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Police officers and firefighters were out in force in Ripon today to celebrate the opening of the city's newly-refurbished police and fire station.
York and North Yorkshire Mayor David Skaith officially opened the upgraded building.
He was joined by the Mayor and Mayoress of Ripon, Councillor Sid Hawke and his wife Linda, along with partners and community members for the the ribbon-cutting ceremony in Stonebridgegate.
The opening follows a joint investment of £926,000 by North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and North Yorkshire Police, to improve engagement with the local community and provide a modern and accessible workspace for staff.
For the local community, the station now has a comfortable and informal public room where they can discuss community issues with the police.
The station now also includes an interview room which will remove the need for both police and public to travel to Harrogate.
The new facilities will increase the use of the station by police, which in turn will enable increased police visibility in the community. Other improvements to facilities, such as showers and kitchen areas, will be available to police officers, PCSOs and firefighters.
York and North Yorkshire Mayor David Skaith cuts the ribbon at today's opening ceremony.
Also present at the opening ceremony were Deputy Mayor for Policing, Fire and Crime Jo Coles, North Yorkshire Police Chief Constable Tim Forber, and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Chief Fire Officer Jonathan Dyson.
Mayor Skaith said:
The public consistently tell me that they want to see more police officers on the streets and this new joint station in the city of Ripon will ensure neighbourhood policing teams are able to work and patrol the local area and provide new services to the local community, that they deserve.
Strong neighbourhood policing is the foundation on which public confidence in policing is built and I welcome this refurbishment that is so long overdue.
This modern space will enable the police to work closely alongside Ripon residents, which is so important to building trust and confidence.
I thank all of those who have made this happen.
A fire officer at work in one of the newly-refurbished offices.
Chief Constable Tim Forber said:
This significant investment into Ripon Police Station reflects the Mayor’s long-term commitment to Neighbourhood Policing, which I absolutely support.
Over the past year, recorded crime in Harrogate District is down by 6% and anti-social behaviour down by 21%.
This operating base provides a first-class workspace for the local Neighbourhood Policing Team to continue to drive down crime, engage with communities and provide the very best service to victims.
Communication with the public and collection of intelligence is helping in the fight against crime
Chief Fire Officer Jonathan Dyson added:
It’s great to see the transformation of the station, which was long overdue for modernisation.
This investment in our facilities ensures that both fire and police personnel have a clean and safe working environment to continue working for the public.
I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff at Ripon for their incredible patience throughout the renovation process, as well as to everyone involved in bringing this project to life.
The sign on the Ripon Police Station door
How to contact the police
To contact the police, the easiest way is to call 101, or 999 if it is an emergency. For those visiting Ripon police station, the “When we’re in, we’re open” system will be in operation and visitors should press the doorbell at the front door.
If someone is available, they will respond. If no one is available, people should call 101 for non-emergencies and 999 for emergencies.