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Nov 2021
Councillors have overwhelmingly voted in favour of approving a pay increase for themselves after being told rejecting it could hamper improving diversity in favour of white, retired men on the authority.
A full meeting of Conservative-led North Yorkshire County Council saw 60 of its 72 members agree to a 1.75% uplift in their basic allowances to £10,316 from April. Two members abstained and two opposed the move.
The rise, which is below the national three per cent rate of inflation in September, had been recommended to the councillors by an independent panel, which concluded the increase was needed “to retain the balance between public duty and a realistic recompense for the time given up, plus commitment and responsibility in undertaking the role”.
It said despite an increase of almost 10% in councillors’ allowances since April 2017, 11 of the 16 comparable county councils paid their elected members more than North Yorkshire.
While the majority of North Yorkshire county councillors are close to or above retirement age, just 19 of its members are women.
He said while the overall cost of paying allowances to about 90 members of the new authority would be over and above the amount the county council was currently paying its elected members, that would be offset against district councils no longer having that expense.
Cllr Les called on the authority to accept the panel’s recommendation on the proviso that councillors could chose whether they took none, part or all of the 1.75% increase.
Leader of the authority’s Labour group Cllr Eric Broadbent told the meeting that with many North Yorkshire families struggling financially Labour members had decided to accept the increase and give it to the North Yorkshire local assistance fund.
He claimed if all elected members did the same it would generate money to bring struggling families out of poverty.
Fellow Labour councillor Tony Randerson added:
The meeting heard the council’s Stronger Communities executive member Cllr David Chance pledge that the local assistance fund was already funded sufficiently to ensure that anyone facing a crisis could be supported.
The authority’s finance boss Cllr Gareth Dadd said many councillors already forego their full allowances or donated part of it to charity “but do not feel the need to advertise it”.
Cllr Les concluded the Labour proposal presented a danger of binding the new authority. He added: