Jun 2024
Readers’ Letters is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk.
This letter is in response to an article about the Bootleg Beatles cancelling their Harrogate gig after North Yorkshire Council increased the cost of hiring the Royal Hall.
I am appalled that the Bootleg Beatles are pulling out of Harrogate. What is the council trying to do – force everyone to go to Leeds, York or elsewhere?
Recently the Gilbert and Sullivan pulled out for similar reasons and did an extra tour in Buxton.
Is there anyone competent to run both the Royal Hall and convention centre?
Surely it would be better to increase the ticket price and keep this excellent and very popular tribute band.
Cheryl Johnston, Harrogate
The reader wrote in about the Valley Gardens being a ‘feeding ground’ for rats.
I was chatting to my neighbour this week, who walks his dog through the Valley Gardens most days.
He told me the area in which people feed the ducks by the stream is overrun with rats. He sees dozens each week and they are not frightened. One even ran past him with a large croissant in its mouth this week.
It’s no wonder Harrogate is getting overrun with these horrible creatures when the Valley Gardens is a perfect feeding ground – people are actually encouraging them.
I wonder if the council is going to do anything. It sounds like the problem is already out of hand.
Joanna Gaunt, Harrogate
This letter follows an interview with Tim Forber, North Yorkshire Police’s new chief constable, published this week.
Your interview with the chief constable was not very illuminating – he did not really say anything other than generalisations.
I believe we, as residents and traders, need a lot more information on how crime is is going to be stopped by daily – not intermittent – proactive policing.
There needs to be at least two officers on foot 24/7 on the streets of central Harrogate.
They need to be visible and on-call to traders and residents, so crime can be stopped before it happens or very soon thereafter.
David Cooper, Topcliffe
Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at letters@thestrayferret.co.uk. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.
Subscription is coming July 1st. To find out what to expect click here.