want minimum service levels and minimum staff levels, but it has to be every day, not just on strike days.”

Hospital: ‘regrettable some services have been affected’

Asked what impact this week’s strikes had had on the hospital, and whether it would amend its plans for future strikes, a spokesman for Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust said:

“Comprehensive plans are in place to maintain the safety of patients requiring our services during the Royal College of Nursing’s industrial action.

“We are committed to providing the best possible levels of healthcare in any eventuality, and as ever, during the industrial action our focus has been on maintaining the safety of our patients.

“Whilst it is regrettable that some of our services have been affected by industrial action, we have ensured that essential services have remained available. Whilst we have been operating at reduced staffing levels in a number of areas such as inpatient wards, we worked with the RCN to ensure that we had sufficient nursing staff working to maintain patient safety.

“During the industrial action we have rescheduled appointments where it has been necessary. We have worked with the RCN to ensure that our services have remained safe.

“While pay is a matter for government and the trade unions, we greatly value our staff and respect those who have chosen to take part in industrial action. We want to see a resolution as soon as possible to ensure we can continue to focus on delivering high quality patient care to all those who need it.”

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Harrogate district charities urged to get creative to win Dragons’ Den event

Harrogate district voluntary organisations that come up with a striking photograph encapsulating what they do could receive a funding boost this year.

Two Ridings Community Foundation holds an annual High Sheriff’s Dragons’ Den event in which community groups pitch for funding in front of a panel and audience.

It usually awards individual grants of between £3,000 and £7,000 from a total funding pot of £30,000.

Birstwith artist Clare Granger has been nominated High Sheriff of North Yorkshire this year and she plans to take a creative approach to the event.

Allerton Castle ballroom

This week’s event at Allerton Castle

Speaking at an event at Allerton Castle this week to thank groups that took part in last year’s Dragons’ Den, Ms Granger said the idea of a more visual approach and an exhibition of entries appealed to her.

She said organisations would be assessed on the strength of their images and an explanation of how each one represented their work, rather than by making a standard spoken pitch.

Two Ridings Community Foundation has yet to reveal final details of this year’s event.

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As high sheriff Ms Granger, who has a studio at home, will represent law and order in the county on behalf of the king, assuming her nomination is ratified at York Crown Court in April.

About 100 representatives from voluntary organisations took part in this week’s event at Allerton Castle, which will host this year’s Dragons’ Den event and exhibit the photos.

It was organised by Jonathan Wright, a trustee of the charity that maintains Allerton Castle. Harrogate district Mayor Victoria Oldham and deputy mayor Robert Windass were among those attending.

Robert Windass Victoria Oldham and Jonathan Wright

(from left) Robert Windass, Jonathan Wright and Victoria Oldham


North Yorkshire councillors claim 50% pay rise is too little

North Yorkshire County Council has been warned it will become more unrepresentative of its population unless it pays more to councillors.

Opposition parties have claimed elected members of the incoming North Yorkshire Council face being paid less than the minimum wage after a proposal to limit their basic annual allowances to £15,500 was revealed.

They argue it will mean only those with significant income streams will be able to be councillors.

The allowance level put forward by an independent panel would mean nationally, among comparative councils, only councillors serving Leeds would be paid more than those in North Yorkshire.

A meeting of North Yorkshire County Council’s executive on Tuesday will hear the proposed allowance for the 90 members of its successor, North Yorkshire Council, from April represents a £5,184 increase on allowances paid last year to county councillors.

The creation of the unitary council will mean the end of allowances being paid to hundreds of district and borough councillors, so while some district councillors elected to the new authority may see a slight overall rise in pay, others will see their council work income drop.

However, the independent panel making the recommendation said with the abolition of district and borough councils and the number of county councillors reducing from 319 to 90 for the new unitary authority would mean a significant increase in workload.

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If the proposals are accepted it will mean a net saving to the public purse in North Yorkshire of £707,633.

Under the proposals, special responsibility allowances would be at least four per cent higher than the current county council allowances, depending on the role.

The chair of the panel, John Thompson, said: 

“Councillors volunteer for their roles. They are not employees and are not paid at a commercial rate for their time. However, the allowances should not be set at a level which acts as a disincentive to conscientious performance of duties, or which does not reflect the considerable time commitment required for the role.

“When considering the appropriate level for the allowances, it is also important to take into account the need to continue to attract the required calibre of candidate from a diverse range of backgrounds, to stand and serve as a councillor.”

The authority’s Conservative leader, Cllr Carl Les, said it was important allowances were set at a level which would not prevent anyone from standing to represent their community, regardless of their age, personal circumstances and whether they are in work.

He said: 

“It will be a matter for each councillor to decide, at the full council meeting in February, whether to take all, some or none of the proposed allowances.”

