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May 2024
Plans to install electric vehicle (EV) charging points at a Knaresborough retail park have been approved.
The application, which was tabled to North Yorkshire Council in April, outlines plans to install six charging points in St James Retail Park car park.
Applicant Iduna Evci Asset Co 1 Ltd also proposed to create six parking spaces to accommodate the charging points, as well as one feeder pillar, a power bank and substation, bollards and two replacement lampposts.
The car park currently has more than 300 spaces.
The development will mean 11 of the existing parking spaces will be abolished and replaced by the six EV charging point spaces, totalling a loss of five parking spots.
A site plan for the EV charging points.
The council’s highways department said the loss of spaces is “acceptable” due to so many still remaining.
There is expected to be a small increase in vehicle movements while the charging points are being installed, highways said, but added there should be “no long-term impact”.
The plans were approved subject to conditions yesterday.