Readers’ Letters is a free weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk.
This letter follows a story published about changes to Harrogate’s Victoria Avenue. The reader also bemoans the state of pavements in Harrogate.
I read with interest the details of work on Victoria Avenue. Is it necessary?
I have contacted Highways over last 3 years regarding the state of pavements on Otley Road and into town. Also, about the lack of dropped kerbs.
Cllr Keane Duncan replied early on in his career to say he would look at the situation. Guess what; nothing has been done or even mentioned.
I use a mobility scooter, which I am now having to give up as even with care my spine is affected.
Even pedestrians have to take care due to raised slabs etc.
Ann Townson, Harrogate
This letter responds to a letter published in last week’s column, which you can read here.
In reply to a letter by Ms Groundwater, how much louder do the Save Our Trees Campaigners have to shout before people who are in favour of building the cathedral annexe on Minster Park actually hear us?
We are all in favour of the cathedral progressing and thriving, and I haven't met anyone who doesn't love the cathedral and all it is doing, but we do not want to lose our park. The cathedral should not feel so entitled that it feels it has a right to take from the residents of Ripon.
I will add at this point that the reason the toilets are shrouded in darkness at night is because the lamppost right outside them and one across the park have not been lit for years. Why not?
My solution: the toilets could be rebuilt where they are, ensuring they are well-lit and attractive. This improvement addresses people’s concerns of the toilets being further away. The result would then be a smaller building in the Stonemason’s Yard.
Ms Groundwater’s letter said: “many schemes have been put forward and rejected to provide an area for storage, toilets, a song school and coffee shop.”
True, rejected "out of hand". The only reason given to me on more than one occasion is "because it is too far for the children to walk". Really? A beautiful well-lit covered walkway would enhance the whole area.
Lastly the statement: “under the existing plan, the Stonemason’s Yard would be landscaped and planted with trees and shrubs creating an extra green garden space, not losing one.”
This is no compensation for losing 200-year-old trees and an actual park, not a thoroughfare.
To add to this subject the question of gypsum and sinkholes, which is particularly pertinent as Ripon featured on a Channel Four programme and was referred to as "the sinkhole capital of the UK", Gypsum is particularly prevalent in the Minster Park area and extensive building work and the loss of stabilising tree roots could potentially result in a disaster beyond comprehension!
Jenni Holman, Ripon
Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at letters@thestrayferret.co.uk. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.
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