Cllr Stuart Parsons, leader of the Independents group on the authority, said many elected members were already coming to the conclusion it was not worth taking a day off work to attend council meetings, which are all held during the day.

He said: 

“The job is becoming even more full-time than it was and that £15,500 is supposed to compensate you for the time and energy you are putting in.

“They are certainly not going out of their way to encourage people from diverse backgrounds to participate. What they are hoping for is more grey-haired, retired Tories who use this as a plus on their pensions.”

Leader of the Green Party group, Cllr Andy Brown, said attending council meetings in Northallerton from his Airedale division typically took about six hours each, and that was before reading reports, going on site visits and helping his residents.

He said:

“We have been campaigning for proper pay for councillors since the days of the Chartists. It’s far better to have honest councillors who are focused on doing the job than echo what happens in parliament where people take second jobs to improve their standard of living.

“It should be something that it is possible to do mid-career and have an average standard of living.”

Weather warning for freezing fog across Harrogate district tonight

The Met Office has issued a weather warning for freezing fog across the district tonight as temperatures plummet.

The yellow warning is from 2am -11am Saturday morning with overnight temperatures of -2 degrees celsius.

The weather conditions could lead to travel delays and cancellations and slower journey times.

The met’s advice for people who need to travel by road in the fog is:

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More than 700 complaints against North Yorkshire Police officers in a year

More than 700 complaints were made against North Yorkshire Police officers in a year, the force has revealed.

The 740 complaints from members of the public were made against 352 individual officers between April 2021 and April 2022.

The statistic has been released by North Yorkshire Police as part of its response to national news stories about David Carrick. The Met Police officer had several allegations made against him over a period of 20 years, but did not face any charges or misconduct proceedings at work.

This week, he admitted 49 charges of sexual abuse, including rape, beginning as early as 2003. He was only arrested in October 2021.

The Met has since said more than 1,600 allegations against more than 1,000 officers and staff were being reviewed as a result of Carrick’s case.

A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said:

“North Yorkshire Police takes all misconduct allegations extremely seriously and are very aware of the serious damage caused to trust in the police service by recent events in the Metropolitan Police.

“The force has taken a number of measures to improve its already robust vetting process to root out those people who are not fit to serve.

“North Yorkshire Police is one of the few forces that handle complaints independently through the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner’s office to provide an additional level of scrutiny.”

Of the 740 complaints made against North Yorkshire Police officers, the force said there could be several relating to a single incident.

Those complaints did not amount to the same thing as misconduct, it said: some could be about an officer failing to keep a victim of crime updated on progress in their case, for example.

The Stray Ferret asked North Yorkshire Police how many of the complaints were matters of misconduct, or how many related to allegations of sexual offences, abuse, coercive control or other related offences.

We also asked how many complaints were investigated and how many resulted in disciplinary action being taken against the officer, but we had not received a response by the time of publication.

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The force publishes details of gross misconduct hearings on its website. Those cases reveal that, during the same period (April 2021 to April 2022), five police constables, one sergeant and two detective constables were found to have behaved in ways amounting to gross misconduct.

Three of those cases involved inappropriate relationships with victims of crime or other people known to the police. One followed a conviction for possession of indecent images of children.

North Yorkshire Police has been part of a pilot scheme checking all vetted staff against the police national database (PND) every month, aiming to ensure any complaints and contact made with other forces would be noticed by North Yorkshire’s professional standards department.

A recent report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary Fire and Rescue Service highlighted North Yorkshire Police’s efforts in vetting, misconduct and misogyny. It recommended all forces should make use of the PND to check their own officers and staff – and this week, it was announced all forces in England and Wales will begin doing so.

The spokesperson added:

“The vast majority of our officers and staff are honest, hardworking and act with integrity. But we are not complacent and know that there will be a number within our force who are not.

“When misconduct is found, we will take action. We encourage anyone who has any concerns about an officer or staff member they have come into contact with, to please report it to us.”

‘Serious concerns’ over North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue finances, say inspectors

Inspectors have raised “serious concerns” over North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s finances and its ability to respond to fires and other risks.

Inspectors from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services undertook an inspection of the service in spring 2022 for its effectiveness and efficiency.

The report, released today, rates the service as requiring improvement for its effectiveness at keeping people safe.

Meanwhile, the service was rated as inadequate for its efficiency in keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks.

It was also graded as inadequate for how it looked after its staff.

‘Serious concerns’

In his report, Roy Wilsher, His Majesty’s Inspector of Fire Services, said he had concerns over the sustainability of the service’s financial plans and its ability to respond to fire and other risks.

Mr Wilsher said the service’s use of resources was inadequate due to the “fragility of its budget”.

He added that he had concern over whether the organisation had the ability to get the right staff with the right skills due to a “lack of robust workforce planning”.

However, Mr Wilsher said the service was good at preventing fires and other risks and had piloted public safety officers at the time of inspection.

