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May 2024
Harrogate District Hospital has received new equipment to improve lung cancer treatments.
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust said the new equipment would allow staff to carry out endobronchial ultrasound scans (EBUS), which are used for diagnosing and staging lung cancer.
Patients currently have to travel to other hospitals for the scans.
The trust added the equipment can also be used to test for infections and chronic inflammatory diseases.
It added the procedure, which takes less than an hour, will improve patient care and waiting times.
Dr Khizer Khan, consultant in respiratory medicine at the trust, said:
A trust spokesperson told the Stray Ferret the equipment cost about £200,000.
The hospital’s lung and cancer service has also introduced a new treatment for lung cancer patients who develop liquid between their lungs and chest cavity.
The trust said the treatment, known as indwelling pleural catheters, means once patients have had the specially-designed drainage tubes fitted they no longer require visits to the hospital to drain the fluid. Instead, nurses can drain the fluid at the patient’s home.
Dr Khan added:
Pictured are (left to right) Dr Sana Ahmad (respiratory registrar), Dr Khizer Khan (respiratory consultant), Benice Mpholle (endoscopy nurse), Howard Richardson (endoscopy nurse), Michael Wakefield (respiratory sonsultant), Brian Drummond (endoscopy nurse).