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Mar 2024
Blessed with bright spring sunshine, today's annual Palm Sunday procession from Ripon Market Square to the city's magnificent cathedral, heralded the start of Holy Week.
With Easter Sunday just a week away, people of all denominations congregated on the square for an ecumenical open air service led by the Dean of Ripon the Very Revd. John Dobson (pictured below).
Christ's triumphant journey to Jerusalem was re-enacted as clergy and choristers carried large palms and followed Lily the donkey attended by 12-year-old Phoebe and her 13-year-old cousin Liza.
The procession went from the city centre and down Kirkgate to the cathedral, where a Sung Eucharist service was held.
Donkey Lily was led by cousins Phoebe (left) and Liza
The walk, with choristers singing and led by the Cathedral's director of music, Dr Ronny Krippner, took the procession along Market Place East before the turn into Kirkgate and into the ancient church for the 10.30 service.
Phoebe and Liza, pictured before they led the procession with Lily the donkey
Along the route, they passed an array of Easter-themed decorations created by the non-stop knitters of Ripon Community Poppy Project. Two of their eye-catching designs can be seen below.
Crowning glory. The post box on Market Place East wearing its own Easter bonnet
Knitted Easter eggs adorn the trees around Market Square
Main image: Choristers on Kirkgate in Ripon's annual Palm Sunday procession