He said:

“Since its last inspection, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s performance has deteriorated in most areas.

“Although the service is good at preventing fires and other risks, I have concerns about its ability to respond to them. We have also highlighted serious concerns about how sustainable its financial plans are for managing these risks in an affordable way.

“It needs to make sure collaboration activities, such as those with police are effective and provide value for money. It currently shares some business services with North Yorkshire Police and the office of the police, fire and crime commissioner, but there is little evidence to show its benefits to the service.

“Our inspection also found the service to be inadequate in how it looks after its people. The service needs to improve how it promotes the right values and culture, as well as how it maintains and develops staff performance.

“In view of these findings, we have been in regular contact with the newly appointed chief fire officer and will be revisiting the service to monitor its progress.”

Fire service ‘very disappointed’

In response, Jonathan Dyson, chief fire officer at North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, said he was disappointed with the outcome of the report.

He said:

“While this is a very disappointing outcome, it is not a reflection of the hard work and dedication that our staff show, every day, to keeping our communities safe, and feeling safe. The inspectors have said that we are good at preventing fires and other risks and responding to major and multi-agency incidents.

“Much of what the Inspectors have focused on relates to service-level policies and practices.

“We do need to acknowledge that the Inspection came at a time of significant change for our service. We were just coming out of covid and transitioning to a new chief fire officer.”

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Mr Dyson added that the service was “absolutely committed” to improving over the next two years as part of an improvement plan and service transformation.

Meanwhile, Zoe Metcalfe, Conservative North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said:

“I welcome regular inspections from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), because the reports are an independent and rigorous assessment which I can use to ensure our Fire and Rescue Service becomes an Outstanding Service. I am confident that NYFRS will become an exemplary Service and we are already on our journey to achieve that, I am committed to our success.

“It is extremely important for the public to understand that North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service keeps people safe as noted in the report where the Service is recognised as being good at preventing fires and other emergencies and good in its response to major and multi-agency incidents.

“Although major areas for improvement have been identified, the report recognises the great work being done by firefighters and staff to keep our communities safe. And I want to pay tribute to our courageous and dedicated fire personnel, who have my full support as they go about their vital work – as well as playing their part in improving our Service.”

Union predicts some Harrogate district schools will close due to strike

A union official has predicted some Harrogate district schools will close because of the impending teachers’ strike

Members of the National Education Union plan to strike on February 1 and stage further walk-outs in February and March.

Gary McVeigh-Kaye, branch secretary of NEU North Yorkshire, said all primary and secondary schools across Harrogate would be impacted by strike action. He said:

“It is likely that there will be a mixture of full and partial school closures. Furthermore, plans are being made to hold picket lines at schools across the area, though these have not been confirmed yet.”

Mr McVeigh-Kaye said teachers in North Yorkshire were “in the grip of a cost-of-living crisis” caused by a below inflation pay offer, school funding and a shortage of teachers. He added:

“Hardworking teachers have had enough and are now taking the only course of action open to them and withdraw their labour.”

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The Stray Ferret asked North Yorkshire County Council, the local education authority, what impact it expected the strike to have on schools, who is responsible for making decisions on school closures and what measures it was putting in place to cope.

It replied in a statement:

“Information about school staff’s union membership is not retained by North Yorkshire County Council, or schools, in line with national rules on data governance, although we expect to be provided with headline data from the union on overall numbers. It is a personal decision for those members whether they participate in the strike action.

“Individual schools will co-ordinate the impact of any strike action, but we will support them with general guidance on mitigating the impact on pupils where possible, alongside the Department for Education’s own guidance.

“Headteachers will also be provided with advice from their professional associations in managing strike action within the protocols for employers when responding to strikes.”

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has said she plans to meet union leaders this week to try to avert the strike.

Department for Education guidance says headteachers are expected to take “all reasonable steps” to keep schools open for as many pupils as possible during a strike,

Business breakfast: Finalists revealed for first Stray Ferret Business Awards

The shortlists for the first ever Stray Ferret Business Awards have been revealed this morning.

They feature some of the leading businesses from across the Harrogate district, as well as the up-and-coming stars of the future.

All the entries were put before the independent panel of judges, each leaders in their field: Marcus Boardall, CEO of Reed Boardall, Black Sheep Brewery CEO Charlene Lyons, Cloud Nine founder and CEO Martin Rae, and James Farrar, COO of York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Tamsin O’Brien, director of the Stray Ferret, said:

“We had well over 100 entries and the judges had a full day of discussion as they worked through each category. There was some heated debate and they had to take some difficult decisions to whittle the entries down and select our finalists.

“For its inaugural year, we were thrilled that the awards attracted such strong entries. I’d like to thank the judges for giving us their time and being so thorough in their deliberations.

“We’re all looking forward to the big night where the winners will be unveiled.”

The businesses and individuals face a nervous wait until the Stray Ferret Business Awards, sponsored by Prosperis, on Thursday, March 9. In a spectacular night at Pavilions of Harrogate, the winners will be announced, with each category sponsored by a leading local firm.

Tickets are on sale now for the event, with the early bird price of £85 plus VAT per ticket available until February 9. Tables of 10 are £765 plus VAT.

To book your tickets, click here.

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The finalists are:

Best Digital Marketing Campaign sponsored by Next Chapter:

Coach Gym

Ogden of Harrogate



Best Employee Development sponsored by Jones Myers:

Continued Care

Grantley Hall

Howard Conrad


Best Independent Retailer sponsored by York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub:

Cocoa Joe’s



Watermark Gallery

Whittams Hire


Business Growth Award sponsored by Raworths Solicitors:

Bamber & Brown

Evolve Psychology Services

Harlow Consulting Services


The Soundproofing Store

TMR Foods


Digital Innovation sponsored by ASE Computer Services:


Strive Group


Dynamic Leader sponsored by Succession Wealth:

Sarah Jones, Full Circle

Danny Wild, Harrogate College

Andrew Meehan, Harrogate Family Law

Alastair Taylor, NYnet

Ian Baker, The Soundproofing Store

Suzanna Prout, Xenonex


Inclusivity Award sponsored by Kempston-Parkes Chartered Surveyors:

Artizan Café and Creative Space



Rising Star Under 30 sponsored by Thompsons Chartered Accountants:

Tiffany Snowden, Blue Willow Heritage

Joe Andrew, Cocoa Joes

Laura Mounsey, Harrogate Family Law

James Owen Thomas, JOT’s Gallery


Sustainable Business sponsored by York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub:


Full Circle Funerals

JOT’s Gallery

NEOM Organics

Number Thirteen

Resurrected Bites

Source Climate Change Coffee


Unsung Hero sponsored by Big Bamboo:

Chris Ashby, Harrogate BID

Jago Wallace, Himalyan Garden

Kayti Mewis, Mumbler

North Yorkshire Council leadership dismisses anti-democratic claims

Senior North Yorkshire councillors have dismissed suggestions they are “trying to curtail democracy” by limiting the number of questions elected councillors can publicly pose to the ruling group’s executive.

A meeting of Conservative-run North Yorkshire County Council’s executive saw proposals for the unitary North Yorkshire Council’s constitution pushed forward for consideration at a full council meeting next month.

But concerns were raised over democracy at the authority’s quarterly full council meetings, the only time where all 90 councillors can air issues together.

The meeting was told a clause of the constitution meant a restriction in the volume of questions the authority’s 10 executive members could face.

The authority’s opposition leader, Cllr Bryn Griffiths, questioned the rationale behind the proposal that “a maximum of five minutes will be permitted for questions to each executive member”.

The Liberal Democrat leader said the move was “effectively a guillotine from members of the council to executive members of the council”.

Corporate services executive member Cllr David Chance replied that the original constitution had stated members’ questions would be limited to those on the written reports of executive members to full council.

He added: 

“The questions have become lengthened…”

Cllr Chance said there had been “a suggestion from another quarter” that the Tory administration introduced a one-hour guillotine for members’ questions, but that the proposal had been dismissed as the council’s leading group did not believe that was sufficient.

He added: 

“So we settled on five minutes per question  with the chair having discretion to extend that if he felt that was needed.”

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The council’s deputy leader, Cllr Gareth Dadd, said during discussions over the proposed change to full meetings of the council “on the face of it it seemed as though we were trying to curtail democracy and not hold executive members to account”.

He said the rule had been proposed to protect the integrity of the purpose of full council meetings and give members’ greater opportunities to raise issues with executive members.

Cllr Dadd said: 

“For me the purpose of full council is yes, to allow members of the authority to hold those in positions of responsibility to account, but the primary purpose of full council is to set policy and debate policy.

“After reflection… we have written a means into the constitution by which members can raise their concerns and hold accountable members to account with written questions that will be published on a website to enable the public to see responses to concerns raised by councillors.”

Cllr Dadd said during discussions with a cross-party group of councillors the five-minute limit had received a broad base of support, when considered alongside the move to publish any questions raised by members.

After the meeting, Independent group leader Cllr Stuart Parsons said even with the proposal to publish members’ questions, the move was set to stifle debate, perpetuating a situation where 10 executive members had “inordinate powers” and the remaining 80 elected councillors could “go swing”.

He said: 

“I think there will be quite a fight when we get to full council because putting that guillotine in effectively means what’s the point of being on North Yorkshire  Council because everybody will not have the opportunity to question people on their remits.

“If they carry on controlling or attempting to control scrutiny in the way they are there’s nothing that opposition members can actually do